
Compliment me!

Li Yu looked at these families, the heart of infinite emotion. In the last life, he was only one man; This time, he was no longer alone, no longer afraid.

Li Yu has been thinking about one thing, why there has been no large-scale organization after the end of the world, the most fundamental core reason is the problem of arable land.

With the end of the sun, 10 days of heavy rain, flooded many cities, arable land. The lack of arable land, supply is less than demand, making it difficult to feed large groups of organizations, coupled with the deterioration of human morality, it is difficult to unite.

Li Yu surrounded these lands with walls to provide a good planting environment, and there were plenty of supplies in the warehouse. With blood related family members guard, have common interests, a prosperity, one loss, will inevitably have more cohesion.

After a while, everyone got in the car, opened the door, and went out.

There are still a few zombies under the fence, Li Yu will cut the legs of the zombie, after control, let his cousin Li Haoxian and Li Haoran and other people try to solve.

This is the first time for Li Haoxian and others to see the zombie so close, before they were standing in the watchtower to watch from a distance.

"Haoxian, among you, you are the biggest, you first go and be an example!" Li Yu spoke slowly, with some encouragement in her words.

Li Haoxian tight hands of the long knife, see Li Yu eyes firm eyes, suddenly made up his mind.

He held a long knife in his hand, and Li Yu's reminder sounded in his ear. The 20-year-old Li Haoxian finally drumming up courage, looking at the face of the zombie horror, with all his strength to stab the zombie head.

Poof! A zombie with a long knife through his head!

I saw the zombie's head pierced.

After a brush, Li Haoxian's face became pale, without a trace of blood color.

Li Haoxian gawked at the zombies in front of him, his hand a little trembling, and he seemed to be frozen.

"It's a zombie, not a person." Li Hang a word Li Haoxian wake up from the stupidness.

Li Hang saw this cousin who was the same age as him, with his arms folded across his chest, looking at his performance and wanting to laugh. But Li Hang seems to have forgotten that his first encounter with zombies was not much better.

The surprise is Xiao Xuanxuan, she is the second initiative to directly confront the zombie. Small Xuanxuan looked at the extraordinary zombies in front of her, her small face did not have the slightest fear.

Li Yu saw small Xuanxuan want to walk to the zombie, was a little worried, is going to Xuanxuan over there, but not waiting for him to walk past.

I saw Xuanxuan holding a knife. With a quick stab to the zombie's eyeball.

Blast! Eyeballs are punctured. Blast!

Pull it out. Make a clean move.

After getting the knife, Xuanxuan kept practicing this move.

Then he turned and did not look back, without much fluctuation in his eyes.

Everyone saw this scene suddenly hair stood up, Xuanxuan was less than 8 years old ah, still a little girl. Relative to the performance of 20-year-old Li Haoxian, Xuanxuan's performance is simply not too calm well!

Xuanxuan took the knife, rubbed it on the ground, and then hung it in the sheath on her waist.

Then walked to Li Yu side, pulled Li Yu's coat corner, big eyes looking at Li Yu, eyes full of want to get praise.

Li Yu looked at her, touched Xuanxuan's head and smiled, but said nothing.

Small Xuanxuan see Li Yu mouth hung a smile, has not been how to smile Xuanxuan, the heart seems to eat the sweetest candy, the face suddenly filled with a smile: you save me, I also want to grow up quickly, protect you!

Next to the 4-year-old Li Suxin saw this scene, the instant small head are fast gas explosion.

With a double-horned braid, she's running at the zombies with her little dagger.

Next to her second uncle saw this scene, suddenly scared out of his wits, this is the family's little ancestor ah. What if there's an accident.

Second uncle Li Hongda directly picked up Li Suxin from behind, Li Suxin felt that someone picked her up behind, and said angrily: "Second uncle, I also want to kill zombies to protect you!" With a still childish little milk voice, full of wanting to prove their ambition.

Li Hongda looked at Li Yu, saw Li Yu nodded, put Li Suxin down, but he dared not directly let her a person in the past, then closely followed Li Suxin next to. If anything goes wrong, you can help directly.

Laid down, Li Suxin seemed to rush toward the zombie kneeling on the ground like an angry calf.

Learn Xuanxuan's method, aim at the eyeballs of zombies, ready to stab past! Just as he was stabbing, the hands of the dead fell to the ground and grabbed her shoulder.

A group of people behind looked at the palms sweating, closely followed the next Li Hongda was about to help,

In which Li Suxin is very calm, I saw her use the strength to eat milk, towards the zombie eye a knife stabbed in the past.


Zombie fell to the ground, and grabbed Li Suxin also fell a butt block.

Li Suxin quickly got up, but her face did not look panicked, but rather excited.

Learn Xuanxuan's action, did not look back.

Then a face of pride to look at Li Yu, small nose with some dirt, proud Jiao small face full of four words: fast Kua Bao!

Li Yu saw this, smiled and raised his right hand thumb than a really good.

Seeing Li Yu not only smiled, but also gave him a big thumb, Li Suxin suddenly laughed so much that her mouth could not close, and then pout a small butt and ran to Li Yu next to her.

Looking at Xuanxuan still standing next to Li Yu, Li Suxin looked at her proudly.

But at the moment, those Cousins standing behind Li Yu, even Lai's two daughters, were red-faced and ashamed.

Especially Li Haoxian, relative to these two evil little girls, his performance simply can not look directly at.

In an instant, these people seem to have been inspired to fight, but also can be compared to two children in the past?

And standing next to the car Li Hang a little lucky, fortunately, he was not seen when he first faced the zombie, see Li Yu looking at his teasing eyes, think of the original blow of the cow skin, he can now use his feet embarrassed out of three rooms and one hall.

A team, if the leader is afraid, then the whole team will fail. That's what it means to bear a nest and a soldier.

On the contrary, if the team should be the weakest people have an unimaginable burst of courage, then others under the shame, will inevitably be stimulated to be more brave, combat effectiveness skyrocketing.

Li Suxin and Xuanxuan are chasing after them, as if they were an invisible whip, driving them to grow up quickly.

Stimulated by the two girls, others stepped forward to complete the first killing of the zombie. After the killing, it slowed down, and everyone felt as if they were not so terrible as they had imagined.

Li Yu looked at these people, the bottom of my heart is pleased. He doesn't mind protecting his family, but if they can grow up and not drag them down, that makes his protection all the more meaningful.

Restart the vehicle and head for the rocky Hill!