
Rebirth of the Demon Queen: From Ordinary to Overlord

Emily Summers, an ordinary girl, dies in a freak accident and awakens in a decaying castle, alone and bewildered. A glowing screen appears, declaring her the new Demon Queen with a mission: rebuild the Demon Kingdom from scratch and become the strongest ruler. Guided by a game-like system, Emily starts with basic resources and quests, gradually repairing the castle and summoning minor demons. As she completes tasks, she gains new skills and allies, transforming her domain into a thriving realm. Facing constant challenges from rival factions and dangerous foes, Emily evolves from a frightened girl into a powerful queen. With determination and the system’s help, she sets out to unify the demon world and claim her place in history.

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182 Chs

Preparing for War

The first rays of morning light filtered through the heavy curtains of my chamber, casting a golden glow over the room. I sat up, the events of the previous night still fresh in my mind. The system's warning echoed in my thoughts as I prepared for the day ahead. The human king's army would be upon us soon . We had precious little time to fortify Ebonhold and prepare for the impending siege.

"System, how much time do we have before the king's forces arrive?" I asked, my voice steady despite the urgency I felt.

System Alert: You have 7 days before the human king's army attacks.

A week. We would need every moment of it. Rising from my bed, I dressed quickly and summoned my council: Lilith, the mage, the warrior, the imp, Arawn, Morgana, and Baelgor. We gathered in the war room, a map of Ebonhold and its surrounding areas spread out before us.

"We have one week to prepare for the human king's attack," I announced, looking each of them in the eye. "We need to fortify the castle and the village. Every second counts."

Lilith leaned over the map, her eyes sharp and calculating. "We should start with reinforcing the outer walls and setting up traps in the surrounding forest. If we can slow them down before they reach the castle, we might have a chance."

The mage nodded, his fingers tracing potential points of defense on the map. "I can enhance the walls with protective spells. It will make them harder to breach and buy us more time during the assault."

"The villagers need to be prepared too," Arawn added. "We should train them in basic combat and evacuation procedures. If it comes to it, we need to ensure their safety."

Baelgor grunted in agreement, his massive form looming over the table. "And we should gather more resources—wood, stone, anything we can use to bolster our defenses."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. "Agreed. Let's divide the tasks and get to work."


The next few days passed in a blur of activity. The village was abuzz with the sound of hammers and the clinking of metal as everyone worked tirelessly to strengthen Ebonhold. The outer walls were reinforced with additional layers of stone and wood, and traps were set throughout the forest surrounding the castle. Pits, spikes, and hidden snares—all designed to slow down the advancing army.

The mage and I walked the perimeter of the castle, inspecting the defensive enhancements. "This should hold them off for a while," he said, casting another layer of protective magic over the battlements. "But we'll need more than just physical defenses."

"Agreed," I replied. "We need soldiers."

As if on cue, the system chimed with a new alert.

**System Alert: New Function Unlocked - Demon Army Summoning**

**System Alert: You can now summon 100 demon soldiers to aid in the defense of your kingdom. The first summoning is free. Subsequent summonings will require resources.**

I felt a surge of relief. "This could be our saving grace," I said, turning to the mage. "Let's summon them."

We gathered in the main courtyard, the air thick with anticipation. The villagers paused in their work, watching as I raised my hands and invoked the summoning spell. The ground trembled, and a circle of dark energy formed at my feet, growing in intensity until it erupted in a blinding flash of light.

When the light faded, 100 demon soldiers stood before us, each one equipped with armor and weapons, their eyes burning with fierce determination.

"Welcome to Ebonhold," I said, addressing the newly summoned troops. "You are here to defend our home against the human army that approaches. Together, we will show them the strength of the demon realm."

The soldiers pounded their chests in unison, a thunderous roar of approval echoing through the courtyard. Their presence bolstered the morale of everyone present, and we resumed our preparations with renewed vigor.

Over the next few days, the soldiers integrated seamlessly into our defenses. They patrolled the walls, trained with the villagers, and worked alongside us to fortify the castle. The atmosphere was tense but hopeful as we worked together to prepare for the imminent attack.

On the fifth day, I stood on the battlements, surveying the progress we had made. The castle walls were stronger than ever, and the village was a hive of activity. I felt a sense of pride and determination swell within me.

"We're almost ready," Lilith said, joining me at the parapet. "The soldiers have been invaluable, and the villagers are as prepared as they can be."

"Good," I replied, my gaze fixed on the horizon. "But we can't afford to be complacent. We need to make sure everything is perfect."

As if sensing my thoughts, the system chimed again.

**System Alert: New Mission Unlocked - Final Fortifications**

**Objective: Complete the final fortifications of Ebonhold. Ensure all defenses are in place and all personnel are ready for the impending attack.**

**Rewards: Enhanced Defense Structures, Additional Resources**

"We're close," I said, turning to Lilith. "Let's make sure we're ready."

The next two days were a whirlwind of final preparations. We checked and rechecked the defenses, trained the villagers to their limit, and ensured that every demon soldier knew their place in the coming battle. The mage's protective spells were layered over the walls, and the traps in the forest were tested and reset.

On the morning of the seventh day, Ebonhold was a fortress. The walls gleamed with magical energy, the traps were concealed and deadly, and the demon soldiers stood ready at their posts.

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, the system chimed with one final alert.

**System Alert: Mission Complete - Final Fortifications**

**Rewards: Enhanced Defense Structures, Additional Resources**

I felt a surge of power as the rewards took effect. The walls of Ebonhold glowed with a new strength, and the soldiers and villagers around me seemed to stand a little taller, their resolve unbreakable.

"We're as ready as we'll ever be," I said, addressing my council and the gathered defenders. "The human king's army will be here soon. Remember, we fight not just for ourselves but for the future of our kingdom. For Ebonhold!"

A cheer rose up from the crowd, and I felt a surge of pride and determination. We were ready. No matter what came, we would stand together and defend our home.

**System Alert: Incoming Attack - Prepare for Battle**

As the alert faded, we took our positions, ready to face the coming storm. The human king thought he could crush us, but he had no idea what awaited him at Ebonhold.

The battle for our kingdom was about to begin.