
rebirth in magnolia: the hidden origins and the empty throne

After Ulquiorra is disgracedly defeated by Ichigo on the roof of Las Noches, Ulquiorra finds himself before the King of Spirits, where the latter proposes to him a new opportunity for life, but in a new world. Where Ulquiorra will finally find the opportunity to understand the heart. Will Ulquiorra succeed in understanding the heart? What are the real reasons for making the King of Spirits revive him? A/N: bleach crossover fairy tail

Bachir_Dridi · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Chapter 9: Tips from Murcielago and new tensions

«Oak Town, Phantom Lord's Guild Building»

Everyone was looking at Ryos who was sitting alone. His eyes were as wide as a tennis ball, his robe stained with blood, his face red and his head so hot that steam was coming out of his ears.

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know. He's been like this since he got back from Magnolia. He's been doing nothing but sitting."

"Maybe someone attacked him. Look at the blood on his clothes."

"Nah! I don't think so. It doesn't look like he was attacked."

"Maybe he kill someone."

"Then why is his face red?"

Everyone kept whispering. Although Ryos could hear them, he didn't pay any attention to them. Ryos has been sitting still since yesterday, neither eating nor drinking nor doing anything but sitting.

Of course, this was not hidden from the Element four, and especially Juvia. The members of the Element four sat near Ryos.

"Ryos. Are you going to tell us what happened to you?" Totomaru spoke. Although he seemed indifferent, he was worried, especially when he saw the blood on Ryos' robe.

"I didn't see anything... I didn't see anything..." Ryos muttered without looking at them.

"Ryos-kun, if you don't tell us, we'll have Gajeel-kun stop you from eating dessert for an entire month and force you to eat vegetables." Juvia spoke in an emotionless voice.

"What 0_0?!" Ryos quickly got up from his seat and hugged Juvia's legs. "Please don't let him come near me T-T!!!" Ryos shouted in horror. Fortunately for him, Gajeel was on an assignment outside Oak City. If Gajeel knew about Ryos, he would try to get the information, even if it meant he would resort to sadistic methods.

Ryos sighed in frustration. "When I went to Magnolia, I searched a lot for the members of the Fairy Tail Guild…." The others nodded their heads. "Meanwhile, I heard that there is a group called Team Natsu."

"What 0_0?!?!?!" The members of the Element four shouted.

Ryos wasn't a social person, so he didn't know anything about Team Natsu. But for everyone else, it would be completely different.

Team Natsu is a group of very chaotic and powerful people.

"No no no. Three no. What bad luck made you go to them. No doubt someone has done something to you." Sol spoke.

"How sad! There is no doubt that you have become another Titania's prey." Aria spoke as tears streamed from behind the cloth that was around his eyes.

"actually no." Ryos replied.

"Gray Fullbuster?" Totomaru spoke.


"Natsu Dragneel?" Juvia spoke.


"Happy?" Sol spoke.

"no!" Ryos shouted in annoyance.

"So who is the person you met?" asked Totomaru.

"Lucy.. heartfilia." Ryos replied, his face turning red again.

"What?! 0_0." The Element four looked at Ryos.

Ryos wasn't the most powerful mage in the Phantom Lords Guild, but, if he tried, he was strong enough to be a nuisance to an S mage. On the other hand, Lucy was not a powerful mage; As for the element four, Happy has more chances of defeating Ryos than Lucy.

"Are you telling me that you were defeated by a weak mage?" Totomaru seemed unable to believe. Ryos, the Shadow Dragon Slayer, the most powerful wizard after Gajeel and the Element four, was defeated by a weak girl.

"We didn't fight..." Ryos spoke, his face turning redder than before.

"You must tell us everything." Juvia spoke.

Ryos told them all that had happened; Going to Magnolia, breaking into the apartment, eating cake... and seeing Lucy naked as her mother gave her birth.

When Ryos finished speaking, the element four had different reactions.

"Why T0T!!!!!!!?" Sol cried comically while Aria hugged him.

"I can understand your pain! How sad T~T!!!! Why does Ryos get all the good stuff T0T!?!?!?!" Aria cried sadly as tears streamed from his eyes like a waterfall.

Juvia beats both Sol and Aria, Juvia doesn't like perverts. She knew that Ryos did not intend to see Lucy, or else Ryos would see Hell.

Totomaru remained silent as he looked at Ryos, he was smart enough to keep his opinions to himself. Totomaru knew what Lucy looked like, and truth be told, she's pretty and sexy like hell. Totomaru smiled and put his hand on Ryos' shoulder.

"You're growing up fast." Totomaru spoke before raising his thumb as if to say "Well done.„

"Totomaru-senpai?" Ryos spoke in amazement. He didn't understand what Totomaru meant.

"Don't worry. In the future, you'll see more of those things. And maybe you'll do more." Totomaru winked.

"like what?"

"You will know everything in time." Totomaru chuckled as he patted Ryos in the head before turning away.

"Anyway, Frosch probably ate all the candy..." Ryos muttered before turning pale. "Shit 0_0!!! Frooosch!!!! He must have gotten lost in town again!!!!" Ryos quickly ran out of the guild.


(Fairy tail ost- fierce fight To death)





There were four dragons fighting very fiercely. In fact, it was a battle between three dragons against one dragon.

On the first side, there was a dragon with skin as black as pitch darkness and eyes red as blood, and on its head two sharp horns, besides, shadows were constantly emanating from its wings and body like smoke. Its body was covered in blood and thick with wounds, as well as having many scars which meant that this dragon had fought a lot of battles. This dragon seemed to look at his opponents with arrogance and mockery.

On the other side, there were three dragons. The first dragon was a white dragon with yellow eyes and a goat-like beard, with wings resembling the wings of an angel.

The second dragon was an iron dragon with a square metal head, as it appeared to be wearing armor covering its body.

The last dragon was a white dragon with sky blue eyes and a broad and somewhat flat head, in addition to having wings resembling those of a bird.

They had received injuries and wounds that were much worse than those obtained by the Black Dragon. But these three dragons had one thing in common, which was that they hated the black dragon!

"Kore wa Kore wa! Three against one? This is an unfair fight.. for you. You will need more dragons if you want to defeat me!" The Black Dragon spoke in a deep and hoarse voice, his voice not without sarcasm and sarcasm. The three Dragons seemed to not like the way the Black Dragon spoke.

"You bastard! You deserve to die a million times over!!!" The white dragon screamed.

"Weisslogia. You know very well that you will never be able to kill me." The black dragon spoke.

"This does not mean that we will ignore your hateful presence, traitor!" The flat-faced Dragon shouted in a feminine voice.

"Grandeeney. I think you'd better behave while talking to me. Even Dragon Kings and Ancient Gods wouldn't dare to speak to me like that." The Black Dragon spoke in a sarcastic tone that was not without threat.

"Why don't you just die?!?! Your existence makes this world sick! Do it a favor and leave this world without return!!" The metal dragon shrieked.

