
Rebirth of a Business Tycoon

The story centers around Zhou Ming, a shrewd and insightful financier, who successfully navigates a major stock market crash in Hong Kong. Set against the backdrop of a financial crisis, the novel details Zhou Ming’s strategic foresight and financial acumen.

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · perkotaan
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1223 Chs

Chapter 36: Don't forget your first heart

Sheriff Drago finally walked out of the detention room in a daze. Obviously, he went to the door to greet the incoming French president just as Zhou Ming said. 

This seems very logical, but on second thought it's too unbelievable, because it means that the French president is really coming, and it's the result of something that Zhou Ming did. However, Zhou Ming has been in this detention room from yesterday to today. He hasn't even made a single phone call, and he only watched the news for a while this morning. This is already as miraculous as Zhuge Liang in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!

And the When the police chief Draghi left, he either deliberately or accidentally left the metal door of the detention room open. However, no one wanted to leave, including the Binhai man.

Stunned listened to the footsteps of Draghi as he walked away, the Jingchu native could no longer hold back and asked Zhou Ming, 'Brother, what on earth is going on? How did you know the French president was coming? Could it be that you have some special status? Are you a member of the Manchu royal family? Or are you a royal relative of the central government?'

Facing his inquiry, Ye Ning helped Zhou Ming answer, 'What are those worthless people who crawl on the people and suck the marrow out of the bones? Our teacher is much more powerful than they are! Before our teacher was brought here by them, he arranged some things outside, which forced the French president to come.'

If If the previous Jingchu person was still just feeling puzzled and confused, then at this moment he was so shocked by Ye Ning's words that he was a little doubtful about life, because he simply could not figure out what arrangements Zhou Ming could have made to force the top leader of a country to personally come to a small airport police station to release him and even apologize to him.

Suddenly he thought of something, and Jing Churen asked, 'Brother Zhou Ming, could it be that you saw the news about the fall of the franc this morning?'

Zhou Ming nodded: 'Yes, when I was arrested, I asked my friend to help me sell the franc, artificially creating an economic crisis for the country. If our President is smart enough, he will come to me to apologise. However, it seems that the President has not disappointed me, because his mind is still very clear.'

These words made the Jing Chu was very helpless because you are about to create an economic crisis in France, and it is unreasonable for him, as the French president, not to put aside his ego and come to deal with the problem. The only problem is that he can't figure out how Zhou Ming can create an economic crisis in France.

'In fact, to not exactly create, because this is a problem that originally existed in France itself. I have only infinitely magnified his economic problems,' Zhou Ming said modestly.

'I am not a problem. I'm not an economist. Don't lie to me, Brother Zhou Ming. As far as I know, to shake a country's currency exchange rate, the amount of money that needs to be invested in the market is extremely huge. Do you have that much money?' Jing Churen asked somewhat puzzled.

To this question, Li Yang answered for Zhou Ming: 'You wouldn't know about this, but our teacher is the largest shareholder of the Quantum Fund. Do you know the Quantum Fund? It's the fund company that the fund company that forced the British pound to devalue, and now it is also the best investor in this company. George Soros is operating the franc. Do you think our teacher has that kind of money?'

'What? You're saying that your teacher is actually a major shareholder in the Quantum Fund?' Jing Churen's eyes widened.

Zhou Ming laughed and waved his hand at him, saying, 'I said you're not a repeater, so there's no need to repeat what my students say, right?'

Zhou Ming originally wanted to be humorous, but Jing Churen was now in a state of inertia, unable to cooperate with Zhou Ming at all. Even Binhaier over there was surprisingly quiet at this time.

Zhou Ming had no choice but continue the conversation himself: 'In fact, I am not only the majority shareholder of the Quantum Fund, I even directed George Soros to crash the pound sterling before. Of course, you think I'm bragging, but if that's the case, I'm afraid I can't do anything to make Quantum Fund sell the franc. At least you saw the morning news.'

The Jingchu native nodded like a rattle, and said with great emotion, 'I just didn't expect that our great Chinese entrepreneurs are also so powerful, and can actually influence the economy of a developed country like France? If I had known this I wouldn't have bothered going abroad. Foreign countries aren't necessarily much more advanced than ours!'

Zhou Ming laughed and said to him, 'In fact, it's still a good idea to go abroad to learn. After all, they are the core of capitalism. In terms of corporate development and inheritance, there are still many things at this stage that we can learn from. As for me...it was completely an accident.'

Zhou Ming's words is really not humble at all. If I had not been reborn, if I had not carried the memory of my previous life and did not know the trajectory of history, I am afraid that it would be difficult for me to become a Chinese person who shakes the British pound and the French franc as well!

At least in own previous life, I have never heard of any Chinese entrepreneur who has been able to dominate the world, even if they are as powerful as a certain Li Chenghe or Yun. Even figures like these have struggled struggling. The China Investment Fund is still in its infancy and has suffered a great loss abroad. It was only after figuring out the way Westerners think that it started to have the likes of the Brazilian branch of the State Grid.

After all, the world is now dominated by the West, and as Chinese people, whose culture differs greatly from that of the West, it would be highly unscientific to expect that without a period of adjustment, we could simply go in and kill everyone or even become a god.

