
Twelve people

Inside the barbeque. Ten minutes have passed.

Uncle came down from the wall, was about to speak, Li Yu said to uncle: "We have to go out again, we went out today on the way someone ambushed us, help me to call Yang Tianlong and Gangzi, Xiaohang."

When I ran back to the base just now, because I did not drive, it is raining now, and there are some zombies on the roadside, I did not have time to stop and talk about the news of the interrogation.

At this time since already know, then Li Yu is bound to go out again to solve this problem.

Those guys who got away at the driving school, they're gonna make a mess.

If we don't deal with them now, after a while, we might not find them. They're probably still waiting to hear from the middle-aged man who followed them.

Uncle heard what Li Yu said, understand that the situation is urgent, so directly called to Yang Tianlong and others in the base. Yang Tianlong this time to hear someone special ambush them, quickly ran to Li Gang.

In the barengtown changed two cars, six people so set off.

It had been raining for days, but on this morning, it suddenly stopped.

The air is filled with water, wet body feeling, breathing between, but also can smell fresh.

The morning light is light and the rising sun is like fire. In the early morning, the breeze blew, feeling the faint sunshine temperature, Li Yu's sense of fatigue seemed to be eliminated at once, because of sleeping outside last night, although also narrowed for a while, but after all, in that kind of environment, can not relax.

Speechless all the way.

Added the bullet, Li Yu looked at the heavily armed Yang Tianlong and others, the heart is full of confidence.

Two fully charged trams, all the way.

Li Yu in the co-driver, saw passing just on the national highway, tracking down the few people's car.

The car that hit the tree did not smoke again, and the gasoline flowed all over the ground, and the broken glass seemed to tell others what had just happened here.

Gasoline flowing on the ground, not far away, there is a red mottled trace.

In addition, there is no debris, zombies like locusts, chewing clean.

In the sun's light, the ground dyed red, reflecting a kind of enchanting color.

The traffic passed silently and quickly. Soon we'll be at the gas station.

The gas station is still shining in the sun, the red sign reflects the light and shines.

"Tetsuko, the people you interrogated, where exactly are those people?" Li Yu let Li Tie stop the car, still some distance from the gas station, asked.

"Just less than 1 km away from the gas station, across the bridge, in the direction of the town, there is a Xuanba KTV." I remember there used to be a restaurant downstairs. It's over there."

Li Yu Wen speech nodded, took out the walkie-talkie, said to Zhao cannon and others in another car: "This time, don't leave any trouble." All settled. Then Tetsuko, me, Cannon, go upstairs and find someone."

"Gangzi, Tianlong, Xiaohang, you block downstairs, don't let anyone go." No survivors!" Li Yu said decisively.

They see Li Yu such an attitude, some stunned. It seems that these people really annoyed Li Yu.

After the arrangements were made for everyone, the two cars began to drive in that direction.

Not waiting for Li Yu and their approach, Li Hang saw that there was a person on the roof of the building, as if he was observing all around.

I saw the man looking in the direction of Li Yu, and the man quickly disappeared on the roof.

"Brother, some of them are on the roof. They seem to be watching us." Li Hang said to Li Yu.

Li Yu Wen Yan, quickly adjusted the plan, "speed up, later surrounded the building, do not let go of any person."

In less than a minute, Li Yu and others nearly arrived at the building, less than 50 meters away.

At this moment, just right, Li Yu saw four or five people, carrying bags are running outside.

And these people also see Li Yu their car, they did not expect Li Yu they come so fast, the face is full of fright, running faster.

In the car, Li Yu poked his head out and immediately opened fire. The Zhao cannon in another car also poked his head out and fired.

As soon as two of these men saw Li Yu and their vehicle, they ran to the alley behind them, and the bullet narrowly grazed a man's calf, and the two ran to the alley behind them.

The other three were killed the moment Li Yu opened fire.

5 seconds, the vehicle arrived downstairs, Li Yu quickly got off, and then said to Zhao cannon behind the car: "Cannon, small hang, you two to chase."

"Tie Zi, you go to the back to see if there is a back door, you take the back door."

"Tianlong, you watch downstairs."

With these words, he rushed upstairs. Before reaching the stairs, several men came down. These men saw Li Yu, as if they saw the devil, and quickly wanted to run upstairs.

However, saw Li Yu there was no chance to escape.

Li Yu did not say a word, fired directly, the gun rang, the gun stopped. Only a few bodies were left.

Li Tie, who rushed to the back door, just arrived at the back door, and saw that more than ten meters away, two people were running to the rear, it seemed that they had just escaped from this building, Li Tie raised his gun and shot, one did not fall.

This building, inside some dark and damp, the walls have grown some mold, but the overall decoration is still OK, before this upstairs once did KTV, sound insulation effect is very good.

Li Yu and Li Tie two people, one in front of the other, from the first floor began to search up, and then met on the second floor. Two men cover the passageway, keep searching upward.

According to the person who interrogated Zhao cannon before, there are now a total of 12 people here.

Just now, when they came here, they killed three of the five men, and left two cannons and a little sailor in pursuit;

Li Yu met three on his way up the stairs and killed them. Li Tie met two men in the back and killed them.

There are only two people left in the building, besides the two we're chasing.

KTV boxes, there are many, no electricity, look very dark. Li Yu and Li Tie opened the torches on their helmets, each in one direction, and kicked open each box.

Find a circle, Li Yu they still did not see people, two people searched every box. But they didn't see anyone.

So they started looking again.

This dazzle bully KTV, Li Yu heard people say before, said that a person who had been in prison before, and then returned to his hometown, he opened such a KTV, there are often some color services, it is said that there is a relationship, has been open.

Li Yu has never been here before, and this is the first time he has set foot in this shop. The decoration of this shop is rustic, resplendent, and the material used is not particularly good, so it looks like a kind of inferior high-level.

Suddenly, Li Yu noticed the Tianzi private room in front of him, and his eyes shrank slightly.

This room, which was searched earlier, they open all the doors when they search it, but right now, this room door, it's closed!

This golden door, I do not know what material is made, the surface is coated with a layer of gold paint, in the white light shining, a little reflective.

And in the middle of this door, there is a piece of transparent glass, under the light, reflecting can not see what is inside.

Li Yu, holding a submachine gun, walked rhythmically to this private room.

Da, da, da

Footsteps echoed through the empty, silent, dark corridor. Like the footsteps of death, coming closer and closer to the door.

The footsteps were slow, firm, unhurried, but with a suffocating sense of terror and repression.

Walk to the door, pause, the footsteps then stop.

Be quiet!

Li Yu perked up his ears and listened carefully to the sounds around him. A minute passed and no sound came from him.

In the eerie silence, Li Yu did not move.