
Prepare to take care of the Salvation Army

After the rain, at sunset, hang a rainbow.

This rainbow, semi-circular, hanging in the sky, a big rainbow, clear.

It's beautiful.

The people on the wall, all wearing wet raincoats, reached out to feel that it was no longer raining.

So he took off his raincoat.

After taking off the raincoat, the clothes inside are also wet.

Leaving a few people on duty on the wall, the others went back to the residential area of the base and changed into dry clothes. These days, even the air is moist, and the clothes stick to the body for a long time, which is very uncomfortable.

Li Yu stayed, as well as cannons and others, and these men just sat on the wall and breathed clouds.

Leaning on the back wall, occasionally blowing a fresh breeze made them feel very comfortable.

A gentle breeze is blowing.

The smoke is blowing away with the wind.

"Get ready, everybody. In a few days, we'll go to Nanshi." Li Yu light said, language out of surprise.

Everyone is a little surprised, because this wave of zombies has just ended, Li Yu is ready to solve the Salvation Army's future trouble, although everyone is a little surprised, but not too surprised. After all, they had not just met Li Yu, and they knew that Li Yu was not the kind of person who would leave an enemy overnight.

They were depleting the Saviors, and then after Mog and the others were killed, their second in command came along, and they killed him, too.

Now the zombie tide has just ended, Li Yu and they have not suffered any damage, the base battle damage is 0, but it is not the same for other power groups.

The Saviors may be weak during the zombie tide. Kill him while he's sick!

"Good," said Hermione. Yang Tianlong was the first to respond.

"No problem, I'm not really ready, I can go now." "Said the cannon, taking a deep breath of smoke and exhaling it.

"I want to go, too." Little slob's on the fence, too.

Li Yu heard everyone's answer, the heart feels good.

As the time of entering the end times becomes longer and longer, we have experienced all kinds of things together, but also resist the zombies together, face the enemies together, and survive in various dangerous situations together.

For Li Yu is also more convinced, in countless choices, the decision made by Li Yu, in the final result, step by step to improve everyone's trust.

This time, it is Li Yu and they are going to the farthest place in the last days.

Therefore, to be fully prepared, Li Yu is also thinking about how to go this time, which people should go together.

Four uncle came to replace Li Yu, Li Yu under the wall, and cannon they said hello, and returned to the room.

The last month or so has been exhausting for him.

Now I can finally take a good bath and rest.

Get some rest. Next up is to tackle the Saviors, plant late rice, expand the wall, improve the wall, improve the strength

I'm also thinking about the behavior of the new people on the base in the last month.

Those workers, who are already the old people of the base, should gradually release some rights to them, and then the later Song Min those people, these people in this zombie tide performance is very good, are extremely tough.

The last time I got a lot of guns from the Arsenal, many of them were not used, and these guns, Li Yu has been used for some people, not to all people.

About the future development plan of the base, whether to expand, how to expand are some questions.

Thinking about it, Li Yu had a headache, so he no longer thought about it, climbed up directly from the bathtub, and then wiped his body and blow-dried his hair.

Li Yu took a bath and lay straight on the bed. The bed was soft and warm. Li Yu soon fell asleep.

No words all night.

The next day, uncle found Li Yu, talked about the late rice planting things, this time the rainstorm, down, is the first time to fill the entire Shantang reservoir.

The water level has also reached its highest height, this Shantang reservoir, the deepest part, is more than 20 meters, almost nine stories high.

This mountain pond, Li Yu has never seen it dry up, the water storage capacity is very strong.

After all, this mountain pond originally served as a reservoir in this large field, and every time there was a drought, it was through this mountain pond that water was released to irrigate the field.

Li Yu followed the second uncle to the edge of the pond, if it was before the rainstorm, they could go further down 20 meters, but at this time, they stopped at the edge of the mountain path.

This rainstorm is too big, the mountain pond is also full, even those willows, have been submerged more than half, leaving only the upper body, it is a little abrupt.

But the boats are still floating on the water.

Second uncle looked at the pond with some worry, the pond was too full of water. Although there has never been a problem in all these years, it is always a little scary to look at this amazing amount of water.

"Yu Zai, should we let some water out of this mountain pond? In all these years, I have never seen the water level so high in the mountain pond." Second uncle hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.

Li Yu mused for a while on the shore, remembering that in the last days, especially after long periods of heavy rain, there were often droughts.

Besides, it's only June now, and the following months of July and August are the hottest months of the year, with a high probability of no rain and drought.

This stored water is very important!

"Do not release water, and then do not know what the weather is like, if it is still raining, just like this time, put out the excess water, but do not put out the water in the pond, since it is full, it is stored." Next we will plant late rice, which retains water and gives us more peace of mind." Li Yu said.

Second uncle Wen Yan, looking at the terrible water storage of the pond, said: "I am still the first time to see this pond so full. I was just wondering if the water was so full, would it put too much pressure on the dam?"

Li Yu Wen Yan said: "I asked grandpa before, he said that the dam was originally made of cement grouting foundation, from here to here, are cement grouting, or very stable, my father also said that basically no problem, he also came here two years ago to change the cement pipe inside."

"There's no problem. You see, the dam, it's about twenty meters long, and everyone walks on it." Li Yu said.

After listening to the second uncle, he also put down his worries, it is true that he worried too much, the general dam is only eight or nine meters, their dam was just to be made into a road, so the expansion of the special wide, the 20-meter width of the dam, blocking the water of the pond, is indeed a piece of cake.

The two walked down from the pond and chatted while walking.

On the road, I saw Li Peizhen, the youngest daughter of the four uncles, with several younger ones at home, holding sticks, and driving cattle and sheep to the mountain.

Li Yu told him, "Don't go to the mountain pond! You know what? Depth of water."

"All right, big brother." Li Peizhen a little afraid of him this big brother, answered and said.

But his aunt's child, Zhang Zhixing, is not afraid of him at all. At this time, he looked at Li Yu naively and said, "Big cousin, I want to ride Niuniu." Carry me up."

Li Yu could not laugh and cry, but finally let uncle go back first, this cow is not so good to ride. Fall off. That's an easy way to get stepped on.

But children are curious, rather than let them secretly try, it is better to be present to let him feel.

So found a small calf, a booger boy Zhang Zhixing hug up. The boy's face was excited. He had long wanted to sit on Niuniu.

"Ha ha ha ha ha." Zhang Zhixing is holding a slightly raised horn and smiling happily on it.

The other children came running and shouted, "Brother, I want it too."

"Cousin, I want to ride the bull too!"

"Me too."

After the storm,

Clear sky, green mountains and green water.

At the foot of the mountain, the grass is lush, the wind blows, the tip of the grass is like a wave, fluttering and shaking.

There are dozens of cattle and sheep, lower their heads to eat grass.

Seven or eight children, surrounded by a calf.

A handsome, tall man holds the cow's rope, steadies the calf, smiles and lets the children sit on the cow's back.

The sound of childish laughter, pure and beautiful, carried with the wind to the garden, to the quarters, to the gate.

Out to the blue clouds.