A journey filled with blood and schemes for survival and revenge. Never had she thought love will also come as a twist worming slowly but surely in her heart.
Jisheng as the crown prince of Qing was the first to strike "with respect to all the nations, we from Qing indeed have some matter that needs you attention and help. As you know we are on the process of stabilizing our country and it's defenses, we are currently pushing our manpower in that particular direction.
Unlike other nations we have very few ores which we can use for this very purpose...thankfully we are managing to get by from Qing and Nanling trades but it is still far lacking...we need more raw irons and coppers to not only arm ourselves but also for the producing things used on daily basis.. thus we would like to kindly request Nanling which has the most ores to heed our call...
We also would like to inform all the nations that we are planning to raise our walls which is connected to the border of Khan and Huajin where we don't have the no mans land acting as a barrier. As you might know that in past years the bandits, defected tribes men and criminals on run have taken these very borders to enter our land...
Not only they pillaged the places, they have killed many of our men's of post and civilians. They have also performed many atrocious crimes towards women and children that are too shameful to mention. If we are to delay this matter then we believe our people's heart would turn cold causing civil unrest and conflict. Hence to ease our people's heart and mind we have come up with this request and hope for you all to understand our difficulties"
Both Anshi of Khan and Shiyou of huajin had dark faces from hearing Jisheng. Though true but still they didn't want for qing to raise its wall and get more supply of raw ores. Raising its wall meant they could no longer keep track of Qing's movements. But they cannot refuse outright as it may seem suspicious of their intentions. They also first needed to raise their issue before tackling the matter.
Anshi from khan takes the lead "with respect to all nations, we from khan also have some matters which needs all of your attention. We too like qing are going through the process of stabilization as you all are well known that the last war had us crippled in many sectors..though the fault lies with us for not being cautious enough and being manipulated by vile people...our state treasury was nearly depleted from the costly war and till now has been affecting us...
With no gold mines or jade ores...we are not able to keep the costs that are needed...our lacking funds have binded our hands to feed our people in the far desert lands where the environment is harsh...though we have some progress from recent trading with Nanling but it is far lacking...due to lack of funds we aren't able to properly utilize any of our resources or manpower...
We are also being invaded by great number of bandits and run away criminals through the border we share with huajin. Resulting our conditions from bad to worse with all the deaths and thefts....Hence we ask assistance on both funding and security measure from other nations.."
With two nations pointing their fingers simultaneously Shiyou's mood was turning darker. Though all knew that all these bandits and criminals on the run were there own spies to infiltrate other nations to check on their insides. It was the most used tactic since ancient time to have their neighbors barred from rising above them.
Shiyou calms himself and continues the meeting "with respect to all nations, though we are a stabilized country and have been progressing well still we also have problems to share..along with our nation its population is also growing day by day...not to mention all the soldiers who we must deploy on the borders that we share with all three nations..resulting us with many mouths to feed and provide to...
Far north with its harsh environment suffers from famine every year having us divide a large portion of funds for them...with all the countless and costly wars from ancient times our ores may be on verge of being emptied in coming future...
Underneath all the gold and glory we are also suffering greatly to have our people fed and secured...countless times we too are troubled and have faced heavy losses from the barabrians and bandits snatching our merchandise mid way..
Hence huajins hopes for all nations to lend us their support..huajin proposes to increase our trades with all nations and share the resources we all have to balance what we lack..."
His speech though heartfelt was nothing but a facade to invade all the three nations in name of trade, very intelligent way to help yet not help and deflecting the pointed fingers as not being the root cause of all the mishaps. Placing themselves below to keep on pressing the two nations and be on equal terms to Nanling.