
rebirth in magnolia: the hidden origins and the empty throne

After Ulquiorra is disgracedly defeated by Ichigo on the roof of Las Noches, Ulquiorra finds himself before the King of Spirits, where the latter proposes to him a new opportunity for life, but in a new world. Where Ulquiorra will finally find the opportunity to understand the heart. Will Ulquiorra succeed in understanding the heart? What are the real reasons for making the King of Spirits revive him? A/N: bleach crossover fairy tail

Bachir_Dridi · Fantasi
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9 Chs

chapter 7: The focus of attention

A/N: English is not my first language، so excuse me for any typing mistakes.


«in Demon World, dis city»

While Ulquiorra was asleep on his bed, the Demon World was a mess. It was only a few hours before Lich died before every demon in the underworld knew that Lich had died.

"are you sure?"

Four Demon kings sat in the conference, truth be told, their looks are quite frightening. Usually, they meet only on rare occasions, but it seems to be an urgent event.

What happened to Lich was discussed as well as the identity of the person who killed him. They were curious about the person who had managed to defeat Lich. In fact, none of them cared about Lich, after all, he was a traitor. It's not as if they hated him, he was one of the few who defied Lucifer's will and was still alive. In their opinion, this is an impressive achievement.

"Yes, my lord. Lich is already dead." Someone answered from a crystal ball. He seemed to be a human being. There was no doubt that he was one of the magicians who practiced black magic. In addition, true demons cannot go to the human world, so they seek help from demon worshipers and people who practice black magic.

"Hehehehe, that idiot deserves what happened to him. If he used his brain a bit, he wouldn't have died." One of the demons said while laughing. This demon was five meters tall, had four arms with many horns and bony protrusions on its head, shoulders, and back.

"Stop gossiping, Karkarov, and let's get back to the main topic. Who was the one who managed to defeat Lich?" Another demon spoke in a firm tone. His muscular body resembled a statue made of molten lava. He had two heads, the right head had serious and angry features while on the left head was a smile that was not without arrogance and recklessness.

"It's been a hundred and twenty years since we last met, but you haven't changed even a little bit, agni-kun~~. You should wait a bit." A demon spoke with a playful expression on her face as she looked at the flaming demon. This demon was wearing revealing clothes that closely resembled Mirajane's clothes in satan soul form, but instead of the large bone gloves, she was wearing red leather gloves that covered her entire arms. Her hair is black and long.

"Agni is right, Citra. Lich may be a traitor, but he is still a descendant of our master Lucifer. Hector, what is the name of that anonymous person?" Another demon spoke. This demon was just like humans, but its skin was as red as blood and on its head was a small horn, plus it was wearing black combat armor as if it was ready for battle at any time.

"Yes, Nahash-sama. His name is Ulquiorra Schiffer. There is very little information about him, but according to what I heard he is a very dangerous man, this man has made a lot of commotion, since he destroyed Lullaby and everyone is trying to find out everything about him. Dark Guilds, Magic Council, the Balam Alliance, and maybe even the Alvarez Empire. I doubt that the masters of the Legal Guilds know a thing or two about this guy. But all I know is that he resides in Magnolia and works for the Law Guilds after he destroyed the Wizard Conference." The human magician replied.

"Ulquiorra? What a silly name." Citra spoke sarcastically.

"It looks like this guy appeared out of nowhere." Karkarov said.

"Most of all. Why did he kill Lich?" agni's right head spoke. "Is he a member of the Council of the Golden Circle?" the other head.

"No. As far as I know, Lich died because he was an obstacle in Ulquiorra's way. Ulquiorra is not someone who takes things personally, all he knows is that he has a job and he should finish that job perfectly. Just like a robot." Hector said slightly confused. In fact, on the day Lich was released from his prison, Hector sent a group of thirty people to subdue Lich by force and bring him in. But the result was that they died horribly, all of their bones were broken while their internal organs were crushed, but what horrified Hector most was that he discovered that they had died simultaneously. What Hector didn't know was that his men had died due to the immense spiritual pressure that resulted from Ulquiorra releasing his first release.

Nahash closed his eyes and a meaningful smile appeared on his face. It has become very interesting.

"Oi, what are you thinking, Nahash?" Karkarov said.