"Metalicana. I have heard these same words for hundreds of years, and once again, I will ask the same question, why is no one forcing me to leave this disgusting world?" The Black Dragon spoke in a sarcastic tone. "..because no one can kill me."

"How about Acnologia?! Even you won't be able to keep up!" Grandeeney shouted.

"Acnologia.. I've heard that name more than once. I've heard it's very powerful, I can't wait to fight him."

"Oh yeah. I'd like to see him turn you into mince." Metalicana spoke sarcastically.

A dense black aura appeared that covered the entire body of the Black Dragon. The Black Dragon seemed to be unhappy with the insult he had received from the Metal Dragon.

"Iron Dragon Roar!!!" Metalicana roaring.

"White Dragon Roar!!!" Weisslogia Roaring and syllable.

"sky Dragon Roar!!!" Grandeeney Roaring.

The three dragons were about to launch a joint attack. The Black Dragon looked at them with disdain as if he was looking at a group of annoying children.

"Shadow Dragon King roar!!!!" The black dragon roared.

The roar of the Shadow Dragon King collides against the combined attack of the three dragons, causing extremely strong winds to lash out the forests surrounding the battlefield.

The earth became shaking and splitting due to the enormous pressure. The Black Dragon started to gain the advantage, despite the three Dragons' attempts, the Black Dragon still got the advantage.

In the end, the black dragon's attack defeated the combined attack of the three dragons.


Weisslogia, Metalicana, Grandeeney. The three dragons could no longer get off the ground and continue to fight.

"Kore wa Kore wa!! This was a great introduction! The fun has just begun! Come on, get up, I want to see you standing over my tattered and disfigured body! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!" The Black Dragon shouted with an arrogance not without madness.


(Fairy tail ost- Dragon slayer)

The Black Dragon turned his head towards the source of the sound, his expression changing. The Black Dragon wasn't looking at the owner of the voice with arrogance and contempt, but rather coldly and cautiously.

Whoever the owner of this voice was, the Black Dragon considered him a true enemy!

"This is my true name, the last time I heard a creature call me by that name was 127 years ago. Dragons and humans alike have always called me a lot of silly nicknames, along with obscene names. Actually, if I hadn't said my name before I fell asleep, I would have I forgot my name a long time ago." Skiadrum sighed before turning around. "What brings you here, Fire Dragon King, Igneel?"

Igneel was a huge dragon compared to the rest of the dragons, in fact, it was slightly larger than Skiadrum. The lower part of Igneel's body, specifically his abdomen, and the bottom of his long tail, and his legs, are beige in color. He also had noticeable scars on his stomach and neck, after all, reaching the Fire Dragon King rank was not an easy thing.

"I came for these." Igneel spoke while pointing his finger at the three dragons.

"Unfortunately, these lizards attacked me. Don't you think I'll leave them alive!" Skiadrum shouted angrily.

"I see. Looks like we're going to have to do this the 'hard way'." Igneel spoke softly and was releasing enormous magical energy that caused a strong pressure.

"The hard way, huh? What do you think the 'painful way'?" Skiadrum spoke in a menacing tone. "These lizards are my prey, let's see if you are able to take them from me…." His body became covered in shadows as he released a pressure similar to that of Igneel.

"Shadow Dragon King…!!" Skiadrum opened his mouth and shadows began to gather inside his mouth.

"Fire Dragon King…!!!" Igneel raised his head to the sky and charged up his attack.

"..roar!!!!!" The two shouted before launching their attack at each other.

(End of music)


The place was like hell!

The battle between soul reapers and arrancars had reached its climax.

When Aizen was planning to create his army, he tried to remove every suspicious evidence. But one of the captains sensed that something fishy was going on in hueco Mundo, especially after the number of hollows coming into the living world had diminished. So he asked Central 46 to get permission to enter the hueco Mundo and to survey the place. His request was accepted without any argument; A long time ago, the Soul Society had been indifferent to what was happening inside in hueco Mundo, as they thought that the Hollows were just brainless monsters, but that had changed since that great catastrophe that left an indelible stain on the Soul Society. A thousand years ago, one arrancar destroyed half of the Seireitei, Arturo Plateado, the first arrancar in the hueco Mundo.

So the captain had some concerns. It seems his fears were valid. The captain tried to enlist the support of the soul society, but Aizen seems to have cut off the connection, leaving the soul Reapers on their own.

In the middle of the battlefield, there were three people fighting; Two against one, Zoe and Ulquiorra against the captain.

The captain jumped back, although annoyed by the fact that he was unable to ask for help from the soul society, he seemed to be enjoying this battle.

"Very cool! May I know your names?" The captain smiled as he pointed his sword at Zoe and Ulquiorra.

"The Fourth Espada, Zoe Sparda."

"Ulquiorra Schiffer."

"Seventh Commander, Taro Tokashi." The captain spoke before he started to attack again.

Likewise, Zoe and Ulquiorra rushed toward Taro...


Ulquiorra opened his eyes and slowly got up from his bed. After he showered, he put on his usual clothes. Ulquiorra didn't feel like doing any tasks today.

In Las Noches, Ulquiorra was working nonstop, because he was taking so many orders from Aizen, after all, the only person Aizen relied on was Ulquiorra. But now Ulquiorra was not compelled to do any work, although he was obligated to pay compensation for the damages he had caused, but that was not a sufficient reason for him to do all this intense work. In addition, Makarov and Bob have advised him to take a vacation.

Ulquiorra didn't know what to do, he had never had a vacation in his life. He may have had a little free time, but he didn't get any vacation.

Ulquiorra looked at his Zanpakuto before sighing. He didn't want to do this.


«Ulquiorra's Inner World»

"Look who came." Murciélago spoke sarcastically before throwing a boulder into the green sea.

Murciélago was sitting near the green sea. He didn't need to use his eyes to know that Ulquiorra existed.

"what do you want?" Murciélago spoke in a serious tone. Inside, Murciélago couldn't help but be a little surprised. There was no reason for Ulquiorra to come to the inner world, and besides, Ulquiorra didn't come willingly, after all, their encounters had always ended in a heated fight.

"I need to talk to you." Ulquiorra spoke.

"Don't you have to do some stupid errands?" Murciélago turned around to get a better look.

"I don't want to do that, not today." Ulquiorra answered in a monotonous voice.

"Of course you wouldn't want to do that." Murciélago smiled before throwing another rock.

"what?" Ulquiorra asked.

"You do the same thing every day. Don't you understand yet? You're bored!"

"Bored?" Ulquiorra asked. When he was in Las Noches, Ulquiorra did whatever he was asked without grumbling or relentlessly, he'd been doing the same things for many years. So it would be strange for Ulquiorra to be bored even though he had only been in this world for two months.

Murciélago groaned with great annoyance, Murciélago knew all too well what it meant to be so bored. Murciélago had lived in the inner world for a hundred years without doing anything worth mentioning, which was why he was trying to come up with reasons in order to get a fight with Ulquiorra.

