
Beauty bath

The clothes slipped slowly, revealing the fair skin, and the face dirty is not the same, the fair skin in the light bright.

Open the nozzle, let the water spray on the face, wash down the black.

It's warm water.

Small sloppy feel the temperature of the water, the mouth of the smile diffuse.

Then I picked up the shampoo and began to wash my hair little by little

The door is closed, Li Yuan waited outside for a while, listening to the sound of the bath in the room, Li Yuan some look forward to language tong sister after taking a bath.

She also hasn't seen Yu Tong sister for a long time.

When I was in junior high school, I could still meet her every time I went to my father's house, but I saw her less after high school, especially after college, basically I didn't see her.

When I first saw Yutong sister, she didn't recognize her.

When she was a child, she felt that she looked good, although she wore very simple, but it was still difficult to cover up her beauty.

Unexpectedly, this is waiting for almost an hour.

Li Yuan was already at the door, opened a bottle and drank it there.

Li Yuan was very gentle and well-behaved from childhood, but she admired those brave girls, especially those who dared to beat boys like Yutong Sister.

She thought it was so special!

The bath stopped abruptly.

There was a sound of rustling clothes.

Smacking ~

The door opened.

A girl was walking towards her.

Water out of hibiscus, natural to carve.

Face, such as the new moon clear halo, such as flowers and trees pile snow, a melon seed face, beautiful and vulgar.

White and smooth as porcelain skin, in the light of the light, some white dazzling.

Tall and graceful, light and graceful,

It seems that the clothes Li Yuan brought are a little small, and wearing them on her body, the devil's figure is more obvious.

In the bump, the clothes seem to be unable to support the weight, in the walk, as if at any time to break.

However, the clothes Li Yuan, who is 165 in height, brought are already her largest size clothes.

Li Yuan saw this, the bottom of my heart some grievances.

I've eaten so much.

Black hair like lacquer, skin like jade, beautiful eyes,

She looked at the Li Yuan holding the bottle in her hand, the corners of her mouth smiled, inadvertently, between the frown and smile revealed a kind of unspeakable beauty.

Still wet hair, beautiful face, clear eyes, and it seems that after a hot bath, relaxed.

It exudes a fresh and natural atmosphere from the inside out and paints a picture of clear beauty.

"Yutong sister, you really look good." Li Yuan said to the little slob with appreciative eyes.

Then he seemed to think of something, and said, "Big brother, they still call you a little sloppy, really don't know." How stupid!"

There was also a kind of hatred for iron.

Little sloppy smiled, pointed to the clothes on his body, and asked: "That, small Circle, have other clothes?" It's -- it's a little small. Preferably something bigger."

Li Yuan's eyes purr and turn, as if she remembered something.

"Yes!" he said happily. My brother went out some time ago to collect supplies, searched a lot of clothing stores, there are some suits for you, you want Bra, I get you a no wire, no size sports underwear."

The little slob heard the words and nodded excitedly.

In fact, she has been enduring, after the outbreak of the last world, she has been washing her body, but every time after washing her face, she still has to get dirty.

In this environment, getting messy is also a protective color for her.

Li Yuan came and went quickly, after the small sloppy change of clothes, and Li Yuan sat on the sofa.

Looking at the projector Li Yuan brought, watching the TV drama there.

When little Sloppy saw Li Yuan come in with the projector, she was shocked.

It's the last days, and there are conditions.

Looking at a small sloppy face of shock, Li Yuan ran down again, half ringing.

Holding a bunch of potato chips, melon seeds small snacks up, and then somewhat regretfully said: "This kind of stuff is my collection, before my brother gave me to store, now there is not much left." Today Yutong sister to come, must share with you."

Little scruffy looked at everything in front of him, and the whole Bengbu lived.

The last days are coming.

That's a bit much.

The worst time for her was during the storms, when she was short of supplies and had to guard against zombies.

Everything was running out, and by the end it was hopeless.

Until the zombie tide subsided.

And Li Yu and their side, the material is so abundant?

The two people ate and drank, chatting, until late at night, Li Yuan ran back to his room.

After Li Yu swimming back, went to a monitoring room, today is two aunts on duty.

The second aunt is different from the second uncle, although the second uncle has some wisdom, but many times the ideas are more insidious, which is very useful in the last days.

Two aunts are different, the mind is clear, but everything is very clear to see.

Li Yu and two aunts said hello, let her take care to monitor.

Focus on the uptown, third floor cameras.

Although Li Yu and small sloppy childhood play is good, but after all, it has not seen for a long time.

Although today the small sloppy for the second uncle, the whole body out of the belongings for anti-inflammator.

However, Li Yu was born again and came back to believe one thing: in addition to his family, no one will completely believe it.

Until now, Li Yu still has an attitude of investigating these workers.

Be careful, be careful, live long.

From the monitoring room, Li Yu saw Li Yuan holding the empty bottle downstairs, a closer look, is his collection of beer.

After all, it's a sister and a kiss.

A brother would have slapped him in the face.

Forget it.

Li Yu some teeth acid, then returned to his room.

Still began to calculate all the things that happened today, as if the general passing in my mind.

Director Zhang.

Captain Lu.

The rest of Yu Gu Tai.

In addition to a few guns taken from Zhang's side, it seems that Zhang's side only has four pistols.

When I came back today, I specially stopped and let Li Hang get off. After checking, no one followed me.

It is also that chapter chief sense, if you dare to follow, then they do not have to stay.


Li Yu soaked in the bathtub, constantly thinking in his mind, checking the missing, thinking about where he did not notice, how to pay attention in the future, and so on.

After thinking for a while, Li Yu got up from the bathtub.

Lying on the soft bed, he still could not fall asleep directly, and there was always a whip in his heart that made him unable to relax completely.

Even in the safety of his base, he was afraid to relax completely.

Looking at the moon outside the window, he was stunned.

It's almost April.

It's been almost six months since the rebirth of the end times.