The rest of the kings knew how their brother thought, Nahash had always been a pragmatic person, so he would try to use this situation to his advantage and make the most of it.

"Hector, where does this man's loyalty lie?" Nahash said without opening his eyes.

"He doesn't seem to have any loyalty to anyone." Hector answered.

"Does he belong to a guild or group?"

"No. But he works for the legal unions. Temporarily."

"Good." Nahash's smile widened to the point that his white, pointed teeth became bare. He opened his eyes and looked at the crystal ball. "I have a new job for you. From now on, you will gather information on that man called Ulquiorra. You will get a generous reward for every tip. But if you can include him in your guild, you will get whatever you want. You can leave Now." The light inside the crystal ball went out, signaling the end of the connection.

"Sooooo, will you explain to us? I mean.. 'A generous reward for every tip'!? You may not be the meanest demon I've known, but you're not generous either." said Karkarov, looking curiously at his brother.

"Karkarov is right. Ulquiorra is not someone who deserves all that attention." Citra said.

Nahash smiled and drank from a golden cup containing a purple-black liquid, which seemed to be unfit for human consumption. Nahash put the cup on the table and then looked at Karkarov.

"Karkarov. What do you know about Ulquiorra?" Nahash asked while drinking again.

"nothing." Karkarov replied.


"What you're saying doesn't make sense!" Citra shouted angrily. Nahash has a bad habit of deliberately making his words difficult to understand.

Nahash sighed in frustration. He always enjoyed making others angry, often ending up in a fight (maybe that's why he wears those Combat armor). But Nahash does not want to cause a fight inside his palace.

"What I'm trying to say is that despite the mystery surrounding that man, no one dared try to extract information from him. Do you know what that means?" Nahash said.

"Do you mean..." said agni's left head. ".. that he is strong enough to make all of Fiore's controlling forces out of his way?" The right head spoke.

"Well done. Perhaps Ulquiorra is not someone who can subdue an entire kingdom, but he is strong enough to make all the controlling forces in that kingdom think twice before trying to provoke him."

"You mean…." Citra smiled mischievously. She seemed to know what her brother was thinking.

"Yes, he's an independent man. Since he's working on a temporary basis, we can consider him a free man..." Nahash said before drinking again.

"And we can include him in our ranks." Agni's left head spoke while smiling. "But there is a good chance that this man will join another group, especially the Council of the Golden Circle, and that in itself is a very bad thing." The other head spoke.

"That's why I asked Hector to gather information so that we know how to deal with Ulquiorra in case he becomes our enemy. All in all, we'll be ready." Nahash said. He knows that the worst kind of enemy is the one you know nothing about him, he's sure that only the Seven Princes of Hell and some devils might know the truth about the former Espada, but Nahash doesn't have enough power and influence to be able to get answers from those devils.

Everyone was silent, thinking carefully about what their brother had said. When it comes to planning, Nahash was a genius at it. As for Nahash, he was thinking about how to get Ulquiorra to make a deal with him. He had heard a lot about the wars that took place four hundred years ago, there were many wizards who lived in that era and are still alive to this moment. When those wars stopped, many wizards and powerful monsters disappeared, but some of them came to light like Acnologia, Zeref, and Irene. But others are still unaccounted for, such as Igneel, King of Fire Dragons; Skiadrum, King of Shadow Dragons...

Nahash believed that Ulquiorra was one of the mighty ones who lived through the Infinite Wars period, or as they call it in the Demon Realm as the 'Festival of Madness'.

While the Demon Kings were discussing their plans, there were people spying on them.

Hundreds of miles away, there were two men standing on top of a mountain. Surprisingly, they were able to see and hear the conversations that took place between Nahash and his brothers.

The first person was the new Prince of Hell, Bahamut in his human form.

The second person was a muscular man, his upper body was so bare that anyone could see the red lines on his body as well as some prominent veins, his eyes were blacker than night, his skin purple, his long black hair reaching the middle of his back.

"Shouldn't we stop them, Bahamut-sama?" The purple man spoke.

"Why? Are you worried for their safety, Storm Drake?" Bahamut smiled as he looked at his assistant.