"Amigo, you're a hopeless case..." Murciélago sighed.

"Do you have good ideas?" Ulquiorra asked.

Murciélago was unable to believe what he had heard. Ulquiorra asks him for help?!

"You act like a social person, you may act like a Grimmjow, but you are still a social person." Ulquiorra spoke. Ulquiorra did not understand how Murciélago could be a part of his soul. Both are ideologically and behaviorally different.

"Grimmjow?! Don't compare me to that pussy cat." Murciélago spat on the ground, both Ulquiorra and Murciélago had very little in common, one of them being that they both hated Grimmjow. "Anyway, you're right. I'm a much more social person than you. If I could go into the human world, I'd do a lot of things..."

"Is destroying the world on your list of things to do?"

"Well, if no one bothers me, I won't." Murciélago smiled. "I meant other things, fun things!"

"Fun things?"

"You know. Going to the movies, nightclubs, strip clubs, having sex with as many sexy women as possible..." As Murciélago spoke, he closed his eyes and saliva started dripping from the corner of his mouth. His imagination seemed to get the best of him. But no one would blame him, he had spent a long time in a barren place doing nothing but sitting and throwing stones.

"Murciélago." Ulquiorra spoke. He seemed a little annoyed by Murciélago's actions. "I don't think I would like to get involved in these activities."

"pffff, you boring man. Well, you can watch the paint dry or see the paintings of a plastic nature that only "insights" understand." Murciélago did not understand how some people could pay huge sums of money for a painting that looked like children's drawings or chicken feet.

"Why would I do something like this?" Ulquiorra asked. Even for Ulquiorra, those things Murciélago said are so boring that Ulquiorra himself considers them fatally boring.

Murciélago laughed when he heard Ulquiorra's question. Ulquiorra may not tend to do nasty things, but that doesn't mean he tends to do boring things.

"Maybe I have options you'll like..., I found it! Karaoke, fishing, mall..."

Ulquiorra wanted to speak, but he quickly thought carefully about what Murciélago had said. Actually, those choices weren't bad.

"After thinking, I will try to do such things." Ulquiorra spoke before he disappeared.

After Ulquiorra was gone, Murciélago smiled as he looked at a large pile of small stones. Murciélago had collected these stones in order to throw them into the sea.

"Looks like I'm not going to throw stones today. Hahahahahahaha! Ulquiorra Schiffer, I'd like to see you try." A chuckle came out of Murcielago's mouth, he was wondering how his master would perform.

«in the real world»

After Ulquiorra came out of his inner world, he took out a piece of paper and wrote on it the names of the places he was going to.

"The mall." Ulquiorra muttered before using the sonido.


«In the mall»

When he entered the store, the store was filled with many people. It seemed that this place did not have time not to be visited by many people.

As much as Ulquiorra loathed to admit it, he was feeling a little nervous as he walked through a decent crowd of people. In Las Noches, almost everyone was instinctively trying to keep a certain amount of distance between themselves and others. After all, life in Hueco Mundo taught them to be self-sufficient, because having someone near you means two things; Either he is just a miserable hollow led by bad luck to become your food, or he is a strong and hungry hollow that wants to eat you until there is nothing left of you. Although the rules of his world are completely different from the rules of this world, Ulquiorra finds it difficult to let go of what he learned in Hueco Mundo.

'Murciélago. What am I doing here?' Think Ulquiorra. Even though he got to the mall he didn't know what to do.

[You can go to a restaurant.]

'I'm not hungry.'

[You can get more clothes and possessions.]

'It's okay with what I have.'

[Let me remind you. You only have the Espada outfit and the clothes you're wearing now. Besides, there is nothing good in your miserable apartment; No TV, no game player, no music player, not even a radio. seriously!! Your stoic brain needs rehab and more updates. Jeez, we're in the 21st century!]

'Actually, we are in the year X784.'

[Oh fuck the shit! You should have gotten the point.]

Ulquiorra sighed. Throughout his long routine life, Ulquiorra didn't need anything, in fact, the only reason he wore the clothes was because Aizen had ordered him to do so.

[Don't worry, Amigo! Let Murciélago-sama bring you back to real life!]

Ulquiorra sighed again. This is going to be a long day, a waste of money, a lot of money.

But anyway, Ulquiorra had nothing better to do.


Shopping mall.

The shopping mall is a place where people come to do their shopping, but the most frequented are women. For women, this place was like heaven. But for men, especially men who come with their girlfriends, this place is a piece of bloody hell.

Fortunately, Ulquiorra Schiffer does not have a girlfriend, but there are four men who are brought by bad luck and four women who love to shop.

These four poor ones are; Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel, Loke, and Alzack Connell. As for the four women, they are; Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlett, Bisca Mulan, Cana Alberona.

Natsu and his male friends were suffering from the same disease that every man who accompanies a girl in shopping malls gets. Follow them in every possible store with his comprehensive and accurate opinion. Waiting for hours while the girl tries to decide whether to buy something or not. And worst of all, a man has to carry bags.

Fortunately, the boys sat on the chairs every two hours for a five-minute rest before continuing to walk.

(Author's note: I think the sole purpose of having chairs in boutiques was for the unfortunate men whose misfortune had led to this place.)

Finally, the boys and girls went to a restaurant, the boys sat down and each one of them felt like they had come out of hell.

"I feel like I'm going to die..." Natsu was the first to speak, looking very tired. In fact, it was like the vertigo that hits dragon slayers when they ride on transportation.

"Me too." Gray spoke in a weak voice. He was unable to feel his arms and legs.

Erza forces Gray and Natsu to go to the mall, and since we're talking about Erza, it doesn't seem like they can refuse. But the only thing that made them feel better was that they could see each other suffer.

As for Loke, Cana told him they were going on a date. He thought they were going to an amusement park or a café, not to the hell hole "shopping mall"!

Alzack is the only man who willingly agreed to go to the shopping mall.

The group ordered various foods, and half of the dishes that were on the table could be said to have been devoured by a certain dragon slayer. Everyone was chatting to each other, but Cana seemed to be lost in thought.

"Cana. Cana. Cana!"

"what!?" Cana shouted in annoyance.

"You were distracted the whole time." Erza spoke. "What is the matter?"

Cana knew that she could not escape from Erza, so it was best for her to speak up. After all, Erza Scarlett is not someone who can be eluded or deceived.

"For some reason, I feel angry and frustrated." Cana spoke.

"Why?" Lucy asked before taking a sip of her drink.

"I don't know. But I only feel those feelings when I see that pale man..." Cana spoke, a vein appearing on her forehead. Cana was not the type to be hostile, but every time she remembered the former Espada, she would get angry, for after all, every time the two met, it ended badly, for Cana.

"Oh come on. That guy knows nothing but job. It's impossible for him to come here, I bet he's never been to these places." Gray spoke confidently.

"Don't talk like that. If you and Natsu came here, he would definitely come here." Lucy spoke.

