
The Saviors are at half strength

It's been raining for 48 hours straight.

The wind howled and the rain continued at night.

This rain, the sky leaks.

Both north and south are shrouded in torrential rain.

The sea level rose, and some small islands at low altitudes were submerged.

Southern hills, dotted with small lakes, dotted among the hills.

South City, suburbs, Salvation Army headquarters.

It's a mess. This time, the rain, the whole Salvation Army team lost a lot of money. When the storm first hit, there were two other teams out there collecting protection money from some other small organization, and on the way, they got caught in a wave of zombies and lost half their manpower.

Also the loss is on the way back, it is not far from the headquarters, otherwise the loss of manpower will be more. In the case of this zombie tide, it is necessary to find a safe and stable place, if you find a place to stay on the way, it is not a long time.

In the back of a factory, about 70 square meters of a huge conference room, leather sofa, sitting a middle-aged man, this man hair meticulous, right hand with one more finger, six fingers.

The man is standing on the third floor, looking out of the window, watching the patter of rain.

There was a light in the room, and he held a cigarette in his hand and smoked from time to time, his face was grim.

"Boss, Gao sum Qian group leader, they have not come back, now, it is estimated that they can not come back." Nearby, a young man with glasses said to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man did not speak, nor did he care about the young man. On the contrary, he got up from the sofa and walked into the window. He opened the glass window a little, and some rain fell in.

This silent silence, let the young man heart uneasy, you know, the boss is very angry, moody, at any time may break out, now the money group leader they did not come back, there are other two groups, although back, but the loss of too many hands.

Originally, there were over 900 people here at Salvation Army headquarters.  And then the two teams that went out, they lost half their manpower, and here's another 100.

There are, like, 500 people here at headquarters now. It is almost as if the manpower is directly reduced by half, and even if the manpower is reduced by half, the key is that these people who have gone out this time, this month's supplies, have not been transported back.

According to the current personnel, I don't know how long the material can hold up.

The young man's body is slightly bent, his head is lowered, not daring to look at his boss, and thoughts are flashing through his head.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man at the window spoke: "Now, by the gate, is the situation stable?"

Although the young man kept flashing ideas in his mind, he was also paying attention to the actions of middle-aged men at any time, when he heard the elder brother's query, the young man immediately opened his mouth and said: "Stable, group leader Zhang, they are now in shift, blocking the zombies, so far, although one or two people have been unlucky and bitten by the zombies, the others are still stable." It is."

As if to remember something, the young man hesitated.

'Say it!

"Is the group leader Zhang, they are also asking about this issue of supplies, according to the previous, we should almost send you some supplies today." The young man spoke with some trepidation.

After all, the money leader they went to the letter city did not come back, the two groups also lost half of the materials on the way back, and now if you want to send it to them, it must shrink a lot. Shrink so much, I do not know Zhang group leader they will not make trouble.

"What's there to get hung up on, send, send a third. Just tell them, zombie wave, we need to save supplies. It's not like they didn't know the other two teams weren't back." The middle-aged man began.

Then, thinking of something, he added: "They have a problem, let them come to me!"

Young men, looking for you? They wouldn't dare. Come looking for you. Isn't that a problem? They'll only mess with me. I'll take the blame. Hey, I'm so hard.

Although the heart thinks so, but the mouth is still honest, obedient said: "OK, boss." I'll go down and arrange it."

The middle-aged man did not look back and waved, indicating that he could leave.

The young man walked out of the room, closed the door gently, until out of the room door, he put a hanging breath, slowly exhaled. The back is already a wet, although the boss did not freak out just now, but to give him a sense of pressure, it is too big.

The last assistant, just accidentally pissed off the boss, and the boss ended up throwing him out to feed the zombies.

Every time I report to my boss, I walk on a wire, and the feeling of accompanying a tiger makes him really nervous.

I shook my head, stopped thinking, and went to work.

However, in his brow, there is always a trace of sadness, has not been scattered.

Letter city, but there are also some survivors, but the number is not much, at this time are between life and death.

The rain has continued for 48 hours, some low-lying areas have been flooded, and many people have begun to move to higher ground.

But during the transfer, be very careful of the zombies.

In the rainstorm, the zombie's sense of smell, the overall strength has increased a lot, once a large number of zombies found, then you can directly wait for death.

Some people take the risk and move higher, while others, for fear of being found by zombies, choose to stay in place and dare not move anything. But watching the water level get higher and higher, the anxiety in my heart is getting more and more serious.

These people face several big problems:

1, the direct face is zombies, in the rainstorm, in the dark night sky, zombies seem to be everywhere, or be found by zombies.

2, the continuous rainstorm, the rainstorm has been raining, so that many people have no way to go out to collect materials, and now I do not know when the rainstorm will fall, only the food can be quantification.

Eat well every day, do not dare to eat more, in case before the end of the rainstorm, eat up the food, then face is hunger. Even so, the daily food has been constantly reduced, watching the shrinking supplies, the heart is also very anxious.

3, physical and mental dual consumption, in these zombies with a keen sense of smell, they will be easy to find traces of people in the storm, survivors always have to continue to resist.

There are also some smart people, put some mud and other things on the body to cover the smell of the body. But when you put it on, you feel terrible.

It can be said that every rainstorm is a test for mankind.

It's also a holiday for the zombies.