A journey filled with blood and schemes for survival and revenge. Never had she thought love will also come as a twist worming slowly but surely in her heart.
Qingfeng also very curious asks the couple "yeah...share the story..how did you manage to make it so smooth...and when did you even plan it?"
Like babies both of them are very curious and now waiting for the story. Pei Jin rather wanted to get warm and cozy with Yusheng inside the bed than be here. But for future steps they needed to share the insides or the plan ahead may be effected thus pouring wine for him and Yusheng he shares the story behind.
"As you already know we had placed spies here who are currently keeping an eye on them. But the thing you don't know is that Yu'er has placed a spy long before the hunt. The person is currently working inside the palace and that is how we came to know about there preparations.
Before we entered huajin, Yu'er had send message to the person with the task to lure the princess in the banquet hall...the empress action was bonus and not in our plan...but her hatred was hard to be ignored thus got found out by me...
Though our plan was indeed to remove both mother and daughter in one swipe but with empress herself landing herself on the platter made it more easy..the reason for them being the target was to tip the court balance between Shiyou and Xiuzhi...with such a reward I guess that currently Xiuzhi's faction are planning to take over control..."
Following him Yusheng also explains "beside that there is another reason for attacking them so early...with the report from the person inside...it seemed that emperor of huajin was planning to betroth his daughters with the Khan and Qing...though both nations do not want his daughters but to deny is different story...worst situation they would have to comprosmise their younger princess...
This union through marital bond is like chains of restriction on each nation which will have also a direct effect on us...thus to stop before it even takes place we needed a plan to show to entire world that the royal princesses of huajin is not someone whom they can welcome inside their home...
With Leiran now facing the chopping block and emperor fighting tooth and nail just for the countries meet to continue...he now definetly will not push this matter...as for the success of our plan...
The person working for us is from huajin herself who has great hatred of vengeance towards the royal family...her family once was also an old noble clan from another city who were destroyed and annihilated by the very well known Princess Leiran supported by the crown prince..
My spies while digging information about the royal family found this story and I had them find this person who is now the lone survivor of her clan...I had her brought hidden in Nanling helped her with face disguise and had her enter the palace with new face and identity..
I had provided her some pills...which would make a person unaware of their condition...their emotion would heighten and make them loose sense of their actions..it works very well when combined with wine...but it seems that the person also had some given to the empress though I am not sure...
I had Leiran as my prime target...as she was easy to manipulate with her natural hideous behaviour...it was more easy for me when she dared to provoke me in the banquet...with the person working in the palace making the timing perfect was easy...but i do have compliment for she managed to do it so clean without getting implicated on the process...she also had me timely informed that Leiran was on the way...
from then on I just had to go with flow but with Pei Jin finding the empress reaction early made the matter more smooth for us...leaving them with too many holes to patch...with empress herself on the edge of cliff and caught off guard by Leiran's presence...our victory was set...just the profits we received was definetly more than we expected..."
Qingfeng and Chen Yi could only humbly look at the couples especially Yusheng who in their mind was now master of schemes. They didn't know if to praise or fear her. Such thorough and way ahead plans had once again left them speechless. With conflicted emotions they gulped their entire cup of wine to sooth their heart.
Pei Jin was feeling proud like a peacock and smug at their reactions as if saying "be awared...for such a person is mine...". Qingfeng felt that his eye was stabbed with a needle from Pei Jins smug look so foucuses on his wine while Chen Yi was too shocked to even look at Pei Jin.
Yusheng unknown to their internal emotions finds the wine were lacking thus orders Tao to bring more wine and ask zhu geng to prepare some light snack that goes along with wine.