
Rebirth Of The Strongest Domain Owner (VRMMORPG)

In a society where Devin grew up at the bottom, he never expected anything good to happen to him. Abandoned as a baby, he knew nothing of his parents and felt society's indifference weighing heavily upon him. Despite tirelessly working, fate seemed to overlook him, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. But destiny has a way of surprising even the most unsuspecting souls. Everything changed when Devin discovered the immersive world of the Virtual Reality game, OASIS ONLINE. Within the depths of this digital realm, he found an escape from his bleak reality. It was a place where he could shed his limitations and forge a new path beyond the confines of his circumstances, if only for a fleeting moment. However, fate had other plans in store for him. As Devin's virtual life began to flourish, his closest friend fell gravely ill, thrusting him into a treacherous game where powerful adversaries lurked at every turn. Forced to navigate through a dangerous web of alliances and confrontations, Devin had little choice but to confront the challenges head-on. Just when it seemed that darkness would consume him, an unexpected twist of destiny intervened. Devin stumbled upon a peculiar seed known as Origin, unleashing a sequence of events that would forever alter his fate. With each step taken alongside Origin, the world around him shifted, and his life's trajectory transformed in ways he never thought possible. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Devin as he defies the odds, in this virtual reality game that blurs game and reality. Support me on ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl https://discord.com/invite/FdHPZDbvFG ------- WSA 2024 ENTRY! PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU ENJOY. DROP A REVIEW, COMMENT, VOTE, POWER STONE, GOLDEN TICKET, ETC. #WSA2024

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Finding A Mithril Mine

The city lord's ship, equipped with acceleration magic, proved to be faster and superior to Gary's ship. Thanks to this magical enhancement, the journey to the stone village was completed within a single day.

Approaching Stone Village, Devin marveled at the surrounding mountains that offered both protection from potential attacks and isolation. He understood why the ancestors of the village chose this location.

As Devin neared the village nestled within the mountains, he asked the captain to dock the boat. The land surrounding Stone Village was dry and arid, with a sun-baked climate that tested the limits of endurance. Despite the limited vegetation, the villagers had adapted and learned to make the most of the meager resources available.

Three men armed with weapons approached Devin, their stern voices demanding to know his purpose for being in their village. Observing their sense of alertness, Devin nodded in appreciation, realizing this was an area Sun Haven needed to improve upon. Their belief in the protective barrier of the sea had left them somewhat oblivious to potential dangers.

Taking in his surroundings, Devin recognized a familiar face among the villagers and shouted in their direction, reminding them of their previous encounter. "Hey, brother! Don't you remember me? I bought a pile of stones from you during the trade fair in Serene City. You told me to come to your village if I ever needed more."

The lead man frowned, aware that Devin possessed magical abilities since he had sensed their hiding spot. He signaled for Aidan to approach. "Aidan, do you know this man?"

Aidan with his sheepish smile revealing his initial concern that Devin had come to reclaim the gold coins, still spoke the truth. "Yes, brother, I remember. Are you here to buy more stones?"

Devin could read Aidan's thoughts; they were written all over his face.

Expression unchanged, Devin stated his intent. "I would like to meet your village chief to conduct business with the village."

"Wait here while we inform the village chief," instructed the lead man, sending one of their group back to relay the message.

"Brother, are you looking to purchase the same type of stones as last time? I can assure you that our village has no shortage of stones," Aidan remarked, attempting to engage in conversation.

Devin smiled, appreciating the guy's sales pitch. After a few minutes, a man with a strong physique emerged from the stone village, his arms adorned with tribal totems.

Spotting Devin, who stood out among the villagers with his fair complexion due to the island's climate, the stone village people have tanned skin, the village chief noticed Devin's pure and handsome appearance. Everyone appreciates beauty, and this made the chief instantly form a positive impression of Devin, further fueled by his prior purchase of the village's stones with gold coins.

"I am Village Chief Attulla. May I inquire as to the purpose of your visit?" the chief asked.

"My name is Devin, owner of Sun Haven village. I am here to discuss business with you," Devin replied.

This revelation took everyone by surprise. When did Sun Haven change hands?

"What happened to Kellan?" Attulla frowned, seeking clarification.

"Chief Kellan is doing well, as is everyone in the village," Devin confirmed.

Curiosity piqued, Attulla questioned Devin directly. "Then how did you become the owner?"

Before Devin could respond, an old woman approached, using a staff to support her steps. She gently chided Attulla, "Attulla, where are your manners? Let the guest enter the village before he thinks we lack etiquette and barbarism."

