
Rebirth of a Tongue Curser

Was not born in jealousy but greedy toward affection made her uneasy. Dwell with a monster they don't know where they come from just adviced to get too close. But one day, she saw her sister talked to one of those things and somehow made her into something else. She is certain. Tinted by those blood only leads to death. Somehow that luck was meant for her sister. Not her. She run away from that place hoping to die with grief. Somehow, she learnt they weren't the only species around thus those things had nit been around since she met a man called Jones. Jones had secrets but he promised to let her know her place and where she belongs. He told her, this place is where humans lived and they are the things they hunt down. Through Jones she learned it's not bad to be envy by so one can overcome their weaknesses. She follow everything he does, stealing, lying, manipulating or disguises for fun. Nevertheless, Jones never teaches her either treason or murder.

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39 Chs

scarlet witch: the fruit of envy

Long ago, villagers always dumping their baby in the woods because they believed in superstitous.

Maybe the earth pitied them and turn them into a nice little fairies. As they originally a human being, their emotions were carved out so that they won't mad about their parents.

This fairies were Jara, a healer to a tribe called Niran. As long as they lived Niran will be roamed the earth as a mighty fairies among all.

Naekai tribe envied those pretty fairies that they imitated most off all their characters since it was not enough.

An ancestor seal an agreement with a certain thing to make them stronger than Niran by sacrificing their wings.

Therefore, they get to rule the mystical land until someone greater them them arouse and dethrone the current leader.

However, jealousy is a fruit of death. They envy of how amazing Niran flew in the air.

Even so they did not want to give back the power they got from those thing.

Naekai fairies were full of jealousy Catalina hated her tribe because they hated human but they are becoming human themselves.

That is why she left.

The more evil, the more stronger they become. Same as Niran, they had a fairy cleansing their tamed souls. Since they needed to be evil, they rejected noirs.

Petrus was unable to find the mystical land so he modified Noirs as he wishes and curses them to be evil fairies.

Petrus allowed noirs to imitated their owners body to manipulated others into believing Catalina's tribe were demons that devoured human flesh.

Due to panicked, they agreed to trap Naekai in Qamar with the help of water goddes who knew the portal of qamar.

Petrus refused to go as catalina once told him, that place is tricky and he might not be able to get out.

He did that due to his mother's reincarnation and her wish to kill him after that.

"if your tribe is deleted you won't be born" Petrus messes with Noirs memories which make them thinking that Naekai were a demon in disguise and those fairies were using their bodies.

Everything were opposite from reality. Petrus bound them in a certain place so that they will kill each other.

The new king is full of himself because he managed to kill niran and naekai on the year.

Thinking he will rule Qamar the fairy land, an entity emerged and claiming the throne of Qamar. He was Nabau a giant snake with hundreds of magical beasts under his command.

Since the beast were enemies towards fairies but they abide the rules well. Petrus gave up since he get along with the snake emperor due to his magis.

"so this magis is indeed good mother" Petrus still planning on taking over Qamar yet he died killed by his own wife. To the extend of vengeance his spirits was restless and continuosly possed whoever he sees.

Lailita was alone in a hut she build with her own hands that night will lousy thoughts.

"Kill her before she became one of them" This is what said by her grandfather.

She touched her neck. It appears a symbol was crafted there just like a compass for noirs to find her. Once it connected forming a circle she's no longer a 'human' being.

"I don't want to die" She cried.

"hey! still alive I see" Shouted Jenny beneath the tree.

"If would not go ouf if I were you. Don't you embarrased lita?" Lailita hid her face underneath her knees. Her face was ruined.

"I don't think she is" said Morey.

"So you had magis yeah?" Jenny happy she caught her attention.

"I don't think so if she did she's dead already"

Added Mey. They laughed wickedly.

"I envy you. you can go in and out of Marg because you would not get eaten..I mean you are useless sis" Lailita was mad. She stood up to get something heavy inside the hut.

"she ran away.." they laughed again.

Lailita poured a flameable liquid on top of their body. Before she threw a flameabble stone from her pocket that she prepared in case something happen.

"what the.." the girls did not have a clue what that was. Because it was Lailita's new invention based on somegthing she was in her sleep.

"Burn.." she lit the fire. Jenny and her friend were running away. But the liquids was following their movement along with them.

No one noticed she sneaked out, because she locked herselft in her room. She came back into her room only for breakfasf and dinner.

That night she accidentally heard a conversation among elders that Noirs would not harm you if you make an equivalent exchange with them.

But if you lose something terrible happen, if you win noirs will grant you a wish.

Lailita a vision of her being the strongest fairies among all and became the leader once she grew up.

Laila would not be her match but her sister will prevent her becoming what she wanted if they stayed together.

In her dream, she dreamt of waking up in a place she never sees before where people greeted her politely.

when she saw her reflection, she is a beauty.

A voice echoed navigating her dream as she walked. It says, it was her future self.

The voice told her she is the choose one that is why she was able to see the past and the future.

The voice even brought her into the past where Naekai had their enormous black wings and ruled the land of Qamar instead of living in the land of death, Marg.

"You can get this future. Just follow my voice" She woke up with a bright smile ready to live her day.

prediction will happen if someone interfere. I won't happened unless you tried to stop it. Because you only triggered them.

KIKI_GERALDcreators' thoughts