
Doomsday countdown

The end is still two months away.

The whole world seems to be stuck in a period of stagnation, a country is prosperous and people are safe

And in the southern town of a small mountain village, hidden in the green mountains.

There is a huge high wall around dozens of acres of mountains and fields.

The entire base, if you ignore the six-meter-high wall, has three watchtowers.

Seen from the mountain, it still has the feel of a rural tourist spot.

But if you see the solid warehouse of thousands of square meters below, you will find that this is actually a solid fortress.

The basic construction has basically been done, in that 4 acres of rice fields, yellow orange, rice ears bending platycodon.

The garden next to it is colorful, and the 300-year-old camphor tree that the five people in the center can hug is still green.

The orange trees in the mountains are bearing a lot of fruit, and it is estimated that they will be ready in a month or two.

In addition, Li Yu also planted pomelo trees, navel oranges, pear trees, peach trees, kiwi trees, loquat trees, papaya trees, persimmon trees and so on.

Because they have just been transplanted, many trees have no fruit for the time being.

Xincheng land is located in the south of subtropical zone and belongs to the bioclimatic zone of evergreen broad-leaved forest.

As long as fruit trees and some trees can be planted in this dimension, basically some are planted.

The water between the two mountains is calm and there is a beautiful view of the mountain pond.

On the edge of the pond, Li Yu even made three small fishing boats. There are many willows planted around.

Is the so-called: weeping willow pipe youth, flying catkins flying flowers Mei far day.

He looks forward to next March and April to see the willow Yiyi, willow catkins flying.

Even in the last days, Li Yu wants to create a paradise.

On this side of the plain, next to the big camphor tree, there are five villas, a row of three-story bungalows. The renovation work is basically finished.

The warehouse below was also filled to capacity, and Li Yu even built a small cold storage, which consumed too much electricity, so only a small one could be built.

Every time Li Yu sees the underground warehouse, which is 5 meters high and 2000 square meters, he has a strange sense of stability.

From Li Hongyuan and Liu Fanghua's point of view, it is not so beautiful.

Although Liu Fanghua did not say anything during the construction, he has been worried about this.

But when they stood on the lookout at the top of the hill in the evening.

When you look down on the whole site from the top, you really feel the beauty of the view:

To see the beautiful garden, through the scientific planning of the planting of mountain fruit trees, retain the beauty while there are many planted fruit trees.

See under the fruit trees are some raised livestock, each well in the mountains.

Watching the old hen under the tree with her chicks looking for food.

Looking at the mountains running 4 Chinese pastoral dogs.

See the beautiful scenery beside the mountain pond, see the wooden dock built and three antique small fishing boats.

They saw what they considered to be a luxurious villa, a large lawn and a green bamboo forest, and even a small pavilion built in the middle of the bamboo forest.

In the center of the pavilion are also two plaques, which are the replicas of Chen Tuan's on the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang: Open Tianan horse, strange and elegant people in the dragon.

Next to it are two huge stones, four meters high, from the quarry.

Simple and elegant atmosphere is coming.

Not to mention seeing hundreds of large farms, but also the use of antique structure, zoning planning.

The biogas digesters and septic tanks below make good use of manure produced by livestock.

See the lake flowing slowly from the mountain pond, forming a stream through the garden, straight around the rice field, see a heavy ear of rice waving.

See a small square of hundreds of square meters, there are some amusement facilities.

I saw a spring water dug out from 3 kilometers deep in the forest, through a deep buried pipe, to the side of the bamboo forest, forming a small clear spring pool.

Seeing this spent tens of millions of dollars to build the base, Liu Fanghua and Li Hongyuan husband and wife two moments feel.

How nice! Perhaps son Li Yu made this rural tourism base will really attract a lot of people to come.

But why the warehouse hoarded so many materials, they have been puzzled, these things, if they are used by five people in their family, it is estimated that ten lifetimes will not be used up.

Li Yu's family is actually a relatively large family. In addition to the little uncle Li Voyage who has been staying in his hometown, he has been helping to build on the base recently. All the other uncles work outside.

Li Hongyuan came up with the name from his family. Grandpa Li Yu gave four people an idiom: great expectations.

The eldest Li Hongyuan, the second Li Hongda, the third Li Hongqian, the fourth Li Hongcheng,

The fifth is Li Yu's aunt Li Qingqing, the youngest in the family. Only ten years older than Li Yu.

Li Yu is the eldest grandson of the whole family. When Li Yu was a child, he bore the love of the whole uncle generation. And the old man Li Yushi also often warned the family, to unite, twist into a rope, home and everything.

Under the family concept of grandpa, the family atmosphere is also better. There was no such problem of brotherly warfare.

And on the side of Li Yu's grandparents, the grandmother was a young knowledge went to the countryside, and later met grandpa. The overall family situation is much better than that of Li Yu's grandparents.

Li Yu's grandfather side, there is a big uncle Liu Jianwen, has been staying in the county armed police squadron as a squadron leader. There is a small uncle who has been doing business in the north, and an aunt who is married to BJ.

Although the number of people on Grandpa Li Yu's side is not as prosperous as Grandpa's side, the population is also quite large.

Li Yu grew up climbing trees in the countryside, going down the river to catch fish, until he went to the county to live in school, he still remembers that every week his aunt often sent some milk and fruit.

The elder aunt has a gentle disposition and believes in Buddhism over the years, and has been relatively good to Li Yu.

So recently, Li Yu has been thinking about this question:

How can we get some relatives back from abroad?

Thought for a long time, still did not think of any good way.

But make a point of never revealing that the end is near.

You don't have to pay for it.

After all, people are not fools, and it is certainly impossible for them to stay in this base all the time. It is impossible to tell them that the end times are coming soon, so don't run away.

If they haven't seen a zombie, how can they believe it? It's easy for one person. It's gonna be hard with a few dozen people.

Although in this period of time, Li Yu returned home with such a big move, but because of repeated emphasis with parents, they did not reveal too much Li Yu recently made these things, but can not bear the nature of people, outside the family have heard, but it is not clear what Li Yu does at home.

Just know that Li Yu started a business at home.

There is still a week time is the National Day holiday, outside the family will also come back for the holiday, home reunion.

After all, some family members will have other plans and may not be home in time.

So Li Yu thought of an idea, that is, in the name of the rural tourism park he started, let the family come back to see, by the way, what advice.

It is also during the National Day that the two families can get together.

So after dinner, Li Yu talked with her parents at the dinner table.

Li Yu looked at his father who was smoking after dinner and said to him, "Dad, make this tourist base." Now it is almost done, and let them come back to play during the National Day, and then I can make some suggestions."

Li Hongyuan looked at Li Yu, slowly smoked a cigarette: "It is OK, is you now this tourist park exactly when to open ah, now are almost built, spent so much money, ah, do not know how long it will take to get back to this ah."

Li Yu looked at his father with a sad face and felt his father's worry. But there was no way, he was born again, he had long thought that no one could say anything about the last days, because no one would believe it, and it would even cause unnecessary trouble.

Can only keep it a secret until the end, when the end of time comes, they may be glad that they built this base early.

Time passed quickly, in a blink of an eye to the National Day holiday.