
Rebirth of the celestial killer

I was once a mighty god killer, feared throughout the infinite cosmos and revered by those bellow...But it all came to an end after the sky gods had enough and sent me to the void where I lied for a inconceivable amount of time... 《Do you want to live?》

Mamon_Lucifer · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Reincarnated from the void

Inside a vast and empty void lays a man, looking no older than 18. His red hair was the only thing to light up the void for miles.

"1 thousand, 8 thousand, 20 I don't fucking know, time doesn't exist here, anyway"

That's right, in this plane of existence or non-existence (He himself isn't sure) nothing, exists here, this place was before that of even light or darkness, death and life, space and time nothing existed before this place. And here "he" is, floating in the place the deities named the "Void"

"I didn't think "They" would take me here...Those damn cowards, I bet their excuse was that I'm too strong or some bullshit like that."

as he lies there he would "Look" down at himself, wounds ranging from minor to severe littering his body. Hell, he would even be missing a basketball-sized portion of his body.

[Do you want revenge, Jin Demios]

'a voice?'

[Do you want to show those so-called gods and the Sky celestials your might?]

That voice in his head...Could it be him going crazy from the wounds littering his body? of course he would be stuck like this for all of eternity as time does not pass, making it so he wouldn't die over time from his wounds. In short: it was endless suffering

'No, even if I were a mere head I would never go insane'

so that leaves one answer, Somehow a being possibly a being who transcends that of even origin was speaking to him directly.

"...I-I want revenge on all of them, They wanted my power...And when they couldn't have it they sent me here after destroying over 70% of my body, even my soul is nearly destroyed."

It's true, the nine sky celestials and even one of the laws joined in, specifically the law of boundary. Using his power he set a boundary that suppressed Jins power to lower than half.

even then it took all of them combining their power to create a crack into the void, sending Jin there to wallow in endless suffering.

[Then I shall give you the means to do so, now go my champion. Become the darkness that swallows even the gods]

a bright light fills Jin's vision, and a sensation unlike anything he has ever experienced would radiate throughout his nearly destroyed body.

[It feels as if my bones, organs, even my very soul are somehow changing]

a thought crosses his mind, a silly thought really but something definitely plausible

[Rebirth? I thought this was something only the great immortal emperor could do. Could this be the emperor?]

after he finishes that thought he would notice that he could see, in fact, he would see that he is in some sort of room decorated with posters of dragons, Snakes, and when he looks to the left he saw a small bed in the corner

"where the hell am I?"

'looking around it seems as if I've been teleported into a room. Even my wounds have been healed

he would stand up, not noticing that he would barely rise taller than the bed he saw

'Well that's good then, With this, I can get revenge. Just have to search for their Dao energy and fly off in their direction."

he would close his eyes, hoping to sense any energy. He sighs in frustration as he couldn't sense anything

"Guess I just have to do it the ol fashioned way, Flying throughout existence until I find one of them, then beating the hell out of that person and continue searching!"

"jin" would then jump up, Blasting through the roof and going outside the observable universe in less than a second.






That is what was supposed to happen, but instead of blasting off like a team rocket he would instead jump about a meter in the air, which is still impressive but by his standards is like a toddler leaping only to fall on their face

"What the fuck?"

he exclaims while landing on his but, earning a loud thump that could be heard throughout the entire room and possibly outside of this room

"Has my power been reduced?"

he stops, widening his eyes as he finally notices that it isn't his voice speaking, it is now that of a young male. He looks at his hands, seeing the pale white complexion of his skin along with his stubby little hands and small fingers.

"So I've truly been reborn? what's more, is that-"

a knock would be heard from the door to his far right

"Leon! is everything alright in there? I heard something fall."

a male voice would sound from beyond the door, "Jin" now named Leon apparently would watch as the door handle turns. He watches in anticipation as the door would swing open to reveal a tall man wearing a casual black hoodie and some jeans, his hair being platinum colored while his eyes would shine a vibrant gold.


'Who the hell is this? could it be this body brother? cousin? hell, even sister? this boy doesn't look a day past 20 either, furthermore, I can sense an energy that would place him at the level of a guard for the gate back at my base.'

the man takes a few steps toward Leon, picks him up and hugs him tightly

"Are you hurt!? Tell me what's wrong papa will take care of everything, ill call the healers right away"

'Wait...This man is my father?!? what kind of body was I placed into!'