
100 advantages of Li Hang

But even if you don't want to look at it, the screen is big.

Plus the computer is too bright, a peripheral scan, a glance accidentally saw Li Hang wrote the following content:

My 100 Strengths: HMM? Pros! Look what this kid wrote. Li Yu looked down.

1. Being told you are handsome

2. Can drive a forklift

3. Keep a journal

4) Can whistle with four fingers together (learned from the master of the attacking giant, who called his horse so). The thief is handsome.

5, can move the ear magic

6. Picking ears is light

7. You can shower

8. Eating navel oranges is fast

9, carry the threshing machine

10. Feet don't smell

11. Be a crossing captain

12. Can play mahjong

13. Beat the king and beat the king

14. PI comes ninth

15. Smile with dimples and pear swirls

16. Can spit bubbles and fly

17. Can run from my home to Ping An junior high School

18. You can sit alone under a tree for more than 2 hours at 4am in winter

19. The older you get, the more confident you become


Looking at the back, the advantages of the content, has exceeded Li Yu's cognitive limitations, he did not think that the original there are such advantages!

That's -- that's good!

Li Yu looked at it with a complicated expression on his face.

This kid, still. That's fucking funny!

What a fucking talent.

The stormy weather also made Li Hang's mood unhappy, but even if Li Hang was unhappy, he would quickly become happy.

He always found ways to cheer himself up, always found some fun.

That's fine.

Li Yu saw the end, mouth across a faint smile.

It's good.

Then I saved the file, turned it off, and closed the screen.

Back in the room, Li Yu opened the small balcony of his room and the room door, the glass door in the middle. Some rain dripped down from the window.

The window is not very close, Li Yu thought about it, sleep is not so strong, so poured a cup of lemon tea next to it.

Then he sat on the cane chair on the balcony, watching the wind and rain outside the window.

Dust and wind, half of the horizon.

The house is isolated from the rain, and the indoor and outdoor feel like two worlds.

Li Yu always liked rain, but after the end of the world, it was also rainy days that worried him. Every time it rains, it is supposed to usher in another test.

At this time, in the rainstorm that was sealed by the window, a trace of rain came in, and Li Yu felt moved for a long time.

Lying on the rattan chair, drank a bit of sour and sweet lemon tea, with a trace of bitterness, bitter after there is a trace of sweet.

Li Yu put the blanket next to the cane chair on the body, so lying on the cane chair.

The rattan chair shook back and shook, so Li Yu gradually felt a little sleepy, covered with the blanket, there was some warm temperature, but there was a little cool in the air, not much. Just right.

This kind of lukewarm, with a slight cool, and covered with a thin blanket feeling, is like in a big summer, covered with a quilt air conditioning. It's like in the winter, in a hot room, eating popsicles.

Pleasant, cool, yet warm. Not contradictory, just right.

Li Yu gradually fell asleep.

But in addition to the base side is experiencing heavy rain, the whole land of China has not been spared.

Heavy rain is indiscriminately striking, and the land is flooded. Some of the things that the survivors had just cleared for planting, this rain, it was all destroyed.

This rain, took a lot of lives, but also took a lot of people's hope.

South City, Salvation Army.

Salvation Army boss, no longer the style of the past, without food, there is no way to stabilize the team, at this time some of the team has begun to be unstable.

But, on this day. They suddenly ate meat.

Everyone who eats meat seems to be crazy, with bloodlust in his eyes, with ruthless spicy.

At the same time, the eyes, less a trace of humanity, more a trace of ambition and maniacal beast.

At first, only a part of the people began to eat meat, and then more and more people ate meat, and finally, the people who did not eat meat disappeared.

Only people who eat meat.

Eventually, everyone started eating meat.

"Today is the 28th day of torrential rain." Saviors, head up. He took a bite out of the flesh in his hand, then lit the cigarette and drew deeply.

Looking at the sky, it was dark.

The cigarette tip in the hand, between the light and the dark, occasionally you can see the Salvation Army boss, like people, like ghosts and ghosts of the face. It's like he's smiling all the time, but it's so dirty.

Strange smile, with a hint of bloodlust, eyes with a hint of wild animals, with a hint of indescribable smell of decay.

The 28th day of heavy rain.

The Salvation Army is in a good position, on a slightly higher ground, and there is no immediate danger of flooding.

The Salvation Army, from a thousand people at the beginning, to more than 500 in the back, to less than 400 now.

They were originally in this factory, this factory was originally built more solid, military management of the factory, the facilities are relatively stable.

But the diesel generator, it's out of diesel.

Food, too.

Their headquarters haven't been breached by the zombies, but they're still losing staff every day.

Apocalyptic rainstorm, terrible not only zombies, sometimes more terrible is hunger, more terrible than hunger is. Man!

How do you judge a person as a person?

Is it to see if he looks like someone? Or does he have a mind?

Or, there's no humanity.

How to look at a person, is there humanity?

The Saviors, they don't really count as people anymore.

However, besides them, there are many other places, they are also playing a similar scene.

Or some lucky people, can not face this problem.

There are also some people, adhere to the moral bottom line, resolutely do not touch this red line, some people survived, some people died.


Some people are alive.


As good as dead.