

After lunch and an hour of sunbathing enjoying the nature Yusheng told it was time for the treatment.

Tao had placed Pei jin on bed naked only the private parts covered by a towel as per Yusheng's instruction.

Yusheng started to apply the needles from the knee to the tip of toe. Unlike before she was using her divine butterfly art where the needles were placed as if pinning a butterfly.

Soon with great concentration she created thin as a thread from her Qi and let it rope around the needles. Soon the needles started to tremble signifying the Qi passing through it.

Inside the Qi had dispersed and latched on to bone and nerves like a net. Slowly as if closing the net she pulled the Qi.. after half an hour finding it enough she stopped the process.

Then with great speed and precision she pulled out the needles and once again placed them back. This time she was using her divine feather art. Similarly like before but in the shape of a feather.

This time she first manifested her Qi into a hollow thread with her left hand while creating small dots from the right. Then slowly she passed each dots from the hollow and inside the body.

Inside the dots were placed at a inch distance, making it look like a knot to strengthen and secure the net. Very minute changes could be seen, the once scattered fragments of bones have been pulled and piled near where it belong, the bursted nerves have similarly been also pulled and aligned in their correct path.

Having used two divine arts back to back there was a thin sweat on Yusheng's forhead, her eye brows slightly frowned, her eyes closed and those fan like eye lashes trembling slightly,making pei jin heart -ache greatly.

He so badly wanted to swipe that sweat and gently smoothen her brows... but as his condition wouldn't allow him to move a inch as to distract Yusheng, he held back his emotion.

This very scene of Yusheng, he engraved in his heart making a promise to himself to make her happy and free of worry.

After another hour Yusheng succesfully managed to place all the Qi dots. Finally she opened her eyes and pulled out the needles in correct order.

"The first step is now completed, now we have to repeat this same process till all your bones and nerves are connected and shape up like before."

You seem tired .. are you okay? asks Pei Jin so gently, and worry filled voice.

Suprised by his so gentle voice which was totally not compatible to him in his normal days..Yusheng again felt something inside, like her heart twitched ever so subtly.

After a few seconds of daze she calmly replies..

"Umm.. fine.. just a little tired. No need for you to worry. I will take my leave and have Tao to help you to get dressed. It's getting dark soon the weather will also be chilly, you may catch a cold"... then she left.

But pei jin could feel the subtle change in her voice which was more soft and gentle compared to other times where he could feel the cold chills.

Happy with the new findings, he smiled a genuine smile. While Pei Jin was flying high Tao felt his scalp had gone numb from that smile.. wondering if it would be his last night tonight.. he felt as if master was like a butcher who was happy and about to kill his prey. With trembling calf's he dressed his master. Thankfully Pei jin being in his own world didn't notice it... like this one confused, one happy and one with fear passed the night.