A journey filled with blood and schemes for survival and revenge. Never had she thought love will also come as a twist worming slowly but surely in her heart.
Yusheng and her group were back to hunt and entered the forest once again. They searching for a bigger prey when they heard hooves of the horse. Turning back they were suprised to see Shiyou coming towards them.
Yusheng though not suprised as others still have thumbs up on being able to slip out from Pei Jins eye and even able to acquire their current location.
Shiyou smiles and calmly addresses the ladies "esteem lord, princesses ask for forgiveness for intrusion... this prince had left to talk with ones sister and decided to take this path as a shortcut to rejoin the group.. a coincidence to meet you all"
Princess Chunhua didn't have much care but both Jidan and Yusheng knew it was just a silly excuse. His true intention was to meet Yusheng. But with such a clear explaination it was difficult to rebuff him thus acknowledging his reasons they carry on their search of prey.
Shiyou was anxious and wanted this time to make his stance known to Yusheng this without waiting further starts his act not caring the presence of other people "esteem lord.. this prince mind and heart is still weighed by the past events...can only again beg for mercy.. never had thought ones sister would dare to act in such unsightly manner.. thankfully third sister and eldest brother somehow saved the face for huajin...
This prince also would like to thank your esteem self for saying good words to imperial father... if not this princes believes imperial father wouldn't be lenient with his punishment..this prince swears and can vouch for huajin to not have ill thoughts like ones sister towards your esteem self...
This prince once again and shamelessly invites you to huajin in upcoming countries meet where we would be able show our sincerity and true feelings towards your esteem self.."
Princess Chunhua curses fox to Shiyou inside her heart while Jidan was sneering at her brother who was dropping flowery words. Yusheng had the same aloof and nonchalant face after he finishes she nods and answers back "crown prince.. what's done cannot be undone.. dwelling in the matter is not fruit full.. this lord has thrown the event at wind and has accepted apology from your father and all of you.. this lord finds no fault in you .. as you have maintained yourself as per your status.. just this sister had you implicated in this event..
This lord is pleased to learn that you are of broad mind.. waking forward with positivity hence be at ease and continue to do so.. this lord isn't angry at you or huajin and carry no ill feelings.. you are a capable person and this lord feels with time and experience you will grow to become a big dependable tree protecting huajin from rain and storm..
About the invitation.. it's not that this lord doesn't want but rather have to make sure certain things before giving an answer... do not worry after the return this lord will sort out the things and will provide the answer a week later..
After all this lord has yet to travel outside Nanling and will definetly like to travel all the three world when available... hope i won't become burden if decided to come along"
Shiyou was pleased with her reply and compliment. Her not rejecting upfront meant their was high chance that she will come thus laughing he assures "definetly won't dare to think so.. huajin will prepare feast and cry with joy upon your arrival.. all the physicians will go crazy to meet you and even might nag you to learn from you.. this prince thinks it will be rather us who might burden you"
Yusheng smiles and was about to reply when she sees hers of horses closing on them. Pei Jin had a dark face and sped up when seeing his beloved and that vile man ahead. He belly was filled with anger when Zan informed him of Shiyou appearing before Yusheng thus without delaying a moment he raced towards Yusheng's direction puzzling everybody.
Finally reaching near them Pei Jin forcefully enters between Yusheng and Shiyou like creating a wall. Only then did the rest understood his hurry. After the formal greeting Pei Zhang reaches next to Yusheng's side and proudly declares the games he had killed today.