
The man in charge

They got into their cars and drove straight to the east gate.

The speed of the vehicle is very fast, much faster than the speed of people running, but because these people ran relatively early, now has run two kilometers away, behind the Glory Building side opposite!

Free the city!

Before Li Yu, when they came over, they had seen a group of people, which was the power group headed by Director Zhang.

And these people, where they are stationed, in fact, it is not far from this side of Yu Gu Tai, it is only two kilometers away!

At this time, the four guards who fled have run to their side, Li Yu they have a gun, a car, they four people even if they run faster, but also run the vehicle. So, they intend to bring the disaster to the east, they choose to go directly to the director of the Zhang side, which is known as the shelter of all survivors.

Originally, before the death of police officer Ma, the two sides are ready to merge, but because of the reason of Zhang boss, resulting in the bankruptcy of the plan, with the death of police officer Ma, the forces of the two sides are increasingly tense.

The government forces headed by Director Zhang, there are several police officers who have always suspected that it is the hand of the boss Zhang, and have always wanted to investigate, so there is some friction with the boss Zhang, but before the end of the world, Director Zhang is the director of the office of the government, the level is much higher than these police officers, he has been preaching is to shoulder the responsibilities of the government, unite all the forces that should be able to unite. Face the zombies together.

Several of the police officers, who were previously colleagues with Officer Ma, were separated because of the zombies and did not meet until later. Officer Ma was dead before he could blend in with them.

Therefore, they complain about the harmonious coexistence proposed by Director Zhang. To Zhang boss and others have been hostile attitude.

The official crowd headed by Director Zhang, under the banner of the official government, has been constantly receiving manpower and expanding its power. However, with the continuous expansion of power, internal contradictions are becoming more and more obvious.

The first is the problem of supplies, food for hundreds of people, in the early days, in fact, some food was hoarded, but later, food became more and more scarce. Everyone began to go out to find food, and then distribute according to work, some of them will cheat, some people will start to compete for food phenomenon.

Secondly, the second problem is that the outbreak of zombies is too sudden. Many armies, because of the dense environment and the ten days of continuous rain, have increased their activity too much, and the zombie virus has spread very fast, resulting in the collapse of many armies.

However, the group headed by Director Zhang lacks sufficient armed forces, manages hundreds of ordinary people with a few police officers and then several government officials, especially the influx of all kinds of people without any restrictions, and the management pressure is very great.

The four people who ran over from Zhang Boss have also reached the sphere of influence headed by Zhang Director.

It seems that the guards there did not know how to deal with it for a time, so they left two people, and another person went to call the director of the chapter and other people.

After Li Yu and others came out of the east gate of Yu Gu Tai, they went directly to the direction of the four people to escape.

The vehicle was speeding.

Li Yu saw in the car that there was a middle-aged man wearing a white shirt who seemed to have a few words with the four people at the door, and then opened the door and let them in.

These four people just went in, Li Yu and other people's vehicles roared up, instantly stopped at the gate of the solution city. And the guard at the door, also looked at Li Yu and others with vigilance, for them, Li Yu and others can be raw faces.

The sun was beating down at 2 p.m., the hottest of the day. But Li Yu's heart was filled with coolness.

He didn't want all this, and they just let them in. Although these people have only just entered, the guards at the gate and the man in the white shirt are watching them in the car with some vigilance and curiosity.

Li Yu got out of the car, armed with a submachine gun. Behind Li Tieyang Tianlong and others also got off with a gun, in the back is the several workers, also holding a crossbow a face of murderous look at them!

Liberation City, those people at the gate saw Li Yu holding a gun, the face changed. Straight to the alarm bell!

Dang Dang Dang ~

Metal and metal collision made a huge sound, this knocking sound, the instant spread in the liberation City, a long time around the sky. Then a lot of people started pouring out from behind the gate. In front of them were four men in police uniforms, with pistols in their waists, walking fast!

Li Yu took the lead and walked directly to the gate, turning back and asking the steady man next to him: "That white shirt, is that director Zhang?"

The stable man nodded and said, "That's him, and several people behind him used to be officials." He's mainly in charge of their side now."

Li Yu nodded, did not walk a few steps to the gate, the gate, has surrounded a group of people, the head of the white shirt man looked at Li Yu seriously.

Li Yu's eyes narrowed, slightly raised a submachine gun to them and said: "They killed my brother's family in Xiangxian, robbed things, killed to pay for their lives, you are sure to protect them?"

Chapter director heard Li Yu said some meng, especially see Li Yu and others are holding a gun, see the situation is really something. I have some butterflies in my stomach.

"Friends, there is something to discuss, and now that this is the case, all of us humans should unite to fight the zombies." Don't fight each other."

Then looked next to the four people, just a few people say is not so ah, moreover, just did not see Li Yu and others, if you know Li Yu and others have a gun, perhaps will not put them in.

After all, their strength is not enough to stop Li Yu they ah!

Li Yu heard Director Zhang's words, there was no reaction.

At this time, when the dilemma, the several police arrived, the director saw Captain Lu with a few police officers came over, the heart suddenly relieved.

But when Lu captain see Li Yu they, look become extremely severe, he can see, Li Yu and others have killed a lot of people, moreover, for the moment, although both sides have guns, but Li Yu and other guns in the hands of their small pistols are much better!

Li Yu looked at the men in police uniforms and remembered what the stable man had said to him, so he opened his mouth and said: "For the last time, they are Zhang's people, are you sure you want to protect them?"

After saying that, the submachine gun insurance opened, behind Yang Tianlong and others also do. It seems that the next second, their answer is not satisfied with Li Yu, Li Yu will shoot!

The police officers heard the words and immediately looked back at Director Zhang. Director Zhang's expression showed a struggle, and the police officers looked at the four men of Zhang's boss with some hatred.

They've been trying to mess with Chang for a long time. I can't believe someone helped them first!

That's very pleasing.

Suddenly, these policemen looked at Li Yu and their eyes became friendly.

He went up to the four men, as if he wanted to drive them out.

These four people are also a little panicked, just now, Director Zhang did not say so! This way, isn't Chief Chang making the decisions?

The four opened their eyes wide and looked at Director Zhang, as if to say: What did you promise us just now? His eyes were full of hope and prayer.