
Rebirth of the Reverse Eyes

In his entire life, Rion had never felt happy. He didn't even remember smiling or laughing. When he decided to end it all, he lost his life. Surprisingly, he didn't feel angry. Instead, he felt free for the first time. Instead of going to the afterlife, Rion woke up in another world full of magic. He even had a new name, Arion. This time he had parents who loved him and siblings who adored him. Finally, he could feel true happiness. However, trouble doesn't leave Arion alone. There was a group that wanted to eliminate magic users, especially those from great kingdoms. His family was one of their targets. Somehow, Arion was connected to the mysterious power of a long-lost kingdom. The power symbolizes the past and the future. That makes him the main target of everyone. Both from his side and from the enemy's side. Because that's how much power he's got. “The greater the power gained, the heavier the burden to be carried.” He is the chosen one. Chosen as a human being loved and protected by the gods. And as the holder of the greatest power, with the fate of the world on his shoulders.

CameliaZ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
74 Chs

49. Eric's Determination

The moment Arsen's first attack hit the outer barrier, Eric and the others could feel the violent vibration shaking them until they staggered. It seemed that the vibration felt stronger inside the barrier than outside.

"What is this vibration?" Zane asked, confused. They looked up and found black lightning sparks outside the barrier, left over from Arsen's attack.

"It must be Dad!" She replied enthusiastically. This meant that her father was aware of the serious situation here and was trying to break in.

Arion couldn't help but be amazed at the effect of the attack his father seemed to have made, 'So he really is that strong.'

Noam laughed out loud, "Uncle Arsen is great!" Did this mean that his father was also on the other side of the barrier?

They couldn't see anything from the inside out. All parts of the barrier were blurred. Somehow, they were able to see the rest of Arsen's attack. Maybe it was because of the strength of the attack that some managed to sneak through.

Eric looked seriously at his friends, "We should do what we can instead of just staying here.''

Knowing that the group outside the barrier was trying hard to break through, there was no way Eric was going to sit around and wait for help to come. There was someone who needed help right away, more than they did.

"Your Highness--"

"We only have two choices. Stay here and continue to be approached by a barrier that we still don't know what effect it will have. Or return to Nova and help her." Eric cut off their protests coldly.

The nannies were silent, not daring to argue, especially since Eric said it with a tone of authority. Although Eric was much younger than them, his rank as Crown Prince made it impossible for them to protest his words.

Eric lowered his head to look at his brother, who looked back at him, "There is no safe option. Either we go there or those intruders will come here."

Arion's gaze became horrified as he tightened his grip on his brother's shirt, 'Stop it! Don't do anything stupid!'

Eric tried a small smile to calm Arion, "Besides..."

He raised his head with a sharp and stern look like Arsen's until everyone fell silent in shock.

"What kind of crown prince am I if I run away and leave my people alone to fight these invaders." He said firmly without any hesitation, indicating that he would not back down this time and no one could change his decision.

Arion tried to shake Eric's clothes to show how frustrated he was, 'Stop it, idiot! You're going to die! Just wait for help to come instead of killing yourselves!'

Really, if he could talk now, he would shout his frustrated words into his brother's ear. Didn't they realize that they were no match for these adults? They looked stronger than a bunch of 5 year olds!

The answers he heard from Eric's friends made Arion feel even more hopeless.

"Of course we're going to help you, Eric." Zane said with a smile. He gave Eric a confident nod, trying to let him know that he would give his friend his full support.

Noam smiled broadly and placed his right hand on Zane's shoulder, "Yes! Nova protected us with all her might. Now it's our turn to help her," He said confidently.

Even though they were rivals, that didn't mean they weren't friends. Noam considered Eric not only his rival, but also his best friend. A friend he considered as his own brother. So he wouldn't hesitate to help him.

Rose snorted, "I have no choice. I don't like being in debt," She said nonchalantly but seriously. Their kingdoms were allies. It was her duty as the crown princess of her kingdom to help her allies.

Hana smiled brightly, "Let's do it together!" She said confidently. Although she was a bit weak in physical activities, that didn't mean she couldn't help in other ways. She had skills in other areas that could definitely help them all.

Arion groaned in frustration mentally, 'Stop it! You should stop it, not support it! There's no way you'll survive if this goes on!'

Is there no way to stop the madness of these children?

Eric frowned, "Hana, maybe it's better if you don't come with us," His words were met with a look of shock and disbelief from his sister.

"Why? I can help too!" She said in disbelief.

