
Rebirth of the National Goddess

Ten years of marriage, ten years of devotion. She poured all her talents and emotions into it, only to be met with a meticulously planned fire. Her husband was mutilated, and her friend betrayed her. It turns out that everyone around her was just playing a role. Before her rebirth, she was a successful and talented woman who captivated the capital. But after being reborn, she became a useless and dependent daughter, labeled as a coward, trash, and incompetent. But now, as she opens her eyes once again, she realizes that she has been given a second chance. In this life, she has returned with her golden finger, a special power that can change her fate. With a deck of tarot cards in her hands, she is ready to take on the world! The enigmatic head of the Mo family, is famous in the capital. He is known for his mysterious and unpredictable nature, and he carries the burden of a curse. With the power to control life and death, he holds the destiny of many in his hands. He is a leader in the world of supernatural powers, attracting countless admirers with his imposing presence and captivating beauty. On one hand, there is a timid and unremarkable girl, and on the other hand, there is a "devil" who captivates the capital and is cursed. Their collision is like water meeting fire, a clash of cold and heat. It remains to be seen who will fall for whom in the end.

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Chapter 1. Reborn

The month of June has unpredictable weather. One moment it's sunny, and the next moment, dark clouds gather with lightning and thunder. The storm not only conceals the crimes committed within the house but also drowns out the cries and questions of its inhabitants.

Suddenly, a blinding white light illuminates the once dark room. A tall figure emerges from the darkness. The slender and frail figure curled up in the corner recognizes the person approaching and their previously dull eyes fill with hope.

Although confined in this dark basement for many days, the sudden brightness of the light is uncomfortable. The true face of the person in front of them remains unseen. However, after being with Shen Lingtian for over ten years, they can sense his unique aura.

"Is that you, Ling Tian?" the person asks, their voice filled with anticipation.

The man slowly raises his eyes, casting his gaze upon the slender figure. There is an unmistakable look of disgust in his eyes. "It's me," he replies in a low and chilling voice.

Relieved by his response, Qin Jie breathes a sigh of relief, her hopeful expression intensifying. "Ling Tian, save me..."

After enduring days of captivity and deprivation of proper nourishment, her once sweet and gentle voice has become hoarse, resembling that of an elderly woman. She bears the scars of abuse, with her clear and beautiful eyes being the only feature that remains untouched.

Shen Lingtian approaches Qin Jie, who is still curled up in the corner, a mocking smile forming on his lips. He sneers softly, "Save you?"

His words send a wave of disbelief through Qin Jie. She gazes at her husband, who used to be warm and caring, unable to comprehend what she is hearing.

This is her husband, the man she sacrificed everything to be with.

Qin Jie looks at Shen Lingtian in shock, unable to believe his words. "What did you say?"

"I have already taken control of the Qin Group, and I have exhausted your usefulness. It's time for you to wake up," Shen Lingtian says, his mouth curling into a sneer.

Some chilling words escape from Shen Lingtian's lips, as plain and cold as deciding what to have for breakfast the next morning.

Qin Jie's heart turns cold.

She sees herself, like a fool, in front of her own eyes.

During the time when the Shen Group was on the brink of bankruptcy, it was Qin Jie who brought a dowry of tens of millions to fill the financial gaps.

During the economic crisis of the Shen Group, it was she and Shen Lingtian who fought side by side to protect the family's position in the capital.

Ten years of marriage, ten years of dedication.

She poured all her talents and emotions into it, only to realize that it was all just a dream?

"Ling Tian..."

A stunning woman in a white gown, untainted by the world, walks towards them, facing the light.

Her voice is soft, so soft, just like her whole being, so perfect that not a single flaw can be found.

Qin Jie hears the sound and narrows her eyes, looking in the direction of the approaching person.

If it weren't for the familiar voice and the flawless and delicate face, Qin Jie would have thought she was hallucinating.

This ethereal person is Lu Yan, the eldest daughter of the Lu family in the capital. She is also a talented woman who stands shoulder to shoulder with Qin Jie in terms of talent.

She is also Qin Jie's closest friend and confidante.

Because of their strong friendship, they are known as the "capital's double talents" by the outside world.

The biggest difference between them lies in their appearance.

Lu Yan's face is unparalleled...

While Qin Jie's appearance is plain...

Shen Lingtian tilts his head, his eyes filled with an irresistible indulgence, and his tone becomes extremely gentle. "Ayan is here."

