
Chapter 6 - Somethings not right here

I suddenly shot up, I was in my room. 

I looked around at all my stuff scattered around the room, dirty clothes from days of not doing laundry, posters, trophies and the usual. 

'So was that whole thing just a dream,' I thought to myself, 'It felt too real to be a dream.'

Still sitting there confused, I noticed some things in the room seemed out of place.

There was an oversized sword in the corner, a piece of leather armor on the floor mixed in with the dirty clothes, and a watch on the bedside table.

The strangest of all was a watch, not because of the fancy gold lining or the small screen which seemed to glow with an ethereal hue, but was the fact that it was in my room.

I had never liked wearing watches and it has been that way since I was a child. so this could only mean one thing;this is not my room.

But that couldn't be true, this room was identical to my apartment. I got out of the bed and walked to the door. I hesitated as I put my hand on the handle. what if, beyond this door, was a place of unfamiliar nature? What if an unspeakable horror is waiting for me?

I stole myself and opened the door, but all there was was a familiar living room and kitchen. I breathed a sigh of relief as I looked around the room, but something outside the window caught my eye. 

I walked over to the window when suddenly a giant shadow cast over me. I ran over to the window to see what just passed and what I saw almost made me faint. I saw an enormous lizard-like creature flying through the sky. It's body was at least 100 feet long, its wings spread so far it could cut buildings in half if it moved an inch in either direction. 

A dragon, that was the only thing that I could think of as the creature flew away. What surprised me even more was the small figure on its back. A human was riding the dragon.

I ran back to my room and grabbed the watch. Putting it on, a LED light flashes before my eyes. 

It reminded me of the game windows one would find in old RPG's like Runescape. 

Simple things like my name and age appeared on the screen, along with some interesting things like a stats bar which contained [Strength], [Dexterity], [Agility], [Intelligence], [Stamina], and [MP]. 

Going through the menu, there was a [Hidden Stats] menu, I tapped on it to reveal three stats. 




As I was looking over all the information in the stat window and what they do, I heard a knock on the door.

I put on the watch and made my way to the door. Opening it, I was met with a young woman wearing a black suit.

"Hello Sir, you wouldn't happen to be a reincarnator would you?"