
Rebirth of Milf Empress

This is a story about the journey of a modern woman named Sophia, who dies heroically during an accident while trying to save a baby's life. She meets God and receive some op boons from him. She transmigrates in the body of a queen of a small kingdom with a system. Follow Sophia on her journey in another world. Tags- kingdom-building, system, war, yuri, incest, orgy

Ekatra · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Drunk Queen (18+)

They both returned to the palace in a drunk state. Eleanor was fully drunk while Debra was somewhat sober. She did not drink much as she had to take care of the queen.

Debra supported Eleanor and carried her inside the palace.


Debra's P.O.V*

Currently, I am in a very awkward situation. Queen's arm was around my shoulder and her whole body was leaning on mine. She was so close to me that I could smell her body scent. I could smell the alcohol from her mouth.

All this was making me very horny. My crotch quivering. The queen had no idea that her little actions were making me aroused. 

While I was trying to control my urges, I heard her mumbling sound

"Bathroom," she says, slurring the word so that it sounds more like "bathm", but I was already anticipating her request as she had drunk so much, so the meaning is easy enough to understand.

I help her walk to the bathroom, releasing her in front of the toilet.

"Pants," she says, gesturing towards her crotch. Again, her meaning is clear enough. In her drunk state, she needs me to help her get out of her pants before she can get on the toilet and do her thing.

I step forward reach down and start undoing the buttons. I pull down her panties along with her pants, bringing them down to her feet and helping her step out of them. 

Even though it was not the first time she had seen a naked woman but seeing the queen standing groggily naked in front of her made her more aroused. 

She wanted to make love with her queen. She wanted to be dominated by her queen. But she cannot take the initiative in her drunk state. It could cost her life when the queen becomes sober. She can only control her urges and wait for the queen's order.

The queen steps back and sits down on the toilet and I hear the sound of her pee hitting the bowl. I try not to think of what is going on, and try not to imagine it. I have never been into peeing and it isn't the thought of the action that is making my body start to tingle now, but rather the thought of where that pee is coming from and what I would like to do to that part of her anatomy.

I shake my head, trying to clear these thoughts away.

I notice that her stream has stopped and look at her face to see if she needs help.

"Wipe," she says with a smug half smile on her face. I realize that this is not a drunk request for help, at least not entirely. It was an order from a mistress to her slave.

Even though it was demeaning, I did not hate it. I liked her dominant side.

"Ok," I tell her, walking up to her and reaching out to grab her arm. "Get up and bend over". I pull her up by the arm and maneuver her over to the sink. Whether it is due to her drunk brain still being foggy or surprise she does as I ask and bends over the sink, sticking her ass out in the air.

"What?" she asks in a confused voice, talking into the sink.

"It would be much easier with you standing like this, your Majesty".

In her current position, I have an unobstructed view of her ass and vaginal area. Her legs are slightly parted. Seeing her like this, I can feel the tingling in my lower parts start to increase and I am sure, that if I were to pull off my panties right now, they would stick to my crotch.

Looking at her pussy, wet with beads of pee, I suddenly have the urge to kneel behind her and use my tongue to clean them off. I have never before had the inclination to want to taste someone else's pee and it is not what is driving my desire now, but the thought of being dominated by her queen, licking her, and feeling her tremble under my tongue is almost more than I can handle. And why should I? Why not just do it?

As soon as the thought seriously enters my mind, I know that I am going to go ahead with it, consequences be damned.

I quickly step up behind her and kneel down. The angle isn't perfect, but I can make it work. I put my hands on her upper thighs, noticing my fingers are trembling slightly. I pull her thighs apart, giving me full access to her nether parts.

I lean in and stick out my tongue and quickly slide my tongue from her clit and all the way up to her opening. I had halfway expected the taste of her pee to be disgusting, but all I tasted was a slight salty tanginess, that wasn't unpleasant.

At the same time that my tongue makes contact with her, I feel my own crotch contracting, and a wave of pleasure races through me, almost like a miniature orgasm.

As I pull back to get my tongue in position for another lick, I hear her ask "Wha-what are you doing?". Her voice was much lower and quieter than before.

"Wiping you," I say and then, without giving her time to respond, I move my face back in position and let my tongue sneak out and slide over her again, feeling the bump of her clit and the yielding of her opening more fully as I take my time to experience and enjoy the sensation.

"I-I-I..." she stuttered, but before she can get anything else out, I bring my tongue back to her clit and do another slow trip from her clit and up to her opening. This stops her sentence and has her let out a quiet gasp instead.

Encouraged by this sign that what I am doing is affecting her, I quickly bring my tongue back and give her another lick, going back for another right away and getting into a rhythm.

She is not trying to say anything more, rather letting out small whimpering moans with each lick.

Without thinking I have begun rocking my body gently back and forth, creating a small amount of friction at the crotch of my pants. Not enough that I will be able to cum from it, but enough that it enhances the tingly feeling and sends small bolts of pleasure through me.

After a few more licks I noticed that the tangy taste disappeared, it tasted sweeter now. I started to taste the wetness of her pussy. Not an unpleasant taste and surprisingly, or maybe not so unsurprisingly, it was very different from any other woman I have ever tasted. I have tasted almost half of the maids of the palace but they were nowhere as pleasant and sweet as the queen. 

'Is this the difference between lower-class and higher-class pussies.' I wondered.

Her moans are starting to get louder and she has started to push her crotch back against my face. This has the effect that, where previously I moved so that only my tongue made contact with her, now my entire face is making contact and I feel her slickness rub against me from my chin to my forehead.

"Don't move" she says, turning her upper body and reaching back with one hand to take a hold of my hair, to make sure I comply. This puts my mouth and tongue against her clit and my nose against her opening.

Holding me in place she begins to rub back against me more firmly. I continue licking with my tongue, but otherwise, let her take control. I can feel her wetness, not just cover my face, but begin running down my throat. She was dominating me.

Her moaning increases until it is more like small screams, her crotch rubbing against my face at a faster and faster pace until I feel her start to tremble and her screams turn into half-strangled gasps for air.

She continues rubbing against me at a furious pace for 20 or so more seconds, before releasing my hair and slowing down her thrusting movements. I keep my face buried against her, continuing to lick her.

After another minute, it is like the strength leaves her legs and she slowly slides down onto her knees.

This of course breaks my mouth contact with her crotch, but before I get the chance to feel the loss, she twists around and captures my mouth in a kiss.

At first, I was very surprised. It was more like her kissing my frozen lips than us kissing, but after the initial surprise, I returned her kiss and put my arms around her, pulling her body against mine.

After a minute or so she breaks the kiss, gasping for air, and leans her head against my shoulder.

"Let's continue this on the bed" She ordered.

To be continued....

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