This is a look that Shen Lingtian never had when he was with Qin Jie.

Moreover, he calls her "Ayan"...

Qin Jie's heart gradually grows cold...

Lu Yan smiles and says, "I've come to see my sister."

"Don't bother looking, Ah Yan," Shen Lingtian immediately reaches out to cover Lu Yan's eyes. "She's just a useless thing. I don't want your eyes to be tainted."

"Useless stuff?"

She dedicated ten years of her youth to him, only to be deemed as useless?

"Lu Yan," Qin Jie pleads, her voice filled with confusion and pain. "Tell me why?"

She trusted Lu Yan so much...

Lu Yan smiles proudly and responds, "Sister, do you think that with your status, you are worthy of Ling Tian?"

So, it all comes down to this. She has been defeated by her appearance after all.

Lu Yan gently brushes Shen Lingtian's hand away, then squats down slowly, a cold smirk forming on her lips. "And, big sister, I know," she says, her narrowed eyes flashing with a fierce light. "One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers!"

Lu Yan is as renowned as Qin Jie, but it's all just an illusion she created. In reality, Qin Jie has always surpassed her in strength.

People can only see Qin Jie's talent, while her appearance always steals the spotlight. However, Qin Jie has just completed a masterpiece, a creation that has yet to be revealed to the outside world. Only Shen Lingtian and Qin Jie know about it.

Once Qin Jie is gone, Lu Yan can shed the label of a mere pretty face and showcase her true abilities through that masterpiece.

This is a golden opportunity for her to rebuild her image, and she intends to seize it.

"You..." Qin Jie can only feel a strong, sickening sweetness rising in her throat, rendering her unable to utter the rest of her words.

The two most trusted individuals in her life have betrayed her.

How absurd!

How foolish she has been!

Lu Yan sneers and lifts Qin Jie's chin lightly with her slender white finger. "Sister, remember not to be so naive in your next life. You can't even distinguish between drama and reality."

"Ayan, let's go," Shen Lingtian affectionately wraps his arm around Lu Yan's shoulder. "Why waste time with a pile of ashes!"


That night, a massive fire engulfs the villa.

Shen Lingtian, a young nobleman, disregards everyone's attempts to stop him and rushes to rescue his wife, who is severely injured and in a deep coma due to the fire.

He sacrifices himself to save her, earning the praise of many.

Unfortunately, the talented woman of the capital loses her life in this inferno.

The head of the Lu family, one of the "Shuangcai in the capital," is devastated upon hearing the tragic news and faints.

A year later, Lu Yan, the "Shuangcai in the capital," successfully publishes a masterpiece titled "The World and You." The entire country is in a frenzy, and the book's sales exceed 100 billion.

The two talents of the capital become renowned as "peerless talented women."

Shen Lingtian, overwhelmed by grief for his deceased wife, faints in front of Qin Jie's tomb for a while.

Lu Yan, out of old friendship, takes the initiative to care for Shen Lingtian. Their relationship grows over time, and with the support of their fans, they naturally come together.

It becomes a beautiful story.

From then on, the life of the "peerless talented woman" flourishes, filled with prosperity and admiration from the world.

Qin Jie, now a wandering soul, watches the events unfold before her eyes. A chilling smile forms on her lips, her fists clenched. Every word she utters feels like blood-curdling cries, "Shen Lingtian, Lu Yan, if there is an afterlife, I will make you pay with blood!"

If there is an afterlife!

I will bathe the heavens in blood!

In that moment, a purple thunderbolt strikes down from the sky with a loud boom.

The soul in the air slowly fades away.


It hurts, a pain akin to heartbreak, coursing through every inch of her body.

Her entire being feels as if it's being crushed, engulfed in agony.

Fragments of fragmented memories flood in from all directions.

Simultaneously, a shrill voice echoes in her ears, repeating incessantly.

"I don't know if you've cultivated enough blessings in your lifetime to marry into the Mo family, but you're so useless that you don't even know how to seek death!" A middle-aged woman stares at her coldly, disgust evident in her eyes.

"Shut up!" Qin Jie, enduring a pounding headache, manages to spit out two words. Having been in a position of power for so long, she naturally exudes an aura of authority.

This calm demeanor surprises the middle-aged woman, who is left annoyed at being momentarily stunned by this unruly young girl.

Frowning, the middle-aged woman says, "Chu Jin!"