"No, but I'm sure Lucifer wouldn't be happy if he knew we didn't tell him about this plot." The purple man expressed his fears, he did not want to anger a terrifying monster like Lucifer.

"Don't worry, he won't know about this as long as we keep our mouths shut." Bahamut replied indifferently, since he had obtained the position of Prince of Hell he had become very arrogant.

"I will."

"I know you have some questions, speak up." Bahamut still maintained that smile.

"Why don't you want us to stop them?"

Bahamut fell silent for a while sighing. "Storm Drake, when was the last time you saw an exciting event?"

"Four hundred years ago, Lucifer vs Beelzebub, my lord." Storm Drake replied.

"That's what I'm talking about! There is no fun in this horrible place!" Bahamut shouted in frustration.

"I understand from your words that you want to see a fight between the Demon Kings and this man called Ulquiorra. But what if Ulquiorra is weak, then we won't enjoy watching that battle." Storm Drake spoke.

"Don't worry, I know his strength very well." The smile returned to Bahamut's face again.


"Don't get your head around that and let's wait for the battle to happen. Ulquiorra Schiffer, the fourth Espada, guard of Las Noches Castle and the strongest hollow in Hueco Mundo! He will fight against the most powerful Demon kings!" Bahamut shouted excitedly.

'Espada? Las Noches? hollow?' Storm Drake was unable to understand what his master meant, but he felt that the coming days would be filled with eventful events.

As for Bahamut, he was the only one who knew the truth about the former Espada.

The only reason Bahamut knew of the Arrancar's existence is because each of the princes of hell is responsible for a specific number of different worlds which number in the thousands, so it would be almost impossible for the rest of the Prince of Hell to know that there was a being like Ulquiorra in Magnolia, it was like a stroke of luck For Bahamut. On the other hand, it would only be a matter of time before all the princes of Hell knew.



During the years since Ulquiorra came to Las Noches, many things have changed.

Ulquiorra's strength had risen to almost as strong as Zoe, strong enough to be a strong opponent for Nelliel. Although he still couldn't use the Resurrección.

The only Espadas who can defeat Ulquiorra without using a resurrección are the Segunda Espada Barragan and the primera Espada Starrk.

If Ulquiorra could reach this level of strength without using a resurrección, what would happen if Ulquiorra could use a resurrección?

This question has alarmed some Espadas, especially the Segunda Espada, Baraggan Louisenbarn. If Ulquiorra could use the resurrección, a lot of things inside Las Noches would change, Ulquiorra's power would reach terrifying levels and maybe even Barragan himself wouldn't match it.

For Baraggan, just thinking that there was someone else stronger than him made him go crazy. He could barely stand the fact that Aizen and Starrk were stronger than him, so having someone else stronger than him would be like another slap in the face for Baraggan. Normally, Baraggan would immediately kill Ulquiorra, but Baraggan no longer had any power within Las Noches, so any attempt by Baraggan to kill Ulquiorra would result in him receiving a severe punishment from the new King of hueco Mundo, Aizen Sosuke.

After all, Ulquiorra is a valuable investment for Aizen.

But despite all this, the number on Ulquiorra's chest did not change. The only way someone could become a Espada was to kill another Espada, but all the Espadas were avoiding him (except for Zoe, Starrk and Baraggan), after all, they had positions they would like to keep. On the other hand, Ulquiorra didn't think of becoming a Espada, he wasn't interested in becoming a Espada, plus he's not the type to attack without being provoked.

«In the fourth tower»

The sound of metal crashing reverberated throughout the place.

what is happening?

The answer is simple...

Zoe and Octava Espada Nnoitra were fighting while Ulquiorra watched from a safe distance.

Ulquiorra could have faced Nnoitra and ended this futile fight easily, but Zoe prevented him. On the other hand, both Zoe and Nelliel were used to Nnoitra's harassment, everyone in Las Noches knew about his inferiority complex, plus he doesn't recognize such a thing as equality between men and women, just thinking that there is a woman who can outdo him makes him Feel very crazy.

And as usual, Nnoitra lost. To everyone, Nnoitra was just a kid trying to get some attention.

Nnoitra got up from the floor, looking at Zoe with pure hatred.

"You bitch, next time I'm going to cut off your head!!!" Nnoitra shouted angrily.