"Well.." Gray and Natsu both looked at Erza, the two of them were trying to indicate that they had not come willingly. Suddenly, a small smile of malice appeared on Natsu's face.

"Oi, Gray. What would you do if Ulquiorra came here?" Natsu spoke with a wide smile.

"Anything!" Gray shouted confidently. He knew Natsu was betting on him, and Gray accepted the bet.

Natsu laughed before pointing his finger at something behind Gray. Gray and everyone else looked at what Natsu was referring to.

"What th-" Gray felt as if the sky had fallen on his head.

At one of the tables, Ulquiorra was talking to the waiter. Ulquiorra had put on new clothes, at the insistence of Murciélago. Truth be told, Murciélago's taste was excellent.

'What what..' Gray was completely unable to say an intelligible word.

"Oi Natsu. Did you see him before you bet?" Loke spoke with a smile.

"Yes!" Natsu answered with a wide smile on his face. "Now it's time to keep your promise!" Natsu put his hand on Gray's shoulder before dragging him far away.

As Natsu dragged his friend away, the rest of the table stared at Ulquiorra. They were wondering if something had gone wrong in this universe.

«With Ulquiorra»


Ulquiorra had a long day, plus he had spent a lot of money.

«In the inner world»

Murciélago was sitting on the floor browsing a porn magazine. While behind him was a pile of pornographic magazines.

"Bye bye, boredom! Bye bye, stones!" Murciélago cried with great happiness. He felt as if fate wanted to reward Murciélago for his patience.

«in the real world»

Ulquiorra sighed. He discovered that Murciélago can take everything that is touched by the sword, but it seems that Murciélago cannot take things longer than one meter, in addition to the fact that food and living creatures are not among the things that can be taken.

Of course, Ulquiorra decided to take advantage of this feature, so he stored all his purchases within the inner world. On the other side, Ulquiorra bought many of the things Murciélago ordered; A large number of pornographic magazines and sorcerer weekly magazines, a Playstation, a TV and a movie player, a small generator, and a music device..


Because Murciélago threatened that he would deprive Ulquiorra of the Zanpakuto. It's not as if Ulquiorra is afraid, but he'd rather not get into trouble that he can easily avoid.

Murcielago has always been a one-of-a-kind Zanpakuto. In Las Noches, of all the arrancars' Zanpakutos, Murciélago was the only Zanpakuto that communicated with its owner. After all, the arrancars saw their Zanpakutos as just a tool without a soul.

Murciélago is a truly unique Zanpakuto. But he is really annoying!

"Your request, sir." The waiter spoke with a friendly smile on his face. Peach juice, peach flavored sundae, grilled steak with our signature sauce, Italian pasta, ramen, and egg salad.

"Hn." Ulquiorra nodded before giving the money to the waiter.

[Man, that's a lot. All that remains is for you to put the waiter on the table and eat him.]

Ulquiorra did not answer. Excessive appetite was one of the shortcomings of his new body.

[What is your opinion?]


[Oh come on! Did you not learn anything when you were shopping?]

'Yes, you can take the little things into your world, plus you're a pervert.'

[no! I mean yeah, I mean..., uh, forget it. -_-]

Ulquiorra was about to speak to Murciélago, but he sensed a dark force approaching him. At the same time, Ulquiorra rolled his eyes toward his pants pocket to see the lacrima that Garl had given him. The lacrima was glowing with an orange light.

Ulquiorra wasn't able to comprehend what was happening, but he would never have loosened his defenses.

"I found you."

Ulquiorra raised his head and looked in the direction the sound was coming from. She was a twenty-year-old girl, her brown hair like a ponytail, and she looked very gaudy.

"Thanks. I didn't know you knew I was coming." The girl sat in front of Ulquiorra and started eating an ice cream.

"who are you?" Ulquiorra spoke in a monotonous voice, but there was a hint of hostility in his voice. After all, a stranger is eating his food.

"This is not how you should talk to a woman." The girl spoke with a playful expression on her face.

"And that's not how you should behave towards someone you just met." Ulquiorra answered coldly.

The girl smiled before continuing to eat the ice cream.

[This girl have balls.]

At the same time, Ulquiorra finished eating while still looking at the girl. If Ulquiorra had not waited for the answers, he would have gotten rid of them without any hesitation; After all, this girl doesn't seem to have come for free food.

«in another place»

"I didn't know he could handle beauties." Alzack was the first to speak.

No one believed what was happening. Ulquiorra on a date with a girl? Nobody in Las Noches will believe this.

"No. There is something wrong." Loke spoke as he looked closely at Ulquiorra and the girl.

"What do you mean?" Erza spoke while the rest were looking at Loke.

"The way that pale guy looks, he doesn't seem to welcome her presence. Plus, that girl doesn't act like a friend." Loke was a professional womanizer, so he knows very well the manners of women.

"If this girl isn't his girlfriend, who is she?" Erza asked. Erza did not trust Ulquiorra, especially after learning about his past. So I tried to find out everything about him.

«With Ulquiorra»

(Bleach ost- ceremony commences)

"I think you want to talk about something.." Ulquiorra spoke after he finished eating his food.

"Yup!" The girl yelled while stretching her limbs like a cat. "I would have liked to speak with you directly. But it would be good to start a conversation with your stomach full, don't you think?"

"I'll ask you one last time, who are you?" Ulquiorra spoke very coldly.

"Leeanne." The girl answered, her expression changing from a cheerful one to a serious and serious one, with a sly smile similar to that of a Grimmjow.

"Why are you here?"

"Lich." The girl answered with one word.

Ulquiorra expected to hear this answer. Through the conversations Ulquiorra had with Garl, Ulquiorra knew that there were four types of magical guilds; Guilds working for the magic Council, Dark Guilds, Light Guilds, Demonic Guilds. Like the Dark Guilds and the Balam Alliance, the Demonic Guilds have several alliances that include powerful guilds, the most prominent of which is the Triple Six Alliance. In addition, each demonic guild worships a particular demon, so the power of each demonic guild is an embodiment of the power of the demons being worshiped.

From this point of view, Ulquiorra can draw two conclusions; One, this woman belongs to a guild that worships Beelzebub and his sons, and has come for revenge because Ulquiorra caused the death of Lich. Two, this woman belongs to a demonic guild, and she came for something.

The first conclusion was invalid, because Beelzebub had been banished and his sons slain by Lucifer. Which means that the second conclusion is the most reasonable.

"I killed him in accordance with the task I was asked to carry out." Ulquiorra spoke in a monotonous voice.

"Are you justifying your actions?" Leeanne spoke while a smile was still on her face.

"I'm just telling the truth, no more." Ulquiorra simply answered and then looked at her coldly. "Why are you here?"

Although her facial expression did not change, there was something in Ulquiorra's voice that made her feel a shiver in her spine. "I'm the one who should ask this question. After all, you don't belong in this world."

