
Piano, chess, calligraphy, poetry, hops

Li Yu and others slowly drove the car and entered the gate.

Under the wall, since it is still noon and the weather is a little hot today, there are no zombies.

The two uncles open the first door, wait for the car to enter, and then close the gate to open the second door.

Li Yu asked: "Uncle, you are not on duty today, why are you here at the gate?"

Second uncle see everyone in, it seems that there is no serious injury, the heart is stable.

He smiled and said, "When you go out, the people outside are sinister, and there are more zombies, I am worried!"

"So I thought, wait by the gate, in case something happens, I can still help."

Li Yu heard the words of the second uncle, a warm current in his heart, although the second uncle has been in business for many years, and is skilled in the world, and even sometimes not sincere to people.

But with his family, it's all real, real.

Second uncle heart and eye is also more, careful observation, all aspects of consideration is more in place.

Li Yu nodded to the second uncle, and then drove into the base.

The two cars were driving on the original concrete road, heading towards the warehouse.

Inside the base, people heard the sound of heavy trucks and ran out.

Li Haoran and Li Hao-xian, seeing the heavy truck full, want to help,

But had to be on duty at the gate, had to give up.

The heavy truck parked behind the villa, and everyone looked at the heavy truck with some excitement.

These days, even though there's practice every day on the base,

But the daily quota of bullets is too small.

Li Yu got out of the car and opened the trunk of the heavy truck.

The crowd was delighted to see that it was full of guns.

Roll up your sleeves, and you'll have to help lift them down.

All firearms must be registered, each gun, the number of bullets must be clear.

Li Yu has been in charge of the warehouse mother and father a few people, to help check.

Use a pen for each box and write on it what it is and how many it is.

We counted them three times, and when we checked the numbers,

The men began to carry the guns.

Even the younger Li Suxin and Xiao Xuanxuan wanted to join,

But they're only supposed to carry lighter, explosion-proof armor,

For one thing, they are very young, and for another, these things need to be handled with great care.

"When carrying, be careful, that grenade you don't move, let us come." Li Yu saw two aunts a few people want to lift the box, couldnt help but say.

Li Yu looked at the crowd that was moving, and suddenly felt where was wrong.

Carefully counted the number, in addition to the monitoring room on duty Reich month, the door on duty Li Haoran two brothers.

There's one person missing.

Four uncle's son Li Zhengping!

Li Yu was puzzled, looked at Uncle Four, and asked, "Where are the people of Zhengping?"

Four uncle Li Hongcheng smell speech, also some doubts.

Looking at the youngest daughter Li Suxin, she is pursing her butt is struggling to move things, but it seems that a pair of explosion-proof armor is also a little heavy.

He picked it up, but he leaned over quickly and fell on his butt.

"Suhin, where is your brother?" Uncle Four asked.

Li Suxin, like a little adult, picked herself up from the ground.

Hearing his father's question, he rubbed his hands, raised his brow and puckered his mouth.

In one direction, a face of disgust said: "No, and in the room to play games, do not want to do anything, unlike me, is already a well-behaved mature adults."

Li Yu smiled and touched her small head, Li Suxin looked up and enjoyed her expression.

However, Uncle four heard this, a dark face, instant because of anger and red.

"And play! Every day what do not do, know to play! See if I don't kill him this time!"

He stood up and looked around, as if looking for something to grab.

Finally, he picked up a broom and rushed to the room in anger.

When the end times came, many things changed, but because of the protection of Li Yu and others, everyone was able to enjoy a lot of life before the end times.

However, it does not mean that you can enjoy it in vain, ignoring the efforts of others in that they desperately work hard.

In most of Li Yu's family, the three views are relatively correct, and the character is also relatively good.

Among the younger generation, there are always one or two people who enjoy their success and do not think about progress.

Uncle Two has been a good tutor,

Three uncles and uncles, because they are soldiers or armed police, strict family.

Aunt's two small, although also a little skin, although young, but has not long crooked.

Only four uncles, four aunts died, the home has been lacking a mistress.