"Stop fooling around, Nnoitra. You couldn't even beat me, so what makes you think you'd beat my Mistress?" Ulquiorra said coldly before turning around and walking behind Zoe. But what he said seemed to have further infuriated Nnoitra.

"You really are a dirty bastard!" Nnoitra seemed to direct his anger towards Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra stopped walking and then looked at Nnoitra. "You let that bitch use you!! She needs you more than you need her! We all know that from the moment you set foot in Las Noches, you could have been a damned Espada! But no, you've been a servant for thirty damn years! Why?!?!?!" Nnoitra shouted angrily. With the exception of Starrk, all the Arrancars in Las Noches were striving and striving to become strong Espadas, so anyone in Las Noches would feel an outrage upon seeing someone as strong and indifferent as Ulquiorra.

Everyone wondered why Ulquiorra didn't want to become a Espada. What is he waiting for? What is he thinking? When will he get his sanity back? When will he turn against his Mistress? Is he planning something? These questions were running in everyone's heads. The only ones who can answer those questions are Starrk, Lilinette... and Aizen.

What is he waiting for?

no thing.

What is he thinking?

nothing important.

When will he get his sanity back?

He didn't lose his mind in the first place.

When will he turn against his lady?

He will not.

Is he planning something?


Why didn't Ulquiorra try to become a Espada?

Because he doesn't want.

When it came to strength, Ulquiorra wasn't taking it seriously. He had no ambition or something he would like to achieve. He has everything he lacked; Companionship, friendship, comfort, love (although he wouldn't say it out loud). If he becomes a Espada he will lose those privileges he had when he was a fraccion of Zoe, which is why he preferred to remain a fraccion of Zoe.

Of course, Zoe wasn't even taking advantage of Ulquiorra, Starrk and Lilinette knowing that. When Ulquiorra's strength becomes noticeably increased, Starrk and Lilinette think Zoe will try to take advantage of their friend, so they monitor her to see if she deserves to be friends with Ulquiorra or deserves punishment. They may be friends, but that doesn't mean they'll let Zoe take advantage of Ulquiorra.

"You will never understand." Ulquiorra said and then continued walking. Ulquiorra wasn't disgusted or upset with Nnoitra, he was feeling pity and sympathy.

Most of the people in Las Noches have a painful past from their previous lives when they were human.

Septima Espada, Zommari Lereux. When he was a human he was taken from Africa and a group of his tribe to America, and became a slave working on the cotton plantations of a fanatical American. He has been exposed daily to all kinds of violence for twenty years! Until he was hanged because he smashed his owner's skull using a large rock. After all, there are limits to patience.

The primera Espada, Coyote Starrk. When he was human he was a bandit in the American West, he may not have been famous but he was known to police and criminals alike. When he was a child, everyone despised him because he was the result of an affair between a white man and a woman of an Amerindian tribe. He lived all his life on robbery and theft, but this way of life made him live alone. He has tried many times to live as a good person, but the law and the police have never forgotten the crimes committed by Starrk, although he has killed no one except on rare occasions but the thefts committed by Starrk remain unforgivable. So Starrk decided that the only solution was to live isolated from everyone, until he passed away after a long struggle with tuberculosis, when he was forty years old.

The only person who couldn't remember his life was Ulquiorra.

All hollows can remember their previous lives or even a small part of them. But Ulquiorra couldn't remember anything, even Aizen couldn't find a solution to this problem.


Zoe's voice interrupted Ulquiorra's reflections.


"So, now that your strength is known in Las Noches, things will really be different. So you should be prepared for some change." Zoe said.

"I'm not really interested in these kinds of things. Ranks and competition mean nothing to me." Ulquiorra answered calmly.

"So what interests you?"

A small smile appeared on Ulquiorra's face and he looked at Zoe. Seriously, she hated Zoe when Ulquiorra was doing this. Every time he did that she would feel her knees unable to hold her weight. For Zoe, that smile is illegal!

"I thought you already knew the answer?" Ulquiorra said, his smile getting wider, then walked away leaving Zoe behind.

"Heh?" Zoe stopped walking and her face turned cherry red. Ulquiorra has admitted indirectly that he loves Zoe.