Ulquiorra could not help but wonder how she knew that, given that he had only revealed the truth to anyone but three people. If this continues, it will not be unlikely that the full truth will be revealed.

"You are right, I'm not from this world and not human at all. But if you would like me to join your guild, I advise you to forget this idea." Ulquiorra spoke coldly.

"What are you going to do during your time in this world? Maybe we can help you." Leeanne spoke as her smile widened. If Ulquiorra wanted to destroy the human race or make the world fall into chaos, then all the Demonic Guilds wouldn't skimp on helping, after all, that was the purpose of the Demonic Guilds' existence.

"It's none of your business. But as long as you don't get in my way I won't be a threat, and the same goes for everyone." Ulquiorra answered indifferently.

"Let me make things clear a little bit. You are not with us and you are not against us at the same time, right?" Slowly, Leeanne's smile turned into a frown. "So you are a neutral party and that in itself is a problem. What do you think will happen after this conversation?"

"There is nothing you can do to force me to join you." Ulquiorra felt a sudden surge in this woman's magical energy levels.

"You'd better think about the repercussions of your decision." Leeanne spoke gravely softly.

"You do the same." Ulquiorra spoke in a cold voice. At the same time, he released part of his spiritual pressure on Leeanne, causing her face to turn as pale as paper, as Leeanne felt as if a huge hand was trying to squeeze her. "You'd better think about the consequences of attacking me, woman. I can sense that your magic power is not enough to defeat me, but I know nothing of your mind, so I'm going to ask you, are you stupid enough to try?"

After a one-minute silence, Ulquiorra got up from his chair and put the money on the table before he left. As Ulquiorra walked away, Leeanne caught her breath, it was clear that trying to provoke a man like Ulquiorra would be a successful suicide attempt. But their brief conversation made several things clear; Firstly, Ulquiorra wasn't looking for a fight right now, secondly, defeating Ulquiorra wouldn't be easy.

Leeanne got up from her chair and left. She got some information, but she didn't get the most important information; Ulquiorra had no reason to fight them and it was recommended that they do nothing that would create such a reason.

(End of music)

«in another place»

"I don't know what happened, but it seemed as if that woman had seen the devil himself." Loke spoke.

"What do you think we should catch up with?" Cana smiled cunningly.

"Why?" asked Alzack.

"I'm curious, plus I have nothing else to do." Cana replied.

"What about drinking half of the guild's stock of liquor?" Lucy raised an eyebrow in astonishment.

"I can postpone this for another time."

"I'll go with you." Erza spoke. She was also curious about the former Espada. Hollow spends his day at the mall? she will want to see that.

"You guys."

Everyone turned to the source of the voice and saw something that made them laugh out loud, even Erza couldn't help but laugh.

But Gray was wearing a rather tight red dress. He began muttering all the curses he had learned in his life, and his red face seemed to be on the verge of tears of embarrassment and humiliation.

"I put glue on so you can't take the dress off." Natsu spoke with a wide smile while holding the glue can.

"Fuck you Natsu!!!" Gray cried out angrily.

The friends tried to stifle their laughter but to no avail, after all, you don't see every day a man in a dress.


«in karaoke»

'What is this place?'

Ulquiorra looked around to understand the nature of this place. Ulquiorra was in a soundproofed room, sitting on one of the sofas, and in front of him was a table with a microphone and an electronic tablet in front of him.

[Aaaaah Amigo, you are at the place where you are going to release all your negative energy lurking within you!!!]

'I do not understand.'

[You will sing until you lose the ability to pronounce. You still remember the lyrics to some of the songs, right?]

This was similar to what was happening in Las Noches, some números were stealing a music player from the human world, they would listen to a song and then sing that song, even the Espadas were participating in these activities. It could have been described as a crime against humanity, as their voices were like the mooing of a slaughtered ox or the howling of a dying wolf. Despite all this sound pollution, they still do it, which they say makes them feel better.

[Don't worry, Amigo! Nobody can hear you!]

Ulquiorra looked at the playlist, but none of the songs were popular in his world. But the device plays the song's melodies without the lyrics, so all Ulquiorra has to do is find the music that matches the songs in his world.

«At the hardware store»

Cana smiled sinisterly as she fiddled with some wires.

"Hehehehehe 😈.." Cana rubbed her hands while smiling like a mad scientist.

"Cana.. what are you doing?" Lucy spoke awkwardly, Cana looked scary.

Cana did not answer the question. Cana used her divination skills and knew that Ulquiorra would be choosing songs composed by very failed artists. So she decided that she would not miss this opportunity.

«With Ulquiorra»

[Good Choice. I didn't know you listen to so much music.]

'I have an excellent memory.' Ulquiorra thought and finally chose the right music.

[All you have to do is close your eyes and then turn your memories and negative energy into words.]

Ulquiorra took a deep breath...

[Let's see who you are made of!!!]

«With Cana and her friends»

"1..2..3." Cana put the wire into the plug.

A few seconds later, all the televisions showed a recording of what was happening inside Ulquiorra's room.

"We will see this man embarrassing himself." Cana spoke, smiling like a devil.

"Singing in a bad voice in front of hundreds of people. That's embarrassing..." Natsu muttered softly while watching TV. He felt some pity for Ulquiorra.

"You are the last person to talk about embarrassing others." Cana spoke while pointing her finger at Gray. "Besides seeing me naked, that's the least he deserves."

"He will start." Loke spoke as he looked at one of the screens.

Most of the people in the shopping center were watching Ulquiorra. When they heard the melody of the song, some of them covered their ears because they knew it was from a terrible song, while others took out their phones to film Ulquiorra embarrassing himself.

But something unexpected happened...

«With Ulquiorra»

(StarSet - Monster)

Under the knife I surrendered

The innocence yours to consume

You cut it away

And you filled me up with hate

Into the silence you sent me

Into the fire consumed

You thought I'd forget

But it's always in my head

You're the pulse in my veins

You're the war that I wage

Can you change me?

Can you change me?

You're the love that I hate

You're the drug that I take

Will you cage me?

Will you cage me?

You're the pulse in my veins

You're the war that I wage

Can you change me?

Can you change me?

From the monster you made me?

From the monster you made me?

This is the world you've created

The product of what I've become

My soul and my youth

Seems it's all for you to use

If I could take back the moment

I let you get under my skin

Relent or resist?

Seems the monster always wins

You're the pulse in my veins

You're the war that I wage

Can you change me?

Can you change me?

You're the love that I hate

You're the drug that I take

Will you cage me?

Will you cage me?

You're the pulse in my veins

You're the war that I wage

Can you change me?

Can you change me?

From the monster you made me?

From the monster you made me?




«With Cana»

Cana and all her friends felt speechless. Ulquiorra has turned a terrible song into a good one.

The same for the people who were watching Ulquiorra. At first, they thought Ulquiorra was just another idiot trying to get some fame, as there were many people who tried to gain fame in similar ways. But as for the viewers, if Ulquiorra wanted good fame, he did well.