Introducing herself, the woman added, "My name is Aja. I am the priest of Stone Village."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Priest Aja. My name is Devin, the owner of Sun Haven Village," greeted Devin, engaging in pleasantries.

The priest must have been quite beautiful in her youth, as two exquisite stones were woven into her hair, delicately dangling by the side of her face. Priest Aja personally invited Devin into the village, leading him through the weathered stone houses. These structures, crafted from the very rocks that surround the village, seamlessly blend with the natural landscape. The sturdy foundations reflect the resilience and ingenuity of the villagers, who have transformed these modest dwellings into secure sanctuaries against the elements. Winding pathways, carved into the rocky terrain, connect different parts of the village. These paths serve as a testament to the villagers' profound understanding of their surroundings and their ability to navigate the challenging landscape.

Despite the harshness of their environment, Stone Village emanates an aura of determined tranquility and communal unity.

Devin was welcomed into the largest house in the village, where he sat alongside the village chief and Priest Aja.

"How are Adan and Mara doing?" the priest asked as she poured tea into a cup for Devin.

Accepting the cup, Devin blew gently on the tea before taking a sip. The refreshing warmth of the tea washed away his fatigue from the journey on the sea.

"Good tea," Devin expressed, showing his appreciation. The priest smiled, pouring him another cup. "I made it myself. I'm glad you liked it."

"The herbs are well blended, especially the shells of four-hole snails. They help clear the liver and improve eyesight. It's a nice touch," Devin remarked, surprising the priest that he was aware of the main ingredient. "Are you a pharmacist?" she inquired.

"Yes, I am currently certified as a junior pharmacist. And to answer your earlier question, Priest Adan and Grandma Mara are doing well," Devin replied.

"Young pharmacist, I apologize for my earlier disrespect," Attulla interjected, acknowledging the pharmacist's accomplishments. "No need to apologize, you're doing your job. You can call me Devin," Devin replied, graciously accepting Attulla's apology.

This interaction further endeared him to the village chief and the priest. The priest chuckled. "I can see why they entrusted their land to you. Not only do you have the approval of the ancestors of Sun Haven, but you also carry your own merits. This shows you are a good person," Priest Aja said, looking at Devin with fondness.

Curious, Devin asked, "How can you tell that I possess these qualities?"

"I am a priest for a reason," Priest Aja mysteriously answered, hinting at the magical abilities possessed by the priests of these tribes. Recognizing the boundary, Devin chose not to pry further.

"Village chief and priest, I came here with sincerity to do business with your village," Devin stated.

Priest Aja then posed a serious question, giving Devin the option to answer honestly or not. Devin nodded, indicating that she should proceed. "Why do you want our stone in particular? I know it's not only our village that has pearls and the seemingly useless stones the children play with. Why do you want it?" Aja asked.

Not wanting to deceive the old woman and sensing that telling the truth might lead to rewards, Devin decided to answer honestly.

"I wouldn't lie to you, and what you do with this information is entirely up to you. The pearls in your village contain an energy that is beneficial for the body. However, I must be honest that these pearls hold little value in the Zephyria Kingdom, as there are other resources with similar properties. Only I would be interested in them, as I have different uses for them. As for the stones that the children play with, those are the truly valuable ones. They are high-grade magic crystals, and the coating that preserves the energy within the stones is also valuable," Devin explained, noticing the shocked expressions on the faces of the village chief and priest.

The priest, filled with panic, asked, "How many people are aware of this?"

"To my knowledge, only I am aware of it. I cannot say if others have noticed the specialty of the stones due to the coating, which should delay their discovery," Devin analyzed.

The priest let out a bitter laugh, realizing why their seemingly less valuable village had become a target. She wondered if there were more precious resources within their village that they hadn't yet discovered due to their lack of knowledge. After deep thought, Priest Aja made a decision. "Devin, my intuition tells me to trust you. Furthermore, you possess great knowledge and merit, which means the will of this world has blessed you. As you are more knowledgeable than us, could you explore the village to see if there are any other valuable resources like the high-grade crystals that we may be overlooking? These could potentially cause us problems," the priest suggested.

This request surprised the village chief, but it was the custom of Stone Village to follow the guidance of the priest.

[Task Release: Priest Aja has assigned a task, asking the player to help search for other valuable resources in the village. Reward: Favor of the priest, 500 EXP]

"Since you have chosen to trust me, Priest, I will do my best and promise solemnly not to bring any harm to the village intentionally," Devin assured.

The priest was pleased with his response and asked the village chief to assign Aidan to accompany Devin on his exploration.