Everyone in Las Noches had heard Zoe's screams.


«magnolia town»

Ulquiorra woke up and looked at the alarm, it was ten in the morning. He knew why Starrk liked to sleep so much.

When he was in Las Noches, Ulquiorra didn't need to sleep. Literally, Ulquiorra has been able to remain sleepless for hundreds of years.

Ulquiorra looked at the bag of money and remembered that he had to hand the money to Makarov.

But first, he has to get rid of the stench, the smell of Lich. After three hours of bathing, Ulquiorra was finally able to remove the smell from his body.

[Hey man! Who would have imagined that you would still be bathing for hours?]

"*sneezing* ."Ulquiorra sneezes.

[Hahahaha! It looks like someone is thinking of you.]

After Ulquiorra finished getting dressed, he placed his sword at his waist and then walked out of his house.

Ulquiorra could use the garganta, but he'd rather walk.

'Murciélago.' Think Ulquiorra.


'In the village, why did my sword glow?'

[I do not know.]

'Why were we so angry at Lich?'

[I do not know. But I'm sure you know the common denominator between the glow of the sword and our feeling of anger. is not it?]

'Lich.' Murcielago seemed to have also come up with the same answer. 'but how?'

[Believe me, I'm as confused as you. I doubt that Garl will do us any good.]


«Fairy Tail guild»

The members of the Fairy Tail Guild sat on their seats, smiling happily as they recovered their bodies.

After Natsu's team returns from Galuna Island, Natsu attempts to translate a cipher, which causes an exchange of bodies between him and his friends. Levy somewhat managed to reverse the spell's effect, but she accidentally applied the spell to everyone in the guild.

The guild was in a panic! But soon Makarov was able to find a solution to this problem.

"This problem is finally over!" Lucy sighed in relief.

"Yeah, I can't imagine what my life would look like in Happy's body." Erza said.

"This is harsh!" Happy shouted in annoyance.

Everyone stopped what they were doing after feeling some kind of coldness, it was as if someone had changed the temperature in the guild. But for Team Natsu, it was familiar, they felt the same way when they met Ulquiorra.

"Gray, please say it was you who changed the temperature." Lucy said in a slight tone of fear.

"I didn't do anything..." Gray said, looking at the door.

At that moment, the door opened and Ulquiorra entered, quietly walking towards Makarov who was sitting on the bar counter. In his right hand he held a leather bag while his left hand was inside his pocket.

Everyone was looking at Ulquiorra with mixed feelings. Bisca, Cana and laki hadn't forgotten what Ulquiorra had done (although Ulquiorra didn't intend to see them naked), Natsu was eager to fight Ulquiorra, while Erza and Gray stared at him like a hawk. The rest were looking at Ulquiorra with fear and curiosity.

Ulquiorra put the bag next to Makarov and gave him the assignment sheet with the word "Mission Accomplished" printed on it.

'Did he take a class S quest?' Erza thought.

"40,000,000 jowells." Ulquiorra said.

"Didn't you take your share?" Makarov asked.

"I managed to get the mayor to double the prize."

Team Natsu got a little frustrated, they accomplished an S quest but only got a golden key.

"Tch! Don't look strong to me, Emo!"

Everyone present looked up to see a blond-haired, muscular-looking man looking at the other members of the guild. He had a cocky disposition. He was wearing what appeared to be an orange jacket with spots similar to those of a tiger spread throughout the garment. He also wore a red robe knotted at the front, and dark baggy pants, and chose to wear a pair of headphones over his ears, or at least so they seemed. Ulquiorra noticed the bandages on that man's face.

[Wow, this bastard is really strong. He was supposed to be in a coma for months, I was anxious about that. I can't believe he's awake.]

Ulquiorra kept looking at Laxus, who was also annoyed.

"Why are you looking at me like that!? I'm not interested in the weak!"

Laxus was acting just like Grimmjow, so Ulquiorra decided that this guy needed to be beaten.

Ulquiorra released some of his reiatsu causing everyone in the guild to feel an invisible weight forcing them to descend on the ground.

At the same time, Laxus released all his magical energy, which was why he wasn't too affected by the pressure from Ulquiorra, but that didn't mean he wasn't feeling nervous.

