
Rebirth Of The Strongest Domain Owner (VRMMORPG)

In a society where Devin grew up at the bottom, he never expected anything good to happen to him. Abandoned as a baby, he knew nothing of his parents and felt society's indifference weighing heavily upon him. Despite tirelessly working, fate seemed to overlook him, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. But destiny has a way of surprising even the most unsuspecting souls. Everything changed when Devin discovered the immersive world of the Virtual Reality game, OASIS ONLINE. Within the depths of this digital realm, he found an escape from his bleak reality. It was a place where he could shed his limitations and forge a new path beyond the confines of his circumstances, if only for a fleeting moment. However, fate had other plans in store for him. As Devin's virtual life began to flourish, his closest friend fell gravely ill, thrusting him into a treacherous game where powerful adversaries lurked at every turn. Forced to navigate through a dangerous web of alliances and confrontations, Devin had little choice but to confront the challenges head-on. Just when it seemed that darkness would consume him, an unexpected twist of destiny intervened. Devin stumbled upon a peculiar seed known as Origin, unleashing a sequence of events that would forever alter his fate. With each step taken alongside Origin, the world around him shifted, and his life's trajectory transformed in ways he never thought possible. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Devin as he defies the odds, in this virtual reality game that blurs game and reality. Support me on ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl https://discord.com/invite/FdHPZDbvFG ------- WSA 2024 ENTRY! PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU ENJOY. DROP A REVIEW, COMMENT, VOTE, POWER STONE, GOLDEN TICKET, ETC. #WSA2024

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Forgotten Shadow "Hyde"

The beast laughed in contempt at the look of determination in Devin's eyes.

"Stop yapping who the prey is, has yet to be determined," Devin's response to the beast's taunting was filled with a determined resolve. He swiftly drew his katana and made a deliberate, calculated cut on his palm, allowing his blood to stain the blade. His mind raced, analyzing the situation and formulating a plan to defeat the beast.

As he observed his blood, Devin realized its potent nature and sensed the presence of Origin aura within it. The realization struck him – his blood held the potential to harm the beast, perhaps even serving as a nemesis to its malevolent existence. Although the method was crude, Devin knew he had limited options in this dire situation and had to rely on the resources he possessed.

With a firm grip on his blood-stained katana, Devin prepared himself to face the beast head-on. He was ready to unleash the full power of his Origin-enhanced blood, determined to confront and subdue the malevolent entity that threatened his existence.

Devin swiftly equipped his cloak, activating both its protection and invisibility modes. The power emanating from the cloak caused the beast to frown, sensing that Devin had become elusive and difficult to track. Frustrated, the beast attempted to sniff out Devin's presence but found itself unsuccessful, further fueling its anger.

The beast's taunting grew more furious as it accused Devin of being a cowardly, worthless piece of trash who hid behind invisibility. It demanded that Devin reveal himself.

The beast noticed Devin didn't take the bait and tried another tactic, "since you want to be a turtle, I will eat your useless friend, his soul might not taste as juicy as yours but I will make do" the beast said as it made its way to Alex lying on the ground.

Despite the beast's insults, Devin remained resolute in his strategy. He understood that stealth and unpredictability provided him with the best chance to overcome the malevolent entity. Determined to prove his strength, Devin would bide his time until the opportune moment to strike.

In a surprising turn of events, Alex, who had been unconscious, suddenly sprang to life. He opened his eyes, finding himself face to face with the approaching beast, and acted on instinct. With a hidden blade concealed on his person, Alex swiftly aimed for one of the beast's glowing red eyes, hoping to incapacitate it.

As he launched his attack, Alex skillfully rolled out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the wrath of the creature. With a sense of urgency, "Devin now," he called out to Devin, providing the crucial opening that Devin had been waiting for.

Devin stabbed the beast with his katana covered in blood as he activated Origin Annihilation.

The runes on Devin's katana glowed with a blinding intensity as it plunged deep into the flesh of the beast. A surge of raw power coursed through the weapon, channeling Devin's own determination and the essence of the origin seed.

The beast let out a guttural howl, its towering form writhing in agony as the origin-infused blade inflicted severe damage. Dark, inky blood oozed from the wound, staining the ground black and sizzling with an otherworldly energy.

Devin seized the moment, pressing the advantage as he unleashed a barrage of swift and calculated strikes. Each swing of his katana was infused with the essence of his own blood, amplifying the power of the attacks and resonating with the beast's own dark nature.

The battlefield trembled under the intensity of their clash, the air heavy with the scent of scorched earth and the metallic tang of blood. Devin's invisible cloak shimmered as he darted in and out of the beast's blind spots, evading its frenzied retaliatory strikes.

As the battle raged on, Devin's mastery over his newfound abilities became increasingly apparent. He tapped into the well of his own potential, utilizing his temporal perception to anticipate the beast's movements and glide stride to gracefully maneuver in and out of danger.

The beast growled with frustration, its once arrogant demeanor giving way to a mix of fury and desperation. It lunged at Devin with a reckless abandon, claws slashing through the air, yet Devin's honed instincts allowed him to narrowly evade each devastating swipe.

In a final act of desperation, the beast unleashed a tidal wave of dark energy, aiming to consume Devin in a maelstrom of malevolence. Sensing the imminent danger, Devin summoned the last reserves of his strength and triggered the protective mode of his cloak.

