
Song Min's answer

Seeing the change in the face of the Salvation Army leader downstairs, the little girls next to Song Min were a little worried. But they really don't know where they are.

Behind Song Min, there are several people who joined the teacher Liu behind. They don't know where they are.

Song Min looked at the leader of the Salvation Army and said, "We don't have much contact with them, it seems to be in the northern city."

Song Min actually knew that Li Yu and they were actually in the south, and the direction they left before seeing Li Yu was in the south.

After all, Song Min they can live until now, because Li Yu saved them. Song Min heart has a scale, to revenge, is not what she should do.

Therefore, in the face of these Saviors' inquiries, if you do not answer them directly, it will inevitably cause their anger, so it is better to give a false answer directly and stabilize them first.

The Salvation Army downstairs, after hearing Song Min's answer, did not have too much entanglement.

The more important thing for them this time is to sign agreements with these organizations and pay them protection money on a regular basis.

The team leader came down from the roof of the car, came to the door, and said, "How are we getting on with that offer we talked about before? We are more reasonable and will take full account of your actual capabilities before setting such a standard."

Sounds reasonable, but if you follow the conditions given by the Salvation Army, then Song Min and their basically harvested things, 70% must be handed over to them!

This is, basically, a collection for them! With only 30% left, it is impossible to support so many people when there is not enough food in the first place.

Song Min looked at the aggressive Salvation Army, inner anger, want to fight with them like this.

Opposite about 40 people, Song Min they only about a dozen people, most of them are women.

Song Min hesitated for a while, and finally agreed to the Salvation Army's conditions.

The captain of the Salvation Army looked at Song Min playfully. He said: "From next month, we will come to collect your protection money, if you regret, you will bear the consequences!"

As he spoke, the smile on his lips was full of ridicule.

Say these people drove away from this small building, Song Min and others watched them leave.

The little fat man next to Song Min asked with some concern, "Sister Song, what shall we do now?" According to their request, we will provide them with those supplies next month,

We're basically giving them nothing! And the month after that, and the month after that, and the month after that. Can we do it?"

Song Min shook her head, bit her bottom lip and said, "It's hard!"

The teacher at the back, Liu, also said with some concern: "Fortunately, they did not force their way in directly just now, otherwise we would all be finished."

For some time in the last days, Teacher Liu has been very clear that women like them, in the last days, are easy to be some scum. These days, strength is all that matters.

"A mortal mortal!" Hearing Teacher Liu's words, a little girl next to Song Min said.

"No, we're not afraid of anything. If they come up here, we'll fight them." Song Min's team, the youngest, but the most lively girl also raised her fist angrily said.

Song Min is still looking at the back of those who left, the worry in the heart is even worse.

Next month, I hope before next month, I can meet Li Yu and them

Song Min they have been dont know the position of Li Yu, each contact, are passive waiting for their contact.

Therefore, until now, Li Yu and they still maintain a mysterious state.

In this small team of a dozen people, Song Min and the people below them almost ten people. There are two boys and two girls at Miss Liu's.

There is Song Qi, Song Qi is Song Min's younger brother, so Song Qi's status in this team is somewhat special, which is equivalent to bonding both sides and acting as an adhesive.

This Song Qi, after the last encounter with Li Yu they, instantly became a die-hard fan of Li Yu. Has been encouraging Song Min to join Li Yu they.

Song Min in fact early also wanted to join Li Yu they, but Li Yu did not open his mouth, Song Min also embarrassed.

If rejected, in case of embarrassment behind, Li Yu no longer contact them, that is not the result that Song Min wants.

Among Mr. Liu's students, the two male students ran away by themselves before, and did not stay to fight with Mr. Liu and others, and the two female students especially looked down on them.

Song Qi also see them very unhappy, along with Song Min they all see them two people are not very friendly, but after all is in the same place, so the surface of peace is maintained.

Song Min frowned, then let the little fat next to observe at the top of the building, see if you can see Li Yu they come.

"Sister, if they come, then we directly join them, they feel good there, last time also saved us!" We are not strong enough, so we must join a strong group so that we will not be bullied. Today it is the Salvation Army, and another day it may be others."

"And they have guns! Sister, if they come then, you bring it up directly." Song Qi on the side, pulling Song Min's arm, in that persuade.

Song Min heart has a slight movement, but also those people are willing to do it.

A deep sigh

Li Yu, who was at the base, was smoking on the balcony when he suddenly sneezed three times in a row.

"Who is chanting me" Li Yu mouth murmured.

Just smoked almost choked, so on the table next to the rattan chair, picked up a cup of water, moisten the throat.

Mountain empty rain also strange, this Qingming after a few days, sunny for two days, and began to rain, the base of the pond lake, a layer of water mist, with green mountains, beautiful.

During this time, Li Yu is very relaxed.

The base of the small sloppy also began to try to let her contact firearms, Li Yu personally taught her to use the gun.

What I did not expect is that the small slob's talent in shooting is still very strong, and it has been found before when using the crossbow, the small slob's aiming speed is very fast, and the accuracy is also very high.

This day has just begun to teach the little slob to use the gun, the little slob learns more than three times the speed of ordinary people.

It wasn't long before Little Slob started practicing with live ammunition.

During this time, because of the frequent rain, since the outbreak of the last days, the rainfall has increased a lot.

Originally, where Li Yu is located, the rainfall is not low throughout the year, and after the outbreak of the last days, the rainfall is more. When it rains, the zombies out there go crazy.

When it gets dark, the zombies go wild. When it rains, the zombies go crazy.

This has become the consensus of everyone, in order to ensure the safety of personnel, Li Yu recently did not let everyone out.

Together with a group of Salvation Army people met before, that more than 40 people, strong and strong, Li Yu is not afraid of them, worried that in addition to these Salvation Army, there are other personnel behind.

During this time, the entire base personnel did not go out, so the atmosphere in the base is quite good.

Although occasionally the rain became heavier, but did not form a zombie tide, which let everyone breathe a sigh of relief.