
Base plan

In the last days, when others are struggling on the brink of starvation, Li Yu and they are in the tall wall, under the big camphor tree, blowing the evening breeze, eating barbecue and drinking beer.

All this, in the small sloppy and aunt and other people, is an incredible thing.

But this is really happening.

It was like going from hell to heaven.

However, other people outside the base, who are on the brink of life and death, will never see this.

In this base, with the increase of personnel, the defense has improved a lot.

Even though the crowd is gathering in the center of the base, the defense of the entire base is still very strict.

Therefore, everyone can be more relaxed when they meet in the base.

The second uncle and four uncles at the gate, as well as Uncle Lai and Ding Jiu who constantly patrol on the wall, make the base security factor increased a lot.

As the population of the base increases, a lot of things are happening at the same time.

Develop a plan to solve some of the problems faced and improve the overall strength:

The first thing is the problem of food.

This part is the most labor-intensive.

This includes the cultivation of staple foods such as rice, potatoes, corn and so on.

Secondly, the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, all need to be reclaimed and maintained, the original ten acres of flat land, in addition to residential areas, there are 4 acres of rice, gardens, breeding areas, and some other areas, and now with the development and utilization of land, now most of them have been used.

Then there is breeding, including aquatic products, the lake raises many kinds of fish, although it does not need to bother God, but if you do not throw some fish grass or feed, the fish is difficult to grow up, even if they grow up, they will have a big head and a small body.

So the fish in the lake, every day by grandpa and some children to cut some grass, put in the lake.

In addition to aquatic products, there are chickens, ducks, cows, sheep, pigs, rabbits

That is, these two hundred-acre mountains are large enough to provide enough space, but the pigs are raised in breeding sheds, which are basically kept at the very edge of the base.

Every day the cattle and sheep are driven out to graze in the mountains.

So far, the grass in the forest, and some grass at the foot of the mountain, have been sufficient.

The second thing is the issue of upgrading the personnel of the base.

This is what Li Yu values most.

After all, in this cruel last days, the weak is the original sin, and now there is such a big base, if a powerful force appears in the future to snatch it, then how can it be held?

So Li Yu made some rules and regulations to exercise all the people in the big family, and even recently, all the people have to go out, under the protection of uncle, uncle, Li Gang, etc., to hack zombies, practice marksmanship, crossbow shooting ability.

They also searched the surrounding villages, even the town, again.

While training, but also constantly collecting supplies.

In addition, Li Yu also asked some people in his family over the age of 16, both men and women, to take out the guns in the warehouse and let them skillfully use them.

Including the guard security at the door, it is no longer the third uncle, second uncle, father, these people, but began to match, to give younger people the opportunity to exercise.

Now the basic configuration is such as: uncle, plus 16-year-old Li Zhengping, and 20-year-old Li Haoran.

Ensure that there is a mature and stable control, but also the presence of young people, so that these young people can exercise.

Third thing, pay attention to the news around you.

Although Li Yu was born again, there was some news of the prophet, but it was only partial.

When Li Yu first broke out in the end times, he was still struggling on the edge of life and death in the first year. He had not been to many places, and he thought about how he could survive every day.

After the rebirth, Li Yu realized the importance of the surrounding movement, such as the arrival of the zombie tide, if you know some in advance, the response will not be so difficult.

There are also surrounding forces, which are large forces, which are small forces, which are more humane forces, which are more extreme forces. Need to know.

However, in the last days, under the blockade of zombies, the mobility of personnel is already very poor, and this side of the base is a relatively remote place, usually you can't see other people, so Li Yu is less aware of the news of other places.

However, Li Yu also occasionally went to the county, passing by the suburbs, and they will communicate with Song Min, after all, they are in the county, even in the suburbs, but there are more survivors in the county.

Through Song Min's news, Li Yu knew that now in the county, there is basically no a relatively large force gang, after destroying the two groups of Zhou Sheng before, now there is basically no big organization.

The fourth thing, secure the base, build the base, expand the base.

One hundred mu of forest, ten mu of plain, at first glance is quite large.

At present, land use is not very tight, Li Yu is thinking that if the expansion of the base, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, the expansion of the base will be put on hold at this stage.

With the increase in personnel at the base, food is now abundant, but with the planting and breeding of animals, especially rabbits, birth is particularly fast.

However, the base consumes more meat, although the rabbit is born quickly, but not everyone eats fast.

In the secure base area. After the second uncle came back, he gave some suggestions, suggesting that the height of the wall should be increased. Li Yu has been thinking about this recently, and has started searching around for some building materials.

But don't worry, there are many things, everything has to be taken slowly.

There are other things.

But it's basically about food, the strength of the team, finding out the surrounding information, and strengthening the stability of the base four things.

Everyone twisted a rope and worked together to move forward.

Many people who enter the base, especially those who enter the back, are very aware of what kind of world is outside the base in the last days, which is a man-eating world, so they cherish this beautiful life in the base more and more.

Not because of temporary security and adequate supplies, and let down their vigilance.

Li Yu also often leads by example, getting up early every day to drive the younger generation to exercise.

Every time I go out, I rush to the front;

And also constantly practice, improve their crossbow shooting ability;

When it comes to crossbows, although there are tens of thousands of arrows purchased at the beginning, they will run out sooner or later.

So I bought something similar to the "Handbook of Friends of the Two Military Places", plus my grandfather was often hunting at that time, and I also had some production experience.

He cut some bamboo and began to try to make some arrows. The process of making arrows is a slow process. In the tedious and boring movement, Li Yu seemed to find some interest.

Holding a knife to flatten the wood bit by bit, polishing the arrows in the hand bit by bit, the sense of accomplishment in my heart is very strong.

But most importantly, in doing these things, let his heart always anxious heart, as if to find an outlet, in doing these things, it seems all of a sudden, the world. It was quiet.

The heart has become much more peaceful, and the mood has become more pleasant.