
Rebirth of Milf Empress

This is a story about the journey of a modern woman named Sophia, who dies heroically during an accident while trying to save a baby's life. She meets God and receive some op boons from him. She transmigrates in the body of a queen of a small kingdom with a system. Follow Sophia on her journey in another world. Tags- kingdom-building, system, war, yuri, incest, orgy

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21 Chs

Meeting with the God

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in a vast emptiness. I was standing or it may be more correct to say that I was floating in void as I was just a round orb of light now. There was nothing as far as my eyes went. Only darkness was my companion.

It seems I died and this white orb thing is my soul.

I started floating here and there in this vast void in search of another soul. After not knowing how long I stopped not finding anyone.

"Are you finally tiered" suddenly a majestic and manly voice came from the void. It sounded divine. I tried to locate the source of the sound but it seemed voice was coming from all the directions at the same time.

"Don't try to search me as I am everywhere"

This reply only made me more confused. I wanted to ask various questions but I don't have a mouth to speak.

"You don't need to use your mouth to convey your thoughts to me. Just think about what you want to say."

Can this man hear my thoughts.


Sophia: "Um... so where am I? and what happened to me."

The voice: "You are dead and you are on the junction of life and death"

Sophia: "Who are you?"

The voice: "I am the creator of all the worlds."

Sophia: "Are you the only god"

God: "No, there are two other gods besides me."

"I Brahma- The Creator; Vishnu- The Preserver and Shiva- The Destroyer"

"People from your world worship us as Trimurti (Trinity)"

Sophia: "People from my world? You mean to say that there are other worlds."

Brahma: "Of course, I have created countless numbers of worlds."

Sophia: "Are all the other worlds same as mine."

Brahma: "No, every world has its uniqueness"

Sophia: "What do you mean."

Brahma: "Well, it will take too much time to explain, I will just say it briefly"

"There are some worlds that excel in science like yours, some in magic, some in cultivation, etc"

"Some worlds that were created at first has reached the end of their evolution and newly born worlds are still evolving and many worlds are being created and destroyed while we speak"

Sophia: "So is this afterlife?"

Brahma: "No, there is no afterlife. After death the memory of the souls are erased and go through the reincarnation cycle."

Sophia: "Then why am I still here and why are you answering all my questions so patiently."

Brahma: "You are here because of your deeds."

Sophia: "My deeds?"

Brahma: "Yes, you are a very pure soul. You have been helping others since your childhood and when you grew you were helping sick people as a nurse. Even your death was caused while saving someone."

"You have accumulated a high amount of karma. So, The Trinity decided to give you a reward. You have two choices for your next life."

Sophia: "What type of choices?"

Brahma: "Either you are reborn as a child of a rich family in the same world without your past life memories or you can choose a world of fantasy with some cheats that you can get by spending your karmic points.

Hearing these choices, I blurted out "second choice" instinctively.

Hearing my reply, Brahma said in a serious tone "I must warn you of your choice. You won't be reborn in other world, rather your soul will occupy the body of a person who had just died and is compatible with your soul. The body may be of a man, a child, elderly, anyone. So, I suggest you to reconsider your choice."

Hering this I hesitated for a while but then firmed my will and said "I will go ahead with my previous choice."

"Well then, its time for second part of your choice, purchase anything from this list using your karmic points."

Suddenly a golden screen appeared infront of me. There were various things listed on it with their price tags.

[Available points: 100,000]

[Time manipulation: 600,000]

[Space manipulation: 400,000]

[Element manipulation: 200,000]

[All Element affinity: 15,000]

[Mage System: 300,00]

[Sword System: 300,000]

[Upgrade System: 200,000]

[Lust System: 400,000]

[Succubus System: 1,000,000]

(100 systems are omitted)

[Random System Gacha: 50,000]

[Dimensional Storage: 5,000]

[All seeing eye: 10,000]

[Foresight: 20,000]

After going through the list my eyes stopped on Succubus System as it was the most expensive item on this list.

"Why is the price of Succubus System so exaggerated" I asked

"To know the system features you have to buy it first."

This reply mad me frustrated as I had only 100,000 points.

Since I can't do anything about it, I decided to just focus on the things that I can buy.

Looking at so many options, I felt dizzy and there were so many systems that made me doubt my eyes. There were strong systems like mage system or time system and also miscellaneous systems like chef system or maid system. I wanted to buy a system but even the cheapest system was of 125,000 points. So, I went for random system gacha for 50,000 points. Now I had 50,000 points remaining. After contemplating for long time, I decided to buy [All element affinity], [Dimensional Storage], [All seeing eye] and [Foresight].

"Are you sure of your choices" Brahma asked for my confirmation.

"Yes" I replied

"Ok, I wish you a happy life in your next life. You will get all your cheats when you arrive in the world." Said Brahma and bid me farewell

Suddenly everything went black and I lost my consciousness.

TO be continued….

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