But seeing Eric's hidden look of concern, Hana fell silent. Eric didn't think she was weak or a burden to them. But he was simply concerned for her, as a brother would be for his sister's safety.

Understanding her brother's intentions, Hana smiled softly, "Brother, even though I'm weak physically and in battle, that doesn't mean I can't defend myself. I can still help you."

The look in her eyes became more confident, "Besides, I am the princess of the Gewitter Kingdom. What kind of princess would I be if I ran away and left someone who is like a grandmother to fight those people alone?"

Her words made Eric gasp in shock. Those were the words he had spoken only moments ago. He hadn't expected that Hana would use them to hit back at him.

Hana giggled at her brother's shocked face, "Just like you said, right?"

Silent for a moment, Eric finally let out a resigned sigh and smiled a little, "All right, I'll let you come along. But you can't be careless."

"Understood!" Hana gave her brother a respectful pose before laughing. Eric just snorted in amusement at his sister's behavior.

Noam smiled broadly with Zane, who smiled happily at the interaction between the two. The twins' bond made the atmosphere a little calmer, even though they were still in a state of urgency.

Rose ignored the twins' argument from the start and averted her eyes. But she secretly smiled with satisfaction.

Eric returned his gaze to the three nannies, who stood silently watching the five of them.

"For now, find a place to hide. Let us help Nova," His words were again met with a loud protest from the three.

"Your Highness! We can't just leave you like this!" The Flammen royal servant immediately protested in alarm.

Eric shook his head firmly, "You are not leaving us. You have a task that is no less important right now."

Eric asked the nanny, whom he recognized as the one who had taken care of Noam since childhood, to kneel down. He placed Arion in one of the nanny's hands that was not holding Seth.

Eric gave her a small smile and bowed slightly, "Please take care of Arion for me.''

He had watched of this person since he was a child. In addition to taking care of Noam, she also took care of the twins when the three of them played together. She gave off a similar vibe to Nova. Sincere and loving, regardless of their status as royal offspring.

The nanny felt her eyes glaze over, "Prince..."

Noam patted her arm and gave her a big smile, telling him not to worry. Then he kissed Seth's forehead, entrusting his brother to the nanny he trusted the most.

Eric also kissed Arion's forehead and patted his head gently, "Arion, be a good baby and obey them, okay? Brother will be back soon."

Arion struggled to keep his tight grip on his brother's shirt, 'Wait--'

Eric gently released Arion's tight grip before moving out of Arion's reach. He gave his little brother a small smile before waving his hand, "See you soon, Arion."

'No!' Arion yelled in his mind. His hand was still trying to reach Eric who was moving away from him.

Just as he started to think about reaching out to Hana who was still nearby, his sister quickly kissed Arion on both cheeks before moving away and standing next to Eric.

Hana smiled broadly before bowing slightly to the nanny, "Please take care of Arion for me too!"

The nanny tightened her hug around the two babies in her arms, "Princess..."

The two regrouped with their three friends before nodding to each other.

"Let's go."

With that, the five five-year-olds ran off, leaving the three nannies with their younger siblings and heading toward the danger.

Arion rebelled as his fearful gaze remained focused on the direction the twins had gone, 'No! You shouldn't have just let them go! Go after them!'

The governesses fell silent before Royal Governess Glatteis asked desperately, "What now?"

Royal Nanny Schatten sighed, "We must protect their little siblings, as they requested.''

"But they're only 5 years old! You're just going to abandon them? One of them is the crown princess of your kingdom!"

"I know that! But even if we want to help, what can we do? We have no power!"

"Neither do these children!"

Royal nanny Flammen looked sad, especially at Arion, who was still rebelling in her arms, "For now, let's find a safe place for these babies."

"You look busy."

This comment made the three nannies stiffen. They immediately shifted their gaze in panic. Their embraces of the babies in their arms tightened even more.

"Who's there?" Royal Nanny Flammen dared to speak. She hugged Seth and Arion even tighter.

"Don't worry."

The approaching figures of two people, one dressed in all black and the other in a servant's uniform, made them recoil in fear. Especially because of the figure in the servant's uniform.


A chuckle sounded from the figure in black, "It only hurts for a moment."

Before Arion could react, a scream of pain echoed in his ears, and in the corner of his vision he saw red liquid spurting from the figure holding him.

Arion froze, not daring to look back. His gaze remained fixed on the two people still walking towards them as his body slowly floated down.


After that, Arion's vision went dark. The last thing he remembered was a ball of yellow lightning enveloping him and everything going dark.