
Rebirth Of The Diva!

Left her powerful and rich family and became "The Goddess of the Music Industry" but fell in love with the wrong person, was brutally murdered,but Gods gave her a second chance.She reincarnated and walked the same path to the top again but without making those stupid mistakes again and like always fell in love with the right person. :))

Saadat_Sansar · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 11 What Is This Bizzare Situation!

Emma woke up with a shock, what was this long dream? It felt like she just saw her entire lifein her dream. Yet then she realized something even strange, she was not able to move and saw that she had a broken leg but this was strange she was a superstar, a diva and was Jay's girl shouldn't she be in a VIP room and why was she in a common hospital room.

Then suddenly she heard a loud shout and turning around she saw a strange yet familiar girl who was looking at her and shouting for doctor. Then she was joined with another Strange yet familiar girl and they both started happily running towards her.

Who were they? They came and started asking her if she was alright but Emma was not sure who were they maybe they were her fans who saved her but then The girl no.1 said Oh! Beth how could you do this to us you have been unconsious for days now Oh Beth we both thought we lost you.

Beth was Beth then came the doctors running and after a few minuted they declared that she was alright and could be discharged in two days yet they were also referring to her as Beth.But who is Beth and even subconsiously she was replying.

Then suddenly she say a glass tumbler near herand saw the two girls and a strange girl which was her?

How could this be she asked for water and saw her reflection more clearly and realized that she was a different pers, Then came a strange headache with what entered were lots of memories of this strange girl,