However, when he heard this doesn't sound quite the same to the ears of a native of Jingchu. He nods affirmatively: 'Of course, a business genius like you, Brother Zhou Ming, is definitely not something that can be found easily. I remember that during the Warring States period the great merchant Lu Buwei once said, the most valuable commodity in the world is a country. And now you, Brother Ming, have achieved this goal. You are truly a genius with a gift for the world!'

His tone became very reverent towards the end: 'Brother Zhou Ming, if I may, I have an unkind request. I hope you can give my business some tips for the future.'

'Tips?' Zhou Ming was a little puzzled.

He nodded and said 'It's a bit embarrassing to say, but it's been six years since I started my own business. I founded the Lotus Welding Materials Factory, which has now grown to a certain scale, but now it seems to have reached a bottleneck. I don't know how to continue to improve. It's like there are a lot of people in the factory who want my factory to go public, but the problem is that going public is simple, and the problems after going public are what are giving me a headache...'

Zhou Ming then said, 'I'm sorry to interrupt you, but what did you say your factory was called? Lotus Welding Materials Factory. You are from the Xichu region and your factory is also in the Xichu region, right? And your name is Wu Cong?'

The Jingchu man nodded and said yes. He felt very strange because hadn't he already said all this when he introduced himself yesterday? Why was he being asked you're asking again?

Zhou Ming shook his head with a smile, indicating that he had been a bit rude. However, Zhou Ming had been abroad for too long and had temporarily forgotten about things back home, so that this Wu Cong had not remembered who he was after after he introduced himself, he didn't remember who he was. It wasn't until now, when he heard his plans, that he suddenly remembered. Isn't the guy in front of him the founder of Yizhong Heavy Industry? The Lotus Welding Materials Factory he mentioned was the predecessor of Yizhong Heavy Industry.

That is, this guy with a strong Western Chu accent, has turned a small materials factory into the country's number one and the world's fifth largest construction machinery manufacturer, with assets worth trillions of yuan.

But even if he is a genius in later life, he is still just a young man who is at a loss as to how to turn the company into a top brand.

Perhaps, if he pointing him out a little, could bring the spring of Yizhong Heavy Industry earlier?

Zhou Ming thought so and then signalled Wu Cong to continue speaking. But at that time, Zhou Ming did not expect that his spontaneous move would would later bring about such a big change for himself and Huaxia. This change would also become the key to defeating the power of the Papacy.

Although his attitude was a little strange, Wu Cong didn't think much of it, or perhaps he didn't want to let go of such an opportunity to consult with Zhou Ming, the business genius. He honestly told Zhou Ming, Because I feel that my factory is just a simple mechanical processing factory. I want to make it bigger and stronger, but I always feel that it lacks a central soul.'

'I see. So Wu Cong, do you still remember your initial thoughts when you first set up the Lotus Welding Materials Factory?

'Initial thoughts?' Wu Cong thought for a moment before answering, 'Actually, I just thought that the factory looked good, and I felt that I was familiar with mechanical processing and that it had a promising future.'

'Think again and really that's all you thought?' asked Zhou Ming.

Wu Cong hesitated for a moment before saying, 'My initial idea was to create a first-class enterprise, cultivate first-class talent and make first-class contributions.'

'That's a good, why do you sound so unsure of yourself when you say it?' asked Zhou Ming.

'Because this idea is so far-fetched. Everyone around me is my sea. These words are endless, and I'm afraid you'll laugh at me,' said Wu Cong, embarrassed.

Zhou Ming was also from Jingchu person, and he knew that the word 'sea' in the Xichu dialect meant 'to brag'.

Zhou Ming shook his head and told him seriously, 'If you want to make your business big, you must have a dream. If a person has no dream, what's the difference between him and a salted fish? Do you know what my dream is? I want to become the world's the biggest tycoon in the world. Are you going to laugh at me too?'

Wu Cong subconsciously shook his head. Zhou Ming then said to him, 'So this is it. In fact, what you really lack is not a Western mindset, but self-confidence. Since you have the ability turned your materials factory around in just five years, then give you another 20 years and you can make it the strongest in the country. As long as you don't forget your original intentions and always remember what your dream is.'

Zhou Ming's words he had a lot of confidence. After all, the memory of later generations has already proved that he had this ability, so all I have to do is take his confidence and apply it.

Wu Cong suddenly understood: 'I understand, I'm so stupid, always thinking that Western things are advanced, but forgetting that in the end all business is a competition of wisdom.'

'That's right. ' Zhou Ming said with satisfaction. 'However, the Western advanced methods of capital management and personnel management are still worth learning from. After all, it is the kingly way to accept the strengths of others and make up for one's weaknesses by taking in all the rivers. In addition, pay attention to research and continue to create higher-tech, high-quality products, so that you can become the industry benchmark. This way, you can walk your own path and leave no way for others to follow!'

Wu Cong laughed He admired Zhou Ming and gave him a thumbs-up: 'You are worthy of the name, Mr. Zhou Ming, your words have opened my mind!'

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the corridor outside. Zhou Ming knew what was going on: 'It seems that our patient waiting is finally bearing fruit.'