
It's a good thing there are barges

Before Li Yu replied, the voice from the other side came over again, "Brother, you can rest assured, we are now using crossbows and spears to kill these zombies, and try to clear a place before you come back."

"But there are a lot of them! More and more!" Li Tie continued to shout.

Li Yu threw another grenade out the window, accompanied by two booms.

Li Yu replied: "It's OK, let it in first, and then close the gate. Some zombies that come in can be killed in the barengtown."

In the very front, the third uncle looked at a broken windshield like a spider's web, looking as if it could be broken if it hit again.

But every time, it is able to stand up, just like some people, obviously it seems that this is his bottom line, but it can be lowered.

It is already his best effort, he can still work harder.

It's just, this glass, I don't know if it's gonna hold. To make it to the base.

Li Yu and uncle are behind, and the zombies behind are already less than dozens of meters away.

People have come down from the national road and stepped into the village road, and there are more zombies in the village road.

Although not to say dense, but almost every second, Uncle three will bump into a zombie.

300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters.

Fifty meters.

They have driven from the village road to the wall downstairs, the wall of Li Tie far to see their vehicles, two people ready, the hand on the door switch that place.

They want to do that, a few seconds before the vehicle rushes in, the door is opened, so that there will be fewer zombies coming in, and it is not easy to be blocked by zombies, so that it is lost!

Thirty meters!

All around the base, the ground is littered with zombie bodies, some with arrows in them, some with stab wounds, their heads pierced.

It looks like these zombies were killed by people on the base.

However, even after killing so many zombies, there are nearly hundreds of zombies under the wall, and this is just the front door.

Uncle three is about to rush to the gate.


A zombie crashed into it, and it just dried out the windshield.

Third uncle's psychological quality is also very good, he is very clear that the gate, only accommodate a car to enter. If he blocks it, these people behind him can't get in.

So, he was very calm.

In the flash of fire, he quickly took out a spear from the co-driver, and stabbed the zombie who was climbing into the car after smashing the glass.

A spear through the brain.

At the same time, the other hand, always keeping the car driving, slowly and accurately entered the base.

The whole picture is that most of the body of a zombie has rushed into the car, and Uncle SAN stabbed the zombie with a spear, but out of inertia, most of the body of the zombie directly hung on Uncle SAN's body.

The vehicle is moving in.

The cars following closely.

On the edge of the gate, there were one or two zombies stuck, but they could not defeat the driving of the vehicle and directly knocked the zombies open.

Li Yu is at the very back, and there are more and more zombies behind them, and they are about to surround their two cars.

Throw out the last two grenades at this time, uncle directly into the barangay.

Li Yu followed.

And on the wall Li Tie saw Li Yu this car into.

With a bang, the two men shut the gate.

And at the time of closing, there are still zombies in the inside, fortunately, Li Tie closed the time card is very good. He saw the moment Li Yu's vehicle entered and closed the gate.

Within a second of closing the door, the zombies behind him crowded around, pounding on the big iron door.

After entering the base, Li Yu's feeling of heart palpitations was slightly relieved.

However, at this time, it is not the time to finally relax, not to mention how to deal with the zombie tide outside, even now because there is a gap between the car and the car, and some zombies come in between the gaps.

Right now, with these 10 vehicles entering the base, there are nearly 20 zombies in Weng City.

These zombies are not like the limp, slow-moving ones in the sun.

It's... rabid, crazy zombies!

At this time the sky, from the sparse rain, has begun to slowly fall more rain.

Rain poured down from the sky as if someone in the sky had poured it down with a basin.

These zombies are under the rain, and in the storm, their fighting power is skyrocketing.

Li Yu and others have to deal with these zombies, need to spend some thought.

The third uncle entered the barangay first, and he now got out of the car, holding a spear, and began to kill the zombies entering the barangay.

The sky is dark. However, there are still some strong lights in the base, under the light of the strong lights, you can see the traces of zombies clearly, although the speed is not slow, but how can you beat the combat effectiveness of the third uncle?

On the wall, more Li Tie and other people's assistance, under the joint efforts of all, finally all will solve these zombies in the barangay.

In the barges of the base, Li Yu saw on the wall, Li Zhengping, Li Haoran and others are holding spears, after a special extension, it is like holding a long javelin, constantly stabbing zombies in the past.

And after the stab, to ensure that quickly pull back, otherwise by the zombie grasp the spear, a hard drag, it is easy to fall off the wall.

In order to avoid this situation, there is also a rope tied to the waist of each person on the wall, and the back is fixed, so as to avoid the zombies from taking people down under the strong force.

Li Yu and others stayed in the barangay for about ten minutes, during which ten minutes, we took the bodies of these zombies to a place.

Then began to eat in the barges, today a day outside, killing, fleeing along the way, has not eaten something, and will resist zombies above the wall, not taking advantage of time to add some energy, will certainly not be able to support.

The crowd quickly ate something.

Li Yu looked at the dark, inky night sky. Now it was afternoon, and the sky was already like night, and it was the kind of night without the moon.

If it wasn't for the central searchlight, you wouldn't be able to see anything clearly.

Looking at the people on the wall are struggling to stab the zombies below, the kind of palpitations in Li Yu's heart are slowly fading.

People. There is hope in despair.

Even if there are more difficulties, even if it is a big rainstorm, as long as everyone is united, we will be able to carry through.

I just don't know how long this storm will last.

In Li Yu's memory, during the five years of rebirth, even at the later stage, human civilization did not return to a relatively good state, and there was not even a super power.

It is because every rainstorm is a test for mankind.

Every rainstorm means more human bases are surrounded by zombies.

Every rainstorm is a test of human nature.

Every time there is a rainstorm, many people consume all the food in it until they die.

We'll see how long this storm lasts.