
Rebirth of the Blade Emperer Deus

On an auspicious day, Deus had come face to face with a giant army. They ask him to submit but, how could he? As the king of blades, how could he throw away his pride and go with them with his head hung low? He smiled and announced war on the army, after a long time the battle was finally over Deus was victorious, but Critically wounded. He collapsed to the ground as he closed his eyes. The next moment he wakes up in his old apartment in his young body. With the knowledge of Gods and the grit of an ant, he gets ready to conquer the world again

wH0amI · perkotaan
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12 Chs


*This field is only limited to the Mage class!

F Rank: Individuals at this level have a very little innate talent for magic and mana manipulation. They may struggle to even create a small spark or produce a tiny drop of water. They are not considered mages and are often dismissed as unable to perform any significant magic.

E Rank: These individuals have slightly more talent than F rank, but still struggle to perform any significant feats of magic. They can create small illusions or conjure small objects, but their abilities are limited and require a lot of effort to perform.

D Rank: Most of these Individuals are considered beginners in magic and mana manipulation. They can cast basic spells such as fireballs, healing spells, or levitation, but their abilities are still relatively limited. They can channel small amounts of mana but struggle with more complex spells.

C Rank: Individuals at this level have developed some proficiency in magic and mana manipulation. They can cast more complex spells and can channel larger amounts of mana. They can also combine spells to create new effects, but their abilities are still limited and they need to work hard to improve their skills.

B Rank: All of these Individuals are considered skilled mages. They have a good understanding of magic and mana manipulation and can channel large amounts of mana to cast powerful spells. They can also create magical artifacts and imbue them with various effects.

A Rank: These individuals are powerful mages who can perform incredible feats of magic. They can manipulate the elements, create illusions and summon powerful creatures to aid them in battle. They can also control and create powerful magical artifacts and imbue them with various effects. They are considered rare and valuable assets in any magical organization.

S Rank: These individuals are among the most powerful mages in the world. They have unparalleled control over magic and mana and can perform incredible feats such as teleportation, time manipulation, or reality-warping. They can summon powerful entities or creatures to aid them in battle and can control entire armies of lesser mages. They are considered legendary figures and often become leaders of magical organizations or kingdoms.

SS Rank: Individuals at this level are god-like in their abilities. They can control entire worlds or dimensions and manipulate reality on a cosmic scale. They can create or destroy entire civilizations with a single thought and can summon or banish gods or other cosmic beings. They are considered to be one of the most powerful beings in existence.

SS+ Rank: These individuals are even more powerful than SS-rankers. They can control multiple universes or dimensions and can manipulate reality on an even greater scale. They can create or destroy entire galaxies or even the fabric of space-time itself. They are considered to be beings of unimaginable power.

SSS Rank: SSS-rank individuals are the most powerful beings in existence. They are able to bend reality to their will and control entire multiverses or dimensions. They are god-like in their abilities and can manipulate time, space, and reality on an unprecedented scale. They are considered to be akin to gods and often have entire cults or religions devoted to their worship.

There is one more rank above SSS but it is shrouded in mystery and only appears in legends and myths. Beings powerful enough to make gods shake in awe and terror, and able to make their own reality and culture. This rank that stands above all is termed "NA"