

After being betrayed by her husband and her best friend. They killed Angel, because all they sought was power and nothing more. When she gave up all hope, she embraced death. But fate had other things planned for her. She ended up in the void. Where a woman named Void helped her. She natured her to be strong and to face her enemies. To get back what was rightfully hers. The title of the alpha. But the moment she saw Charles after many years, she realized she still loved the man. And that made things difficult for her to achieve her goal. But after she sees Charles and Natasha, Angel’s friend, kissing. She remembered how they had betrayed her. How they rejoiced before they killed her. And on the verge of avenging her death, she met someone she later fell in love with. The son of both Charles and Natasha. The people that killed her in her previous life. Will she manage to take her revenge in her new life, or will she allow the love she felt for Jackson to get in her way?

Trevor_Muma · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


The breeze outside the house was perfect. I wanted to stay there for a while. But Charles was following me behind. I saw him as I risked a glance behind me.

But I was not supposed to allow him to see me. I needed to go and allow them to go crazy thinking that I survived or whatever they might make of it. I just wanted them to see a glimpse of me.

I walked as fast as I could into the woods. I didn't want to see him for various reasons.

I looked behind and he was not there anymore. Then, as I turned, I bumped into something. I nearly fail, but he caught my waist and pulled me to him.

I was lost in his green eyes. I liked them at some point. But all I saw in them was nothing but betray.

I pushed him and moved two steps back.

"Why are you following me?" I asked, looking him straight into his eyes. I wanted space form him and everyone for a moment. I had done what I wanted to do tonight.

He began walking towards me. And there was no one that would help me out. We were at the back of the house. No one to scream for help to.

I just walked back. Was that the end of me again? He looked angry and scared at the same time.

But if I don't stand up for myself, then he was going to take advantage of me. He was going to realize that I was the same woman they killed twenty-one years ago.

Void told me to stand up for myself. That I need to focus and allow nothing to come between me and my goal.

But I don't know why my heart was betraying me right now. He finally leaned against me as I bumped into a wall. He put his hand on either side of me.

"What are you doing? Aren't you married? What do you think they will think if they see us?" I finally spoke up. But my insides were crying out for me to run for dear life.

He just looked at me. Not saying anything and not making an attempt to move away from me.

"Sir, I gotta go," I spoke and tried to pass under his arms. But he moved to the side and blocked me.

I looked up only for my lips to touch his. I felt a tingle in my stomach. Just as he began drenching his hands behind me. I pulled away and slapped him. Hard enough that my hand was even hating.

"What the hell was that for? You are old enough to be my father," I scolded, and pushed him aside. But my insides screamed for more. My lips wanted to touch his lips. They tested the same way they did all those years ago.

What was happening to me? The only thing I came to do on earth was to take my revenge. Make them pay and that was the only way I was going to Rest In Peace.

"What the hell is your problem? Is that how your treat all your guests?" I spoke as I looked into his eyes.

"I'm sorry. You look like someone I know," he finally decided to open up.

"Well, I'm not. And I don't appreciate kissing me for you to prove that I was the person you thought I was. You are married for the love of God," I spoke and began walking. "You need medicine, old man," I turned to him and turned back as I began walking.

I tried to look behind. But every time I saw him were I left him. I finally entered the woods and began walking as fast as I could. He wanted to prove to himself that I was the same Angel he had killed years ago by kissing me. If he hadn't forgotten the way my lips tested as well, then he might have realized that I was the same.

He might actually send some people after me. I knew I was still alive. But by doing what I did. Slapping him and talking back to him in that way, I increased his doubts about me.

Though I was not counting on that. He had proved to be smart and one step above me once. That was not something I was going to allow.

But why was I feeling otherwise? He kissed me and I liked it. I wanted more of that. I found myself touching my lips in the process.

I did want to feel that way for him. I hated him. I wanted to hate him. But I felt love and affection for him. He was my first love. The first man I had slept with and my first kiss. So, forgetting him was one hell of a job that will take me days to forget about. But I had been asleep for years and I still didn't hate him.

The moment I saw him, my heart began racing for him. I felt a tingle when he kissed me. And I seemed not to remember the fact that he was twice my age.

But also the way I behaved gave me hope that I was going to manage getting over him. I slapped him. I shouted at him. I stood up for what I wanted. And that was a start.

I looked at how creep the forest was. I heard bird noises and there was nothing pleasing about those sounds. They just sent a chill down my spine.

I began running to find an exit. But I didn't even know where I was going. I was just walking. Hoping to find somewhere to stay. Even for the night.

I had nothing on me. No food and no clothes. Totally nothing. Not even money to buy myself something to eat. Maybe I should have eaten something at the party. The only thing I did was to take a sip of the wine.

I sighed as I reached the road. But it was also empty. And the place seemed to be something I didn't know. It looked way too nice to have been the place where we lived in twenty-one years ago. They had changed their way of leaving.

I looked from side to side but saw no one that might help me. Should I maybe go back and ask someone to help me at the party?

I sighed and sat on the ground. And just my lucky, the rain began pulling on me. Allowing me to notice how dirty I was. I felt so cold that I began shivering. My teeth began chattering.

I got up from the ground and began walking to my left. Maybe I would find somewhere to stay for the night.

I was suffering because of two people. And here was dysfunctional me thinking I still had feelings for Charles. That man ruined my life.

I wish was still in the void. I wish I was still asleep in the void. Maybe I would have to be reminded of what happened to me in my previous life. I wouldn't have been reminded of how two people I loved with all my heart betrayed me.

I wouldn't be going through this. Walking in the cold and ruin washing over me. I would be warm and not thinking about anything.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I walked down the road.

"VOID!" I shouted as I stopped and kneeled. She brought me on earth because I needed to finish my task. But she mentioned nothing about me going through this. "Why the hell did you have to let me go through this?" I cried and beat my hands on the ground.

I sat there for a few minutes, then gathered my composure and began walking forward. Hoping against hope that everything went well with me.

Void had left me all by myself. I needed to help myself. Do whatever I needed to do to survive. Maybe that was part of the trial and tribulations she was talking about. I needed to be strong.

But that was just painful. Everything about tonight was painful. I was trying to tell myself that everything was going to be ok, but nothing was ok. I was broken.

I was reminded of what had happened in my previous life. Everything about that night came to me the moment I lay eyes on Charles and Natasha. I had been trying to be strong. But I needed to cry and let it out.

I found a bench, and I went there. My eyes were slowly getting heavy. And my legs were killing me for walking such a distance. I needed to take a break and relax.

I sat there and sighed. And thankfully, the rain went away. But it left me shivering and my dress was dripping. But I just sat on the damn bench and it was as hard as it could.

But I needed to find somewhere to be. Somewhere to sleep. I couldn't leave life like that. That was not why I came back here. If that was the case, I would prefer I go back to the void.

"I don't know if you can hear me. But please help me in any way you can. I can't be leaving life like this. Please do something about this," I spoke and lay there. Hoping for a better tomorrow.

But with my mission, that was not something to be expected. My life was now revolving around revenge, danger. And just a touch of romance. But the last one was something I was considering removing out of my list.

It was the reason I was in that state in the first place.

I sighed and shut my eyes. Hopefully.