
chapter 1

Kishimoto Masayoshi stood on the Tokyo Bay Bridge and felt the gentle breeze blowing on his face. He was facing Tokyo Bay in disbelief watching everything in front of him.

  I was not originally from an island country, but because I played computer games for too long, I died of a sudden heart attack. Not only was he reborn to the island country, but he also returned to December 1, 1997.

   Kishimoto Masayoshi frowned, the expression on his face never stretched, and he sighed and shook his head from time to time. He looked down at the rolling waters of Tokyo Bay under the bridge, and a thought flashed into his head.

   If this dies again, will it return to China on March 1, 2019? The risks are definitely there, and they are very large.

   In case, after he died, he did not return to China to be resurrected, but he died directly, and then became the food of fish and shrimp in the seawater of Tokyo Bay, wouldn't it be too wrong to die?

   He had a chance to be reborn that could not be explained by scientific theory, so he naturally had to cherish it. However, he still misses everything from his previous life.

Masayoshi Kishimoto leaned forward and put his hands on the guardrail on the side of the Tokyo Bay Bridge. He just lifted one foot and placed it on the railing, and before he turned over, he heard a voice behind him saying: "Young man. , Don't be impulsive, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

  You are still young, don't do stupid things. You should think more about your loved ones. They are still at home waiting for you to come back. "

   Masayoshi Kishimoto was stunned for a moment, he had never thought of committing suicide at first, he just wanted to feel the excitement on a whim, so as to completely dispel the thoughts and illusions of suicide and the possibility of rebirth.

   He didn't put his raised right foot down, looked sideways in the direction of the voice, and saw a volunteer wearing a prominent sign standing not far away, looking at him nervously.

   When the other party came, he had no idea at all. I don't know how long it's been here. The reason why he was targeted by volunteers was because he stayed on the Tokyo Bay Bridge for too long, which caused a camera installed on the bridge to capture it, which was then transmitted to the monitor in the monitoring room.

  The Tokyo Bay Bridge in the island country of Tokyo has another creepy name, the Suicide Bridge. Therefore, in order to reduce suicides from jumping off this bridge, a volunteer team was organized.

   Once an abnormality is found on the bridge deck, volunteers will rush to the location to conduct an actual inspection. If a suicide is found, there will be a persuasion, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

  Especially at this particularly sensitive time, there will be more suicides than in the past. After all, the island country at this time is experiencing a huge disaster that has evolved from the Southeast Asian financial turmoil to the Asian financial turmoil.

   Masayoshi Kishimoto stared at the other party with a bewildered face, completely lacking in-depth understanding of the actual national conditions of the island country.

   The suicide rate in the island country tops the list. Contrary to the beautiful Japanese dramas, there are stressful examinations, brutal competition for employment, and poor and lonely elderly people.

   It is not only the stars we know who commit suicide, but also many helpless ordinary people. This is not just a personal problem, but a serious social problem.

   Social polarization and aging are becoming more and more serious, followed by people's poverty and loneliness, fierce competition for admission, and difficulty in finding employment.

  The children of the island country are the most unhappy people in the world. They know from a very young age that there are extraordinary pressures in their country.

"Suicide does not solve all problems. If you die like this, how painful your family will be, especially your parents, the white-haired people send the black-haired people." The volunteers carefully persuaded, while trying to think Get close to the other side.

  Kishimoto Masayoshi saw the other party's nervous expression and wanted to laugh from the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't. You can't always tell the truth.

   At that time, he will be scolded by others, and his face will be disgraceful. A mature adult would never do such a boring thing.

   Furthermore, is suicide a casual joke? However, this act of his own is indeed suspected of suicide.

   Kishimoto Masayoshi personally felt what it means to ride a tiger. He didn't know for a while whether he should put his feet down from the railings, or keep holding them.

   "When a person is alive, there will be hope. If you think about it carefully, what a small probability you can become a person in the first place. You should have learned about this knowledge in school.

  Secondly, even if you are able to be born successfully, you will still encounter dangers of one kind or another. Many people have accidents and lose precious lives before they reach adulthood.

   A day that you think is very boring, but a day that many people can't get. Finally, you think a lot about the people you love and the people who love you. "The volunteers spoke earnestly in an attempt to save a life.

  The more sincere and sincere Masayoshi Kishimoto listened to the other party, the more he felt that he would not be able to come down on stage. Even if he wants to find an excuse and reason to borrow a donkey, he can't.

  While he was a little dumbfounded, he listened to the other party's words. As this volunteer said, it is really not easy to become a person living in this world. As for committing suicide, it is easier than living.

  The volunteers approached Kishimoto Masayoshi step by step, as if they were worried about waking up a sleeping person. Seeing that he didn't show special excitement, and said something, he was not allowed to come again. If you come again, I will jump, which is enough to show that the other party's determination to commit suicide is not firm enough, and there is every chance of a rescue.

   "If you can trust me, tell me about you. If you say it, you will feel better in your heart." The volunteer did not relax and jumped over to grab his thoughts.

   Masayoshi Kishimoto immediately thought of his rebirth and came here and said: "You won't understand. Even if I say it, you won't believe it, you will only think that I am insane."

The volunteer got closer and closer to him and said: "Since you don't want to say it, then don't say it! You must firmly believe that difficulties are temporary, and they will pass. You are still so young, and there will be opportunities in the future. "

  Kishimoto Masayoshi began to take the initiative to put down the foot that was on the railing. He had nothing left but felt a little tingling in his right foot.

   Kishimoto Masayoshi had to cooperate, let go of the railing he was holding with both hands, and then clenched his fists tightly and said, "Well, I will definitely live a good life."

   When the volunteers saw that he had given up the idea of ​​suicide, he breathed a sigh of relief: "That's right!"

   (end of this chapter)