
Exchanging betrothal gifts

Yusheng was suprised to see the guest's and even more suprised when learning that they had sealed the betrothal and was now about to exchange the gifts. Feeling awkward and shy she sits stiffly.

Empress smiles warmly and stands to give the gift prepared "this jade bracelets has been passed down from one empress to another. This is the necklace passed on to the daughter of Chen when she marries as a promise to always be there for her" passing the gift she very lovingly cups Yusheng's face and looking in her eyes said "from today empress has a daughter to dote"

Yusheng was feeling shy and warm. But she nods her head making all the people happy. Pei Jin stands up and takes a delicate box from tao and moves towards Yusheng.

"Yu'er this a jade thumb with the my name and insignia. It is the proof of your place in my heart and life." he gently put the ring on her right thumb. The jade was black carved with dragon and his name. In her fair white hands it looked very beautiful.

What he didn't mention was this jade ring also had the power to mobilize his people and resources anytime. He had the same jade but in pendant form as to show his authority.

Zhu mama also presented a delicate box which also had a thumb ring inside, it was heaven gold jade with her name and jade emperor carvings.

This jade was the rarest jade only used by the lord of the valley or elders. Giving this jade was showing the entire world that the entire valley has accepted the person whole heartedly.

Yusheng also places the ringer on Pei jins finger. After another round of toasts the adults started to discuss about the dates and preparation.

It was decided that their union will be declared tomorrow to the officials and on dragon boat festival to public. They would also have a grand banquet on the night of the festival.

Their birth character's and date were already matched by the great sage of dragon temple so now they just had to prepare and wait for the day.

The betrothal gifts were dazzling befitting of their status. The edict conforming their betrothal was also passed to the elders. But empress ushered that the gifts for now was just for the engagement and the actual gifts would be presented a day before Yusheng's coming of age ceremony. Which will also be the day when the wedding date will be out to public.

Elders gave a nod to empress as they also had the same thoughts. They also presented equally valuable gifts for the completion of engagement. The ceremony was completed and soon all the people moved to pavilion to have celebration feast.

The feast ended at late night with drunk emperor and empress. Prime minister too was feeling heavy headed but not drunk like his brother in law or sister.

Pei Zhang who was like statue finally felt relief on their parting. Pei Jin was reluctant to leave but he knew it won't be good for him to stay while the elders were present.

While they were enjoying all the courtiers were curious of the matters succession. They were eagerly waiting for tomorrow morning court to know the results.