"Do I look weak now, trash?" Ulquiorra said in a monotonous voice. Ulquiorra might be a calm person, but that didn't mean he wouldn't hit hard if provoked.

The only ones who seemed to be able to handle this pressure: Erza Scarlet, Mirajane strauss, Laxus Dreyar, Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster. But there is one person who has never been affected by this pressure, Makarov Dreyar!

"Ulquiorra, Laxus. Stop." Makarov said softly. Makarov knew that Laxus had no chance of winning against Ulquiorra, so he decided to prevent this fight from happening before it even began or his grandson would be given a one-way ticket to the Fracture Hospital. No matter how rude and provocative Laxus was, Makarov could not take any stern actions against his grandson.

The spiritual pressure faded as Laxus stopped showing his magical energy.

"I'm sorry, my grandson always tends to cause trouble." Makarov said with a little embarrassment.

"I see."

"Now excuse me, I have to talk to Erza. You can order some drinks or get a new assignment." Makarov said. He didn't forget that he had promised Erza that she would get an explanation of what was happening.

When Makarov closed the door, Ulquiorra went to the task board to choose a task that suited him. He could feel other people's gazes almost piercing his back but he didn't care.

"Fight me!"

Ulquiorra turned around to see that the owner of that voice was none other than Natsu Dragonel. This young man had strength that rivaled Zommari's, but raw strength wasn't everything, experience and intelligence also played an important role. Believe it or not; with a good plan, Szayel can beat Barragan or Starrk.

"Natsu, I don't think that's a good idea." Lucy said.

Normally, Ulquiorra would have preferred to avoid getting into any unnecessary battles, but he wanted to test this human.

"Okay..." Natsu smiled when he heard Ulquiorra's answer. "Attack me with all your might, spare no effort, attack me as if you want to kill me." Everyone in the guild was shocked after hearing the last sentence.

'Is he serious?' Gray muttered.

'He may be a pervert, but he doesn't deserve to die.' Cana thought as she looked in disbelief at Ulquiorra.

As for Natsu, he was confused. All he wanted was to fight against Ulquiorra, not kill him.

Ulquiorra seemed to know what Natsu was thinking. "Do you really think you can hurt me? I don't think a trash like you would be able to scratch me." Ulquiorra spoke softly.

"Trash?!?!" Natsu shouted angrily. Ulquiorra noticed that Natsu was more powerful than before.

"Follow me, I don't want to destroy this place." Ulquiorra turned around and walked out of the building.


«Outside the guild Building»

Natsu and Ulquiorra stood in front of the guild building while the rest of the guild members stood around them.

"Shall we start?" Natsu said with a smile, his fists on fire.

"What are you waiting for?" Ulquiorra answered, his hands still in his pockets.

Natsu charged towards Ulquiorra, but Ulquiorra dodged each of his opponent's strikes without using a sunido. He just dodges.

Ulquiorra noticed several things about Natsu and Zommari. First, emotions can make natsu become stronger than Zommari. Secondly, Natsu's attacks contain brute force but lack speed, while Zommari's attacks contain super speed but lack strength. Third, Natsu is able to evolve while Zommari cannot.

While Ulquiorra and Natsu were "fighting„ , everyone was surprised at how the battle was going. Ulquiorra dodges all of Natsu's attacks without any effort. Gray and Lucy both wondered when Ulquiorra would start attacking, after all, Makarov and Team Natsu are the only ones who know just how devastating Ulquiorra is.

"Why doesn't he attack?" Levy spoke. If the rumors were true, Ulquiorra would win in one fell swoop.

"Isn't that obvious?"

All the spectators looked at Laxus. Usually he never comes down from the second floor, but this seems to be a special occasion.

"He wonders if Natsu deserves to use his power on him." Laxus completed his speech as he watched the battle.

"I don't think he's as cocky as you, Laxus." Gray spoke coldly as he looked at Laxus. Although he doesn't like dealing with Laxus, that doesn't mean he won't talk to him.

"Cocky or not, this guy will run out of patience and then start attacking. Look, I think he will finally attack." Laxus replied.

Everyone quickly turned toward Natsu and Ulquiorra. Natsu was panting heavily, as if the air in the air was no longer enough.