A shimmering shield surrounded Devin, deflecting the onslaught of dark energy with a resolute determination. Undeterred, Devin pressed forward, his katana now pulsating with an even greater intensity, fueled by his unyielding will and the origin seed coursing through his veins.

With a final, decisive strike, Devin drove his katana into the heart of the beast, piercing through its darkened core. A blinding surge of light erupted from the creature, consuming it from within.

As the light faded, silence descended upon the battleground. The malevolent entity that once terrorized the forbidden forest lay defeated, vanquished by the combined strength, cunning, and unbreakable spirit of Devin and Alex.

Exhausted yet triumphant, Devin withdrew his katana, its runes ceasing their glow.

Devin laid on the ground, completely drained and exhausted from the intense battle. His body throbbed with pain, every muscle screaming in protest. Despite his deep fatigue, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Together with Alex, they had managed to defeat the malevolent entity known as Hyde, a creature that had tormented the forest for centuries.

As the announcement rang out, congratulating them on their victory, Devin's weary expression transformed into one of surprise and elation.

[Congratulations to Devin and Alex for defeating the evil entity Hyde that has been polluting the forest and was sealed in this island for over thousands of years. You have been rewarded 5000 Exp each, 10 gold coins each, the pelt of Hyde, the eyes of Hyde, the dark core of Hyde, the skill shadow meld.]

This reward is not bad as the party leader Devin received the items dropped. The system announcement wasn't finished.

[Congratulations to players Devin and Alex for defeating one of the forgotten shadows you have gained 30 world reputation points].

[Congratulations to Devin and Alex for completing the task "fulfilling ancestors wish" the ancestors of Sun Haven have given you blessings. Players now have immunity over dark curse or plague]

Immediately the system announced, different light silhouettes appeared in front of them smiling and bowing to them. They all have the tribal tattoo of the Sun Haven village as they disappeared.

Devin and Alex became solemn as they felt the relief of the ancestors of Sun Haven as they disappeared.

"Rest easy, I will take care of the village," Devin promised.

Devin and Alex stood side by side, surveying the damage that had been caused by Hyde's presence in the forest. The once vibrant and lush environment now lay in ruins, its life drained by the malevolence that had consumed it.

However, for now, his focus was on their task at hand – delivering the news of their victory to the village chief in order to claim their well-deserved reward. The village awaited their return, anticipating the news of Hyde's defeat and the restoration of peace to the forest.

Checking the newly acquired skill, Shadow Meld,

[Shadow Meld]

Effect : a skill that allows one to meld in shadows, rendering themselves nearly invisible for a short duration. Utilizing this ability, they can pass undetected by enemies, effectively becoming one with the darkness. Shadow meld is particularly useful when infiltrating enemy territory or when attempting to bypass hostile forces unnoticed.

Devin realized that it was better suited for Alex's stealthy rogue class. With a sense of satisfaction, Devin handed the skill over to Alex, knowing that it would greatly assist him in his reconnaissance missions.

Alex's face brightened with excitement as he accepted the skill, eager to test it out. Activating Shadow Meld, Alex vanished into Devin's shadow, blending seamlessly with the darkness. Devin, feeling a sense of reassurance, couldn't sense Alex's aura while he was melded with his shadow, giving Devin confidence in his friend's safety.

With Alex now able to move in complete stealth, they would have an invaluable advantage in their future endeavors. The skill would enable them to infiltrate enemy territory and bypass hostile forces undetected, increasing their chances of success.

"It's like your cloak but instead of being functional it's a skill. what's the deal about your suits and origin seed the beast mentioned?"

As Alex questioned Devin about the cloak and its significance, a hint of confusion and curiosity danced in his eyes. He couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't received a similar gift or any indication of his own connection to the Origin Seed.

Devin, sensing Alex's curiosity, took a moment to consider his response. He wanted to be honest with his friend but also knew that he couldn't reveal everything just yet.

"It's a special gift," Devin finally replied, his voice measured and calm. He wanted to give Alex some sort of explanation, even if it wasn't the complete truth. "But the exact reasons behind it, I'm not entirely sure about. All I can say is, when I have all the answers, I promise I will share them with you."

Alex seemed somewhat satisfied with Devin's response, but concern lingered in his voice as he asked, "Will any of this be detrimental to you?"

Devin's gaze turned resolute, his determination shining through. He met Alex's eyes and replied, "Maybe, but as long as I am strong enough, any conspiracy or threat in the presence of absolute strength is nothing." His words held the weight of conviction, a reminder to himself and his friend that they would face any challenges together, no matter what might arise.

Realizing the depth of Devin's commitment, Alex nodded and made his own request. "Okay, but if there's any problem, promise me you won't hide it from me," he said, his voice filled with unwavering loyalty.

Devin offered a reassuring smile, understanding the importance of open communication. "I promise, Alex. No matter what happens, I won't keep anything from you. We're in this together, every step of the way."

Alex's observant nature had allowed him to notice the changes in Devin since his awakening from the accident. He recognized that his friend had taken on a heavier burden, and he couldn't ignore the newfound sense of responsibility that weighed on Devin's shoulders.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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