As Devin left the priest's house with Aidan, Village Chief Attulla approached the priest and inquired about her trust in Devin.

"I am not completely certain, but I can feel that he is not lying. He carries great merit, which means he has done things to change the fate of many people. There is also something about him that brings me a sense of peace. We still need to go to Sun Haven to gather more information about him," the priest explained.

Chief Attulla proposed, "How about I send Arturo and Adil to Sun Haven?"

"No need this time. I have decided to go myself," Priest Aja responded.

"The journey is not without risks. I don't think it's a good idea," Chief Attulla disagreed.

"Do not worry, I will hitch a ride with the gentleman back to Sun Haven. I believe it will be safe," Priest Aja assured.

"In that case, you must take Adil with you," Chief Attulla insisted.

The priest agreed with the chief's plan this time.

"Priest, what are your thoughts on the high-level crystals he mentioned?" Chief Attulla inquired.

"He has no reason to lie. He is telling the truth," Priest Aja confirmed.

"If news about our village having these valuable resources gets out, we will be in trouble. Many tribes have been destroyed for far less," Chief Attulla expressed his concerns.

"I understand your worries. Let us ensure that no one else learns about this. We will let the villagers continue to believe that it is just a pile of waste," the priest determined.

"I can't believe we have been sitting on a gold mine, yet we couldn't take advantage of it," Chief Attulla lamented.

"This is what they call 'wealth brings problems'," Priest Aja replied.

As Devin walked through the village with the talkative Aidan, he caught a glimpse of the true situation in Stone Village. It was worse than he had imagined. The land lacked necessary nutrients, had high levels of metals, and was low in organic carbon.

Devin ventured deeper into the dense forest and discovered a bedrock that shimmered like silver, emitting a gentle glow. He used his identification skill on the bedrock and learned that it was a Mithril Mine. The properties of Mithril were remarkable - it was strong and light like titanium. When alloyed with elements such as titanium or used in its pure form, it became malleable like gold and stronger and lighter than steel.

Devin couldn't help but let out a sigh at the incredible richness of Stone Village's resources. It was no wonder they had been attacked and destroyed.

Returning to Priest Aja, Devin shared his findings. "Priest Aja, not only does your land contain valuable magic crystals, but it also has a Mithril Mine. Mithril is an extremely precious metal that does not tarnish or lose its luster. It is highly valued by magicians and every kingdom, as equipment made from Mithril can easily channel magic and is nearly impenetrable. The price of a single piece of Mithril can fetch as much as a thousand gold coins. However, owning a Mithril Mine also comes with its dangers. It is a coveted resource, and any land that possesses it but lacks sufficient force can be threatened and potentially destroyed. That is why it is known as both a gift and a curse," Devin analyzed honestly, without sugarcoating the potential risks. He believed it was important for the people of Stone Village to be aware of the potential dangers they might face.

Chief Attulla let out another regretful sigh. With the sale of just three pieces of Mithril per month, they could solve their food problem, but they lacked the power to protect themselves.

[Congratulations on completing Priest Aja's task. You have gained her favor and earned 500 EXP.]

"Thank you, Devin. You have been incredibly helpful. Now, we can discuss your business," Priest Aja said warmly, smiling at Devin.

"It's quite simple. I want to trade the pearls and high-grade crystal stones for the food I brought," Devin stated firmly.

"The pearls are not a problem, but I'm afraid the trade for the stones might not be possible," Priest Aja responded.

"I understand your concern, but I promise that no one will know these stones came from your village. I swear to keep the village's secrecy," Devin assured.

The village chief interjected, "How much food do you plan to exchange?"

"All the food I brought can be exchanged. I need high-quality and colorful pearls. As for the stones, the priest and the village chief can determine the terms. Additionally, my village produces paper, and we are in need of seashells as one of the materials. Your village can exchange seashells for money from our village," Devin proposed, presenting a sample of paper to the priest and village chief. Devin had ulterior motives; the village's plan was to build houses and develop various industries, and seashells would be in high demand. Sun Haven alone couldn't provide enough seashells to meet their needs, especially with the increase in paper production.

The village chief was delighted by this proposition, seeing it as a stable source of income. "What will be the price of the seashells?" he inquired.

"I'm not in charge of determining the price, Chief Atulla, but I believe they could be sold based on weight," Devin answered.

"I suggest you rest today, and we will gather and prepare everything for tomorrow," Priest Aja suggested.

Devin understood that they had matters to discuss, so he didn't want to take up any more of their time.

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