
Just convince yourself

The occupants of the car, who were not wearing seat belts, were hit on the head and bleeding.

In the back seat, there is a young man with a mole on his mouth, and he is also being hit.

Li Yu did not approach, see with peripheral vision, Li Tie and others driving explosion-proof vehicles, has followed.

The occupants of the car, presumably because of the impact, have not come to their senses.

Even though Li Yu pointed the gun at them, they had not reacted yet.


Li Yu fired another shot, and the gun hit the rear tire, and the tire was shriveled.

'Come out!

The people in the car seemed to wake up from a dream and looked up to see Li Yu pointing a gun at them.

There was fear on his face.

"No, no, don't shoot! The mole young man, hurriedly said.

The passenger in front looked at the distance between Li Yu and them,

The eyes roll.

I looked down and saw the weapon at my feet, as if I had an idea.

With an unnatural smile on his face, he said, "It's a misunderstanding, misunderstanding, don't shoot." I'm getting out of the car."

He bent down a little, trying to pick up the weapon at his feet.

The mole young man behind him clearly saw his movements and could not help but exclaim: "Brother Wang!"

Brother Wang instantly turned back, eyes dead staring at the mole youth.


The young man with a mole turned red, looked at Li Yu, and looked at Brother Wang.

As if a decision had been made.

There was a smile on his face, a smile that seemed to be tinged with pain.

Said: "Brother, this is really a misunderstanding, I, I, I can't come out now, I just crashed my ankle." Come and see."

Li Yu smiled.

Li Yu, who had been watching their movements carefully, did not know what they were going to do,

But in the years after the end of the world, he had a deep understanding of the truth: do not give the enemy any chance to resist!


Shot, Brother Wang, right between the eyes.

He died with a smile on his face and a look of disbelief in his eyes.

As if to say, the conventional operation is not like this!

"Are you still spraining your ankle? For the last time, get off!" Li Yu Bang drink!



Before calling 1, the mole young man was flexible like a monkey and quickly got off the car.

Li Yu looked at him and smiled.

"No more sprained feet?"

"I can stop spraining."

"Who sent you?"

"Ho," he said. The mole young man answered, without hesitation, quickly and decisively.

Li Yu heard such a smooth answer, the heart is a little tangled,

This young man with a mole is too obedient, will you kill him?

So he asked again: "That Hao brother, is in the Tianhua Building? How many people are there? Why are you following us?" Li Yu asked several questions in succession.

The mole young man looked at Li Yu with some fear, with a pleasing smile on his face.

Said: "Is in the Tianhua building, a total of 121 people, but in the armed police brigade by you." Then the four of us, and now there are 113 people left."

"Brother, in fact, it's not that I want to follow you, it's Brother Wang who is forcing me."

Brother Wang is Hao brother's own brother, he has been thinking of going to the armed police brigade there to get some guns, but there are too many zombies, and did not find a place to put the gun."

The young man with a mole swallowed and then looked at Li Yu.

On the other side, Li Tie several people also got off the explosion-proof car, see Li Yu in the interrogation of this person, also did not interrupt.

Instead, he listened quietly to the young man with the mole.

The mole youth looked at Li Tie and found that they were staring at him with a shiver.

The words stopped.

Li Yu raised his gun and said, "Go on!"

The mole young man quickly raised his hand and continued to say:

"That, that was, that was you over there, and the sound of the shooting could be heard over half the area."

We all heard it, and then we saw you moving guns in the building across from you.

So Hogo asked the guys to come and take the heavy truck away."

"Who expected to be found by you, and then let us come and follow you, see where you go back."

The other guy and I didn't want to come, but Hog forced me to come. Brother Wang also volunteered to come."

The mole young man said, looked up at Li Yu with a timid look, and then said: "Now Brother Wang is dead, it is estimated that Brother Hao will be very angry, and I am estimated to be finished."

Li Yu also asked some Haobrother there some situation, mole youth is very obedient, answer one by one.

"Bosses, you see that I actually have a bad relationship with Hao Brother over there, otherwise I wouldn't be sent here, knowing you have guns, you say?"

"Spare me, or. Let me join you."

Mole young see Li Tie a look of disdain.

Then he said, "No, I am not joining you." It's -- it's -- it's -- it's like I can help you guys out or something. I can do it. All the bosses are the dragons of handsome men. I'll do whatever you want."

Li Yu Wen Yan, said: "Then you go to kill Haoge?"


"I'm alone, I can't do it alone, and now if Haoge sees me, he will definitely ask where Brother Wang has gone, and I will be doomed when I go back." There is a mole young hurriedly said.

Li Yu see have asked almost, Yang Tianlong estimated in front of a little impatient, frequently from the window back to look at them.

Li Yu looked at this seemingly obedient, but cunning mole youth.

I was wondering if I should kill him.

But under Li Yu's self-persuasion, the entanglement became no longer entangled.

Li Yu's method has always worked:

What if you feel guilty?

Convince yourself not to feel guilty.

What if I can't stand it?

Convince yourself.

What if my heart is torn?

Convince yourself not to obsess.

Moreover, just a mole youth also tried to deceive him in the past, think of this, Li Yu no longer hesitate.

Raise the gun.

See Li Yu action, there is despair on the face of the mole youth, the mouth just want to say: "boss"


Li Yu shot the young man with a mole in the head.

Young people with moles die,

Get on the ground!

Behind Li Hang skillfully, from the black SUV, found some useful things: a short spear, two knives, and also found a baseball bat. There was also some food, cigarettes and the like.

Uncle did not say anything, living in the last days, the human heart is unpredictable. Perhaps the heart is not adapted to some, but Li Yu's approach may be the most correct choice.

Li Yu waved, everyone back to the explosion-proof car.

Fire up and activate the throttle.

Go home!

And in front of Yang Tianlong and other impatient.

He also started the heavy truck and drove back on the road.

The two cars were driving side by side, and Yang Tianlong rolled the glass out of the car and shouted, "All solved?"

Li Yu said loudly: "Solved, another day to go to the county seat, the root of the trouble completely solved!"

Speechless all the way.

Entering the village road, Li Yu took out the walkie-talkie as usual,

Li Haoran, who is guarding the gate, said: "Haoran, we are at the base immediately, and will help us open the door later."

Hearing the voice of Li Yu and others, Li Haoran was very excited: "OK." Big brother,"

Li Haoran is trying to ask something, as if the walkie-talkie had been robbed, and only heard the voice of the second uncle in the walkie-talkie: "Xiaoyu, are you still smooth?" Are you hurt?"

Li Yu some wonder, today is not the second uncle on duty ah, why

But he also replied, "Everything is going well, and now I have entered the village road. I will tell you more later."

"Good, good, good." Second uncle peace of mind, even said three good.