Plus four Uncle Ben is simple and not good at words,

For the education of children, it has not been quite clear what to do.

The eldest son, Li Zhengping, is 16 years old and rebellious.

And the little girl, do not know what happened, people little kid big, but it is very sensible. She was the baby of the family, loved by everyone.

They see four uncle with a broom will go to beat Li Zhengping.

Two aunts three aunts have to dissuade, after all, the child lost his mother a few years earlier, poor.

Li Yu look want to tough rushed past four uncles.

Took the broom from him, put it in the corner,

"I'll do it," he said calmly.

Four uncle looked at this nephew, a kind of invisible persuasive body.

Sigh and slowly lower the broom.

Li Yu quietly walked into the room, looking at Li Zhengping, expressionless.

Li Yu, as the eldest grandson of the two families, takes great care of the younger generation.

So the younger generation listened to him very much, including Li Zhengping.

He is not afraid of Uncle Four, but he is afraid of Li Yu.

Li Zhengping heard movement, saw into the room Li Yu, immediately a shiver.

A little afraid to look at him, eyes with a little adoration, said: "Brother, I."

Li Yu looked calm and did not scold him.

Li Yu knows that many people actually have an unexamined stage, a chaotic stage, that is, no consciousness;

Some are in their teens, some are in their 20s, and they're still like that.

I don't know what to do all day, I don't know what to do, I don't want to make progress.

Not afraid of anything, not even death.

So, many people will give up on them.

Li Yu raised his hand, Li Zhengping's head shrank, his eyes closed, as if he were afraid of Li Yu hitting him.

Unlike Uncle Four, Li Yu just gently patted him on the shoulder and said, "Come on, come out with me to carry things."

His words were gentle and encouraging.

Li Zhengping some accident, a little change in the heart, follow Li Yu out.

They looked out of Li Zhengping, no accident, continue to move things.

But Li Yu is thinking about another thing, why the family business is always easy to hide dirt before the end of the world.

Because of corruption, because of the fetters of family affection, so that enterprises can not maximize the benefits.

However, with the coming of the last days, family affection is indeed more reliable than people who do not understand the outside, and there are common interests, and external contradictions are huge, promoting internal unity.

There is no complete egg under the nest.

The environment of the last days provided the soil for the development of the family.

Although now, the people in the base, is still a peaceful, basically no arguments.

But in order to prevent the future, we must develop a set of institutional standards in advance to regulate everyone.

Li Yu looked at Li Zhengping and saw that he was working very hard to carry things.

Have some ideas in mind, also join the transport.

Soon, with the participation of everyone, the speed of moving is very fast.

Within minutes, everything was moved to the underground warehouse, the firearms section.

Li Yu looked at everyone and said, "Now, let's have a meeting."

No one refuted that the base was built by Li Yu at great cost, and everyone could survive, Li Yu saved them.

Two of the most influential men in the home, all agreed to let Li Yu to lead;

And in these several things, with everyone to solve a variety of problems.

They are very convinced of him, Li Yu seems to have become the core figure of this base.

Such as settled, Li Yu began to talk about his ideas, some of the base of the normative system, the recognition of the second uncle.

Li Yu arranged the things to be done, the division of labor was clear, and the responsibilities were clear; Reward and punishment system; Duty planning

There was no objection.

Even Li Suxin and Xiao Xuanxuan have stipulated how many words to know and what books to read

A person, even in a desperate situation, also want to read, not to become illiterate.

Fuel, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea,

Piano, chess, calligraphy, poetry, hops.

Matter is the foundation,

But humans can't just have the basics,

And a lot of superstructure.

A limited life,

To see the infinite scenery,

So must always be on the road.

Books are beautiful, maybe some books seem useless, but they can help you find the heart, fill the heart, so that you are not at a loss.

Among them, we also talked about the recent situation of the county, and Li Yu also gave a brief introduction.


Li Yu looked at Li Zhengping and said, "In the past two days, Zhengping, you go out with us.

Kill someone!

Kill many people!"

As soon as the words came out, the air of murder flowed.

The crowd was shocked!

A sense of awe pervaded the room.