"You!! *panting* *panting* Why don't you attack me?!" Natsu was angry.

"128. 16.."

"Haaaaah?!" Natsu did not understand what Ulquiorra had said. In fact, no one understood what those numbers meant.

"128, is the number of chances I could have killed you. 16, is the number of methods I could use to kill you." Ulquiorra said coldly.

Everyone trembled after hearing what Ulquiorra had to say. Normally, Natsu would have gotten angrier, but Ulquiorra's way of speaking made Natsu feel helpless. Ulquiorra sounded very sincere, there was no hint of cunning, vanity, or sarcasm in his voice. Just.. nothing.

Suddenly everyone felt an enormous spiritual pressure coming from Ulquiorra. Natsu fell to his knees, unable to stand. At that moment, Ulquiorra pulled his hand out of his pocket and then pointed his finger at Natsu.

"It's my turn Now." Ulquiorra said in a tone that made everyone shiver.

Ulquiorra disappeared from his place by using a sonido. Natsu couldn't comprehend what had happened, but he felt a light hit on his neck, and then everything turned black.

Natsu fell unconscious. As for Natsu, he didn't know what had happened to him. But to the onlookers, they saw Ulquiorra suddenly appear behind Natsu before punching him in the neck.

Gray and Lucy sighed, after all, they thought Ulquiorra would be executing one of his destructive abilities (like Cero or Gran Ray Cero). While Laxus was disappointed, he expected Ulquiorra to carry out a powerful and crushing attack.

"Looks like my work here is done." Ulquiorra said indifferently as he walked, but suddenly moved his hand and grabbed a blue card. The card started to glow, so Ulquiorra threw it away before it exploded. "You again, woman." Ulquiorra looked at the person who had thrown that card. Cana Alberona.

"Don't you think for a second that we forgot what you did!" Cana smiled as she prepared to attack again.

"we?" Ulquiorra said.

"Requip: Double Machine Gun!" Bisca shouted as she aimed her guns at Ulquiorra.

"Don't forget me." Laki spoke.

'I didn't expect things to come to this point.' Think Ulquiorra. He was not nervous, but rather annoyed. "If you thought I was interested in seeing your cuts of meat, you're wrong." Ulquiorra did not understand why people would be upset when they were seen naked. The body is just a vessel for the soul.

Ulquiorra felt the magical energy raging inside the three girls' bodies. Whether he knew or not, Ulquiorra was skilled at angering others, which was why he had so many enemies inside Las Notches.

[This is going to be fun!]

For Murciélago, it would be really fun. But for Ulquiorra, that would be another inconvenience.

'I must stop them.' Mirajane thought before turning away from everyone else.


«With Erza and Makarov»


Erza was shocked after she found out the truth about Ulquiorra. Fortunately, Makarov's desk was soundproofed so that no one outside the office could be overheard.

"Did you bring an Infernal Beast to the town?!?!" Erza screamed again causing Makarov to rub his ears to make sure he wasn't deaf. It was not unusual for Erza to be so confused.

"I understand why you're afraid. But think about it a little, it's been over a month since he's been in his world, and he hasn't done any suspicious activity. I'm sure there are people from the Magic Council watching over him." Makarov spoke softly.

"Even if his intentions are real, but how long will it stay the way it is?! Sooner or later, Ulquiorra will lose interest in this heart. Then what will he do next?" Erza spoke.

"Ulquiorra may be a heartless person, but he is not a crazy bastard. He had the ability to disobey orders but chose to carry them out. Besides, he did not need to eat souls." Makarov was trying to calm Erza. Makarov could not help but understand her position.


"Do you trust me?" Makarov said.

"It's not just about trust, it's about strength." Erza said in a serious tone. "I know you are very strong, but I am sure that man has a lot of strength, and I mean a lot of strength." Although she cannot measure spiritual energy, she can sense that Ulquiorra is like a volcano; Very quiet, but when erupted it will cause massive damage!

"Erza, I know you are worried about him, but you have to see things from a different perspective." Makarov spoke as he walked towards the window.

"what do you mean?"