«With Ulquiorra»




My heart's an artifice, a decoy soul

I'll lift you up and then I'll let you go

I've made an art of digging shallow holes

I drop the darkness in and watch it grow

My heart's an artifice, a decoy soul

Who knew the emptiness could be so cold?

I've lost the parts of me that make me whole

I am the darkness

I'm the monster

You're the pulse in my veins

You're the war that I wage

Can you change me?

Can you change me?

You're the love that I hate

You're the drug that I take

Will you cage me?

Will you cage me?

You're the pulse in my veins

You're the war that I wage

Can you change me?

Can you change me?

From the monster you made me?

The monster you made me?

The monster you made me?

The monster you made me?

After Ulquiorra finished singing, he felt something he couldn't describe, but it felt like it became a little lighter.

[ Yoooooooooooooooooooouch!!! You are doing well! But it's still too early to rest!]

Ulquiorra looked at the screen in front of him. He saw that a countdown had appeared before the next song started.

[Let's goooo!!!]


I lost myself into the night

And I flew higher

Than I had ever

But I still felt small

I clipped my wings and fell from flight

To open water

And floated farther

Away from myself

And I swam in the wakes of imposters

Just to feel what it's like to pretend

There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters

And the monsters are my only friends

They're all that I was

And never could be

Eyes in the dead still water

Tried but it pushed back harder

Cauterized and atrophied

This is my unbecoming

Knives in the backs of martyrs

Lives in the burning fodder

Cauterized and atrophied

This is my unbecoming

You found me drifted out to sea

It's automatic

It's telepathic

You always knew me

And you laugh as I search for a harbor

As you point where the halo had been

But the light in your eyes has been squandered

There's no angel in you in the end

And all that I was

I've left behind me

Eyes in the dead still water

Tried but it pushed back harder

Cauterized and atrophied

This is my unbecoming

Knives in the backs of martyrs

Lives in the burning fodder

Cauterized and atrophied

This is my unbecoming

Now I wait

This metamorphosis

All that is left is the change

Selfish fate

I think you made me this

Under the water I wait

Eyes in the dead still water

Tried but it pushed back harder

Cauterized and atrophied

This is my unbecoming

Knives in the backs of martyrs

Lives in the burning fodder

Cauterized and atrophied

This is my unbecoming

«In the shopping mall»

There were a large number of people watching Ulquiorra, and some of them recognized him.

"Hey! Is this the Devil of Magnolia?"

"Devil of Magnolia?"

"I've heard of him but never seen him. I heard that he managed to take down a giant demon and destroy the Guild Masters' Convention Building with one attack."

"I heard there's nothing he can stop."

At the same time, Cana was very angry, she hadn't expected that Ulquiorra would do such a thing; She may have the ability to see the future, but she can only see a little of the future. As for her friends, they were smiling, they were so happy when they saw Ulquiorra's performance, especially Gray who knew very well what it meant to be embarrassed.

Unlike Bisca and Laki, Cana was unable to forget what Ulquiorra had done, plus their previous interactions weren't helping to calm her anger, in fact, her anger had risen to new levels.

"I will leave!!!!" Cana shouted angrily. Looks like she needs to drink ten barrels of beer and whiskey.

Each time, Ulquiorra manages to piss her off, and what's worse is that he puts so little effort into doing so.


«In Oak Town, Inside the Phantom Lord's Guild Headquarters, Jose's Office»

Jose walked into his office and seated in front of him the five most powerful mages in the guild, Element Four and Gajeel Redfox. Jose decided to hold a session to discuss the union's future plans.

"Another battle between the Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail? gihi, that will be fun!" Gajeel yelled as he ate a coin. Being a dragon slayer, he is able to eat the element that enhances his strength. Just as Natsu eats fire to nourish and enhance his power, Gajeel eats minerals.

"Jose-sama, that doesn't sound like a good idea." Totomaru spoke softly as he stared at the table.

"Killjoy..." Gajeel muttered a little annoyed.

Totomaru ignored his teammate and then looked at Jose. "At the moment, we don't know how strong they are. The Fairy Tail Guild has four S class mages; Mystogan, Laxus, Erza, and Mirajane. In addition, there are some mages who can battle Ace class mages, such as Natsu Dragneel. I think we should We don't fight them, or at least, let's postpone this fight for another time." What he said did not seem to be well received by some.

"No no no! Three no! I don't agree with what you're saying, Totomaru-san. If Fairy Tail has four Ace mages, our guild has five mages mages..." Sol spoke.

"For some reason, Mirajane is unable to use her magic power, so she wouldn't be a threat to us." Juvia spoke in an emotionless voice.

"Plus, our guild has devastating weapons. Did you see?" Gajeel smiled sarcastically.

"There's no need to worry, Totomaru-kun." Jose spoke softly, with a small but vague smile on his face. "Aria will deal with Titania and Laxus. Gajeel will deal with Salamander. I will deal with Makarov. And if things take a critical turn; you, Juvia and Sol will step in."

'But you lost to Makarov...' Totomaru thought, Totomaru didn't dare say that because he knew what would happen to him. "What about Gildarts?"

Except for Jose and Totomaru, no one knew who Gildarts was. But Jose's face turned as pale as a sheet of paper as he appeared, putting drops of sweat on his face. Whoever this man is so strong that he can intimidate a saint wizard like Jose. Although Totomaru doesn't know that man very well, but he does know that Gildarts is strong enough to defeat everyone in the Phantom Lord's Guild, everyone including Jose.

It didn't matter if all the members of the Fairy Guild were weak, it didn't matter if they were pathetic, it didn't matter if they were the weakest guild in fiore. as long as Gildarts existed, no sane man would dare to think of threatening the Fairy Tail Guild.

"I know bad intentions when I see one in front of me. Beautiful..."

(Bleach ost- nothing anymore)

Everyone turned to the direction of the sound, and saw a man standing in one corner of the room. The man was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pants pockets, looking rather relaxed.

But they couldn't see his face because darkness had covered the upper half of his body.

"Who are you? How did you get here?" Jose spoke very quietly, but did not lower his guard. At the same time, the rest of his followers had risen from their seats and assumed combative poses.

"I entered by the door." The mysterious man replied, there was some sarcasm in his voice. He could sense the surge of magical power coming from Jose and the members of the Phantom Lord's Guild. "Hey hey. Hold on guys. I'm not here to fight." It seemed clear that they weren't able to believe it.

The mysterious man sighed before quietly walking towards the table, then everyone could get a better view; a man of thirty years of age, long gray hair, eyes as green as olives, and many scars on his face and neck and in various parts of his body; It looked like a doll that had been torn apart and then re-stitched.

"Hector kadagra, nice to meet you." The man spoke before sitting down and then put his feet on the table. Everyone was looking at him with annoyance, after all, Hector was acting as if he owned this place.

"You have balls, a lot of balls..." Gajeel muttered, looking indignantly at Hector.

"why did you come here?" Jose spoke gravely quietly.