He spoke sharply, "Don't act innocent. You should consider your current status. You're marrying into the Mo family instead of Ling'er, and you're from a high-ranking family! You don't understand what's at stake! Let me tell you, this marriage contract has already been decided. It's not up to you!"

The middle-aged woman's attitude is arrogant, especially with her final sentence, which is forceful and leaves no room for refusal.

The pain intensifies, as if her whole body is about to burst.

Qin Jie bites her lip, beads of cold sweat forming all over her body.

She struggles to suppress the pain and quickly pieces together the fragments of her memories and her current situation.

Seeing her silence, the anger on the middle-aged woman's face grows deeper. "Chu Jin, you must understand how to repay kindness. Your mother's medical expenses have always been paid by our Zhao family and the Chu Group. If it weren't for our support, I'm afraid the Chu Group would have collapsed long ago," she says.

With a dangerous smirk on her face, the middle-aged woman adds coldly, "The fate of the Chu family now rests in your hands. Deal with it yourself."

With that bombshell dropped, the middle-aged woman storms away in anger.

The rumbling noise in Qin Jie's ears gradually fades, and her thoughts become clearer. The memories in her mind start to align.

She slowly opens her eyes, a sharp glint in their depths.

In this life, she is not Qin Jie, but Chu Jin.

Yes, she has been reborn, reincarnated into a girl named Chu Jin.

She carefully sifts through the memories in her mind.

Chu Jin, female, 18 years old, a high school student.

The life of this girl, until her death, was filled with hardships.

Chu Jin is the sole heir of the Chu Group and has been cherished since childhood.

Unexpectedly, due to a turning point seven years ago, she became a destitute daughter.

Being sheltered by others and constantly scrutinized by others, she developed a timid and helpless temperament.

Seven years ago, her father died in a car accident, and her mother committed suicide by jumping off a building, unable to bear the grief. The Chu Group was left without a leader and on the verge of bankruptcy.

Then, her uncle appeared.

The middle-aged woman who was causing a commotion earlier is her aunt, Li Ruyu.

Her uncle's family treats her coldly, and if it weren't for the considerable profits brought by the Chu Group, she would have been kicked out of the house long ago.

The current predicament is due to the sudden engagement between the Zhao family and the Mo family.

Zhao Yiling, the only daughter of the Zhao family, has been intelligent and talented since childhood. She is also fair-skinned and beautiful.

The Mo family is the wealthiest family in the capital and the top business owner in mainland China. They hold power throughout the world and are rich enough to rival a country. Mo Zhixuan, the head of the Mo family, is a low-key and mysterious figure. His true face has never been seen, and his real age remains unknown.

Rumors circulate that Mo Zhixuan, the head of the Mo family, is not only an ugly old man but also cursed.

The curse is that any woman who marries him will bleed to death within three days. This earned Mo Zhixuan the label of a devil in the eyes of outsiders.

Recently, the matriarch of the Mo family personally visited the Zhao family, hoping for a marriage alliance between the Mo and Zhao families.

The reason is that the Mo family needs a daughter born in the lunar month to counteract the curse on Mo Zhixuan.

It is believed that women born in the lunar month are daughters of the lunar yin.

And Zhao Yiling happens to be a daughter of the lunar yin, born on the yin day of the lunar month.

The Mo family agreed to the alliance, as long as Mo Zhixuan and Zhao Yiling enter into a marriage contract. In return, the Mo family will grant the Zhao family a fifth of the shares in one of their renowned international brands and inject 100 million into the Zhao Group's account.

This is an unimaginable wealth.

Additionally, the Mo family's threshold is so high that many people cannot even hope to curry favor with them.

The Zhao family naturally hesitates to refuse such an offer. However, Zhao Yiling, being proud and arrogant, refuses to marry an old and wicked man, let alone risk an early death.

The Zhao family is also reluctant to send their precious child into the "wolf's den."

After weighing their options, they thought of Chu Jin.

Chu Jin was born on the same day, month, and year as Zhao Yiling.

Li Ruyu successfully persuaded Mrs. Mo with her smooth-talking.

However, Chu Jin, being only 18 years old and usually timid, jumps into a lake in fright upon hearing that she is to marry such a demon.

Recalling this, Qin Jie's lips curl into a bright smile.

Mo Zhixuan, the head of the Mo family? She will meet him well!

In this life, she is determined to make those who have wronged her pay with blood!

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