"What do you think would happen if we removed him and behaved aggressively with him?" Makarov stood in front of the window and then finished his speech. "I am sure that he will join one of the Dark Guilds and return to his old way of life. We may not be able to guarantee that Ulquiorra will not return to the darkness, but if we banish him, all odds are that Ulquiorra will become the worst enemy the kingdom has ever known. Plus, he works for us, so he will always be in our sights."

Erza seemed somewhat convinced by what Makarov had said but was still not ready. As for Makarov, he hoped that Ulquiorra would be able to win everyone's trust.

Makarov noticed that the place had become quieter than usual, and he opened the door to be surprised by the fact that no one was inside the building.

"where did everybody go?" Erza said.

"That's what I wanted to say." Makarov replied.




"What is happening?" Makarov said.


Makarov and Erza heard the sound of Mirajane's screams.

"Mirajane? What happened?"

"No time to explain. Cana, Bisca, Laki, they are attacking Ulquiorra!"

"what?!?!" Makarov shouted.


«Outside the building»

Ulquiorra was dodging all the attacks directed at him. Ulquiorra notes that these girls are less powerful than Natsu, but with teamwork, they might be able to defeat Natsu. If he were to make a comparison, he would probably compare these people to a fraccion or even a privaron Espada.

Bisca was shooting continuously for five minutes straight, while Cana threw the explosive cards, and Laki was trying to send a surprise attack, but to no avail.

"Requip: Big Bazooka!!!" Bisca screamed as she aimed her new weapon at Ulquiorra. "Blast bullet!!!"

Bisca fired several projectiles of blue flame, Ulquiorra noticed that these projectiles could reach long distances while maintaining the power of the hit.

'The magic council is going to kill me.' Makarov thought sadly, looking at how much damage this battle had caused. Makarov must prepare himself well to receive a new dozen papers that must be signed.

'He's not even trying. To him, everything seemed meaningless, and it was unnecessary for him to fight. However, he doesn't do it out of arrogance as others do, but simply because he knows they can't win.' Erza thought as she watched Ulquiorra's actions.

Both Bisca and Cana were panting from fatigue as Ulquiorra was standing in place without a single scratch on him. Ulquiorra stood watching both Bisca and Cana, but was a little surprised, as he saw Cana smiling slyly.

"Now!!!" Cana shouted.

"Wood Magic: Prison!!"

Several wooden stakes emerged from the ground, which had enclosed the former Espada's body, rendering him unable to move. Or so it seemed.

"Looks like I underestimated you a lot." Ulquiorra said while looking at Laki.

"What's wrong? Are you surprised that you can't go out?" Laki spoke sarcastically. Laki walked confidently until she was standing right in front of Ulquiorra. " The Speed ​​is the essence of your power. Your attacks and defenses depend on super speed, without it you will become weak."

"Stop making baseless assumptions." Ulquiorra used spiritual pressure to break up the wooden stakes. "You seem under the impression that I am dodging your attacks just because you think you can harm me with your pathetic skills. I think it is necessary to correct this misconception by allowing you to have a chance to hit me, now, you can realize that there is no chance of winning against me, and all hope may Lost. If this was a real battle, you would now be dead."

Laki fell to her knees as she looked at Ulquiorra in disbelief. Ulquiorra could clearly see how despair was seeping into Laki's heart.

the Truth is the most powerful weapon the world has ever known. By truth, you can subdue dozens of men or control a presidential figure. By truth, you can change the principles and beliefs of a person. With truth, you can make a person fall into the depths of the ocean of despair.

"You seem to have reached your limit, pathetic." Ulquiorra put his hand on Laki's face, putting a little reiatsu into his hand causing Laki to be forcefully pushed backwards, crashing into the wooden boxes. "One fell, two remained." Ulquiorra looked at Bisca and Cana.

"Laki!!! You bastard!" Bisca shoots Ulquiorra. But this time, Ulquiorra wasn't avoiding this woman's attacks.

Ulquiorra slowly walked toward Bisca without caring about the number of attacks he would receive, after all, his hierro was too hard to be pierced by such a petty attack. In fact, the only thing that was damaged was his coat.

Ulquiorra stood in front of Bisca, whose anger faded into despair. Bisca didn't know how to deal with this monster, the number of bullets in Ulquiorra's body was enough to turn a