"I heard a while ago that you were planning to wipe out the Fairy Tail Guild, so here I am offering you a little help." Hector said simply.

"And do you think we will believe you so easily--?" Totomaru stopped speaking when he saw his master pointing to him to shut up.

"Hector Kadagra, say what you want to say and then I will decide whether to trust you or turn you into a bloody pulp." Jose spoke before a cold smile appeared on his face.

Hector smiled without caring what Jose said. In fact, he seemed more relaxed.

"The number of members of the Fairy Tail Guild is 179, while the number of the members of the Phantom Lord is 293. The Phantom Lord has a Jupiter cannon and a movable castle, but the Fairy Tail Guild does not have devastating weapons. With some help from me, you.. can.. win." Hector spoke with a calm smile.

"Bullshit!! Are you trying to make us dig our graves?!" Totomaru shouted angrily. "It doesn't matter if we are outnumbered or if we have a lethal weapon! And it doesn't matter what kind of help you will give us! The Fairy Tail Guild has a terrifying beast named Gildarts! And if this guy knows what we're going to do, he will come to us and fill our ass with staves!!" Totomaru shouted angrily. During his time as a mage, Totomaru learned a lot of important things, and one of those things is that he has to know when to fight and when not.

Although Totomaru was afraid of what Gildarts might do, that wasn't the only reason he was against the idea of ​​declaring war on Fairy Tail. He had heard many times of fierce battles between guilds, and the damage they inflicted on both sides was really great, be it property or lives. That's why Totomaru would do anything to prevent this war from happening, after all, Phantom Lord is his home, and he wouldn't allow any harm to come to his home.

"dont worry." A sly smile appeared on Hector's face. "He can't do anything now." Hector spoke before putting some files on the table. "During the quest of the Hundred Years' Mission, Gildarts was subjected to a vicious attack that caused him to lose his left arm and left leg in addition to losing one of his internal organs. He is still alive, but he will not be strong as before."

Jose read the files, knew that what Hector had said was true, Gildarts is currently in a hospital in the village of Kagana. Except for the members of the Magic Council, no one knows anything about what happened to Gildarts, not even Makarov, because there are some people who might take advantage of this situation to their advantage by killing him. After all, Gildarts is an SS-class mage, whose death would upset the balance of power between the Magic Council and the Dark Guilds.

Shock and disbelief, Jose felt. Gildarts Clive is a wizard so powerful that he can battle the four Gods of Ishgar. If Jose's memory is still good, the only man who can defeat Gildarts is god Serena. But having someone else who could defeat Gildarts made Jose feel a tremor in his spine; Who was able to defeat Gildarts? Does he belong to the Dark Guilds? How much is his full strength?

Hector seemed to have read Jose's thoughts. "I don't know who did that."

"How did you manage to get these files?" Jose spoke in a tone of doubt. After all, this is top secret information.

"It wasn't as difficult as you think. All I did was bribe someone who works for the Magic Council, that's all." Hector spoke indifferently, but Jose knew very well the fact that if one wanted to bribe an employee of the Magic Council, he would have to pay a large sum of money, and it was difficult to find a man who would accept the bribe.

"You can now wage war on Fairy Tail."

'war?!' Gajeel and the Element four thought before they stared at Jose. There have been many battles between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord in order to prove which guild is the best, but a war? This seems exaggerated.

"You didn't tell them, did you?" Hector spoke sarcastically.

Both Gajeel and Element four didn't need to open their mouths, their looks were enough to make Jose understand what was on their minds.

"This competition, which lasted for six years, should one day have come to an end." Jose spoke firmly. "This will be a decisive battle! Winning means reaching the top, defeat means losing everything!"

"But Jose-sama… Fairy Tail is so strong, even if we win this war, we will come out of it very exhausted and need some time to make up for our losses. Certainly some guilds will try to take advantage of our weakness." Sol spoke in a serious tone.

At this moment, Hector's smile widened as a sly smile appeared on Jose's face. Where Jose put a picture on the table. It was a picture of a girl, Lucy Heartfilia.

"Two words. Lucy Heartfilia." Hector spoke. He seemed to know very well all of Jose's plans.

"what?" Gajeel spoke in understanding.

"I know her. She's part of Team Natsu. But what is her role in this war?" Totomaru spoke softly.

"Lucy Heartfilia, daughter of Jude Heartfilia, belongs to one of the richest noble families in fiore. Her father has asked me to return his dear daughter to him." Jose spoke with a smile.

"And... are you really going to do that?" Hector asked with interest.

Jose did not answer the question, but only smiled as Hector seemed to know the answer.

Kings, heads of state, generals, leaders, etc.. Most of them walk according to values ​​and principles that are somewhat similar to Machiavellian teachings. Being a leader over a group of people is not easy, as the leader will have to overcome some moral barriers and make the most of opportunities. Jose Porla is one of those people, who will blackmail the noble family in order to get money so that he can finance his guild business.

"Thank you very much for the valuable information. But I don't expect that you did this for nothing, right?" Jose spoke softly, a frown back on his face.

"Don't worry Jose-kun. I have a simple request." Hector spoke.

"What is it?"

"I want the head of a certain man, Ulquiorra Schiffer." Hector spoke in a serious tone.

As for Gajeel and the Element four, they didn't know who Ulquiorra was, but they definitely had heard some rumors about him. But for Jose, it was quite different; It was true that he didn't know how strong Ulquiorra was, especially since Ulquiorra wasn't fighting seriously, which was why Jose didn't want to provoke that pale man.

"I didn't say you should face Ulquiorra. After all, you should prepare for the war." Hector smiled before he could finish his words. "We'll force him to fight..." Hector stopped talking and started staring at Jose.

Jose knew that Hector would not reveal the details of his plan until their partnership had been approved.

"You have proven yourself to be trustworthy. But why would you want Ulquiorra to die?" Jose asked curiously.

"You could say that he did something unforgivable, something that angered me and my masters...." Hector's voice was filled with poison, not bothering to hide his anger.

After Murciélago kills the demons that have infiltrated the inner world, Hector is severely punished by Zanar. After all, Murciélago had killed the elite warriors of Zanar's army.

For Hector, this was not only a mission, it was a personal matter too!

Hector sighed, trying to dispel his anger, Hector smiled before lowering his legs from the table and then sat down normally.

"I have a busy schedule so let me start by explaining my plan, shall we?"

(End of music)


(Bleach ost- torn apart)


"This is your plan? Teaching humans how to use dragon magic?! That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!!!" Skiadrum shouted in a sarcastic tone.

Skiadrum and Igneel were both seriously injured; Skiadrum appeared to have new scars, while Igneel had an X-like wound on his chest. If this battle is not stopped, they will surely die.

They have had many bitter fights in the past, but neither of them has won. Igneel could have enlisted the help of the rest of the dragons, so he would win, but he didn't. Skiadrum is a very stubborn dragon, surely not going to die before taking the lives of the three dragons as well as inflicting as much damage on Igneel as possible.

