
Three days later

It's been raining for three days and three nights!

Day or night, under this terrible storm, the night sky was so dark as ink that you could not see your fingers.

In a rainstorm, even with the light shining, it is difficult to see objects more than ten meters away.

In this county, some small corners of the unattended, there are still some people alive.

In their own way, they resist these zombies.

Xincheng Middle School, teaching building.

The mottled walls of the teaching building shed some of the walls because of the rainstorm, but at the moment, 6 or 7 people in the Yifu Building did not care about these at all.

The studio on the 5th floor, which emits a dim light.

Five teenagers, who looked like middle school students, were looking nervously in the direction of the door.

Their food had been eaten as early as three days ago, and they had planned to go out in search of food on the day when the storm came, but man was not as good as heaven. Who could have predicted, torrential rain, zombie riots.

Suddenly the whole campus is full of zombies, crazy, rabid zombies.

And they are led by their two teachers, originally their class has more than 40 people, but after a period of time, many people are bitten by zombies, and finally become zombies. At last only a few of them were left, along with two teachers.

And these two teachers, just two hours ago, risked their lives by walking out of the studio in search of food.

Originally, there were no zombies in this building, but due to the outbreak of zombies, the gates under the building were suddenly opened by the violent impact of zombies, and finally led to the zombies in this building.

They were originally stationed on the second floor, but because the zombies suddenly rushed into the building, they had to run upstairs, and finally parked in the movie theater.

The door of the studio's playback room, because of the problem of soundproofing, the material chosen is relatively strong, so it is basically difficult for the zombies outside to break in.

But because these people have not eaten for a long time, and if they wait until they have no physical strength, they may only wait for death, so these two teachers, without hesitation, ran out to find food!

In these last days, the end of humanity, there are still some people who stick to their faith!

In the last few months, several teachers have been killed trying to protect their students.

The two remaining teachers went out to find food for everyone.

Two hours, for these teenagers waiting, is like two centuries.

They also wanted to help the two teachers go out to find food, but the two teachers refused.

Time passed, but there was no sound outside the door. This makes everyone who stays in the theater play room unusually anxious.

Suddenly, there was a rhythmic knock at the door, two long, one short.

The door was immediately opened.

I saw a woman about 26 years old, warm and virtuous temperament, goose yolk face, graceful figure, eyes showing a hint of panic and grief, holding a steel spear in her hand, stuffed with bags on her backpack, and carrying a bag in her other hand.

She saw the door open, and with a gleam of joy in her eyes, she ducked into the studio.

The door was immediately shut.

Then came the sound of a zombie roaring.

"Thank you, teacher Xie?"

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Xie, why didn't he come back?"

The teenagers were excited to see the female teacher, surnamed Liu, return with two stuffed bags, but soon found that Xie, who had gone with them, was nowhere to be found, so they began asking questions.

The teacher surnamed Liu smelled the words, and the sense of sorrow in the eyes was even worse. He looked up and saw a pair of bright eyes, full of expectation, concern, and a little fear.

She did not speak for a moment, as if her throat had been blocked by something.

The boys seemed to understand something at the sight of her expression, and in a few moments there was a SOB or two.

Teacher Liu adjusted his mood and said with sadness, "Teacher Xie was bitten by zombies, and then we were surrounded by many zombies, and he, in order to cover me, rushed to the zombies and blocked them." Let me run back."

Seems to think of that scene, teacher Xie in order to cover her, bravely rushed to the zombie group. Even when she was bitten by the zombies, her hands still clung to several zombies in front of her, in order to give her as much time as possible.

"We went to the vending machine on the third floor, originally when we went, there were very few zombies, but when we got to the third floor, after taking food from the vending machine, suddenly there were more zombies."

Then, then we wanted to find a classroom to hide in first, but who knows the zombie ran too fast, directly rushed up, and Teacher Xie is also trying to protect me, just got bitten."

With that, she fell into deep remorse, remorse, grief.

All were grieving, even though they had been used to losing people around them for some time, but they still felt grief, and a deep sense of powerlessness.

Two female students cried directly, and the other three boys were also secretly wiping tears.

Teacher Xie, has always been their favorite teacher, although a little older, but has maintained an old naughty heart, they still remember Teacher Xie in the classroom, with a high and rich feelings reciting the prison song:

The doors for people to enter and exit are locked,

The hole for the dog to crawl through was open,

A voice shouted:

Climb out and set you free!

I long for freedom,

But I also know --

How can a man's body crawl out of a dog's hole!

I can only hope,

That day --

The fire under the ground rose,

Burn this living coffin with me,

I deserve to live forever in fire and blood.

Think of Teacher Xie, often because of reading poetry, and excited flushed face,

Think of Teacher Xie, because people find learning boring, and tell them many short stories,

Think of teacher Xie, after class all the students as friends, like an old naughty image.

When people die, the rest of us live,

Mr. Liu suppressed his grief, put down the bag on his back, opened it, took out the food, and distributed it to the students one by one.

Although the students are also very hungry, but get the food, but not imagined happy, but feel the food in the hand is unusually heavy, this is the teacher Xie life in exchange for!

Seemed to read the mood of the students.

Miss Liu began to say:

"Everyone eat something first, Teacher Xie also does not want, his efforts in vain, so you eat!" Live up to all his expectations!"

Grieving, the students tore open the bags and mechanically stuffed food into their mouths.

And this is just a small microcosm of what's happening in this city.

In more small corners, more things are happening, some people are torn apart alive by zombies, some people are found hiding places, breached by zombies, and finally separated; Some people are afraid of zombies, although there is a shortage of food, but still do not dare to go out, and finally starve to death

The night, still dark,

The light hasn't come yet.

When the rain will stop and the zombie tide will end, no one knows.

Everyone is fighting for their lives, dying, looking forward to hope tomorrow.

A few, however, are fortunate enough to have enough food, to be safe, and to manage to survive;

Many more, however, die in despair,

Until I closed my eyes, there was no sign of the light coming.

Some of them survived and were still alive,

Many more people, who have endured, have disappeared.