Igneel needed them in order to ensure the success of the plan. As much as he wanted to kill his opponent, this battle had to be postponed.

"Pff, that's disappointing. Anna Heartfilia, Zeref Dragneel, and you; I didn't expect you to come up with such a pathetic plan. Train a group of homeless kids and then send them into the future to kill a stupid dragon named Acnologia? What the crap is that?! Why don't you By killing him without resorting to a complex and stupid plan?!" Skiadrum sarcastically shouted. Didn't understand why Igneel wouldn't deal with Acnologia? Isn't an army of dragons enough to bring down that dragon?

"If only it were that easy. Plus…." Igneel gave a fierce glow to the Skiadrum. "If you were with us, we could have killed him before he got stronger."

"I hope so, but...why should I help those who hate me and wish me death?" Skiadrum spoke very coldly.

"You have humiliated all the Dragon Kings! You betrayed your own race and sided with humans! You stuck your fangs and claws into the flesh of dragons! No dragon can forget what you did!" Igneel shouted angrily.

"It's just that I don't like dragons; I don't like the fact that I'm a dragon, I don't feel proud to be a dragon, I don't want to be a dragon!" Skiadrum spoke with a bit of anger. He turned around and started to walk away quietly. "What happened and what happens to the dragons, I don't care at all. You know? I hope Acnologia will kill you all."

"You…" Igneel felt that within him there was enough rage energy to destroy the world, if his body had not been so badly damaged, he would have taken another round with Skiadrum.

"I don't care about your stupid plan, I won't help you but I won't get in your way. I'd like to see your face that you know your plan is just plain nonsense." Skiadrum smiled before flying away. "Send my regards to Anna, tell her she has to take care of herself more, I really mean it."

(End of music)


«Magnolia, Fairy Tail Guild Building, Makarov Office»

"Jose..." Makarov spoke as he read the letter.

Lucy gave the message to Makarov. When Makarov asked her to tell him how she got this letter, Lucy replied that a "little rat" had given her this letter.

Makarov did not try to inquire about this, Lucy seemed very angry, so it would be wise for Makarov to postpone his questions.

As for the message, only the Saint Magicians could open or read it.

Dear Makarov,

We must end this conflict once and for all!

Makarov put the letter on the desk and then closed his eyes. Although the letter contained only two sentences, Makarov knew everything he needed to know.

Jose porla is one of the Ten Saint wizard and the Master of Phantom Lord Guild. Jose porla's hatred of Fairy Tail started six years ago. During the annual meeting of the guilds, after the gentlemen drank a little, Makarov began to brag about his guild and all the mages in it. This made Jose a competitor to the Fairy Tail Guild. Eventually, Jose began to discredit Fairy Tail, which angered Makarov, which eventually led to the two of them starting to fight. The battle ended with Makarov winning and Jose losing badly, resulting in Jose feeling endless hatred for Fairy Tail.

"You still don't want to make it easy..." Makarov muttered.

Makarov was sure that Jose would not do something rash. After all, a battle between two Saint wizards would cause a lot of material damage. If Jose took this step, his guild would be dissolved and he would probably lose his title as a Saint Wizard, as he would be the main cause of this problem. Plus, the Magic Council would never tolerate him.

"I hope you realize what you're doing, Jose." Makarov did not want it to get this far.


«In Magnolia, near the Fairy Tail Guild»

Ulquiorra sat on the edge of the cliff with a fishing rod in his hands. When he came out of the shopping mall, everyone was looking at him, some applauding him while others greeted him. Ulquiorra didn't understand why but decided to ignore them.

[This is a bad idea! How boring!!!]

'No, this hobby suits me. Quiet and silent, nothing or sound bothers me. This is perfect for me.' Think Ulquiorra.

[You've been sitting for three hours and you haven't caught anything!!]

Ulquiorra remained silent but quickly spoke.

"How did you manage to find out what's going on in the human world? I've been trapped in the inner world for over a one hundred years." Ulquiorra spoke in a low voice.

[not exactly. I have been communicating with other Zanpakutos.]


[Hahahahahahaha, I can go to the inner Worlds, I was able to make a lot of friendships, but since we are in this disgusting world I can no longer go to the inner worlds. Haineko, Tobiume, Minami, Sayuri... They were great days.]

'who are they?'

[Female Zanpakutos. My ex-lovers.]

"..." Ulquiorra seemed unconvinced. Murciélago has lovers? When Murciélago says they were good days, he means that he was sleeping with them. Murcielago has sex? We could say that Murcielago has a kind of frightening beauty, but he is not attractive enough to be able to get a woman to have sex with him. Arms similar to those of a reptile, a look that could make blood freeze, very pale skin, long horns. This is unbelievable.

[You don't believe me, do you?! If you saw me I'm sure you wouldn't be able to utter a single word, after all, you only believe what you see!]

'I guess even if I saw it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.' Ulquiorra thought as he felt something tickle inside his stomach. He didn't understand the feeling, but he wasn't upset.

[Hey, what?! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Did I just say a joke?! Hahahahahahahaha!]


[you know. Saying funny things..don't bother, you're making progress.]

Ulquiorra was not able to understand what Murciélago meant. But he knew he knew what he was going to say.

'Arigatou Gozaimasu, Murciélago.'

[Of course you should thank me--what?!?! What did you say?! 0_0]

'When someone helps you, you should thank him, right?'


Murciélago is clearly confused. After all, he had done nothing to make Ulquiorra thank him.

[whatever! Let's go home.]

Ulquiorra got up and started to go home.

For Ulquiorra, this wasn't a waste of time as he had thought.



"the next day"

"Good morning Cana-san."

Cana woke up feeling a little headache. Yesterday, Cana drank ten barrels to forget Ulquiorra. It was overrated but worth it. Her mood became better.

"Good morning Mirajane." Cana spoke pixels. This wasn't the first time Cana had fallen asleep inside the guild.

Cana got up from the table and was about to go about her daily business, but she heard Mirajane calling her.

"Cana-san." Mirajane put something on the table. "You have to see this."

Cana looked at the thing that was laid on the table, this was the wizard's weekly magazine. Cana felt as if her heart had fallen into her stomach. Ulquiorra's photo was on the cover.

"Who would have known that he is talented at singing. Even though he only sang two songs but he got so many fans. Isn't that cool?" Mirajane spoke with the same friendly smile on her face. Little did Mirajane know that she made her friend's mood worse than before.

"Mira.." Cana spoke very calmly.


"I want ten barrels of whiskey. NOW."

Cana looked like a volcano about to erupt, so Mirajane decided it was not wise to refuse her request.


Author's note: Sorry for the delay. I had to watch the anime again in order to get a better understanding of the events.


1) Skiadrum: He's clearly hated by all dragons. Why? You will know later..

2) Phantom Lord's Arc: Starts in the next chapter..

If you have more questions, feel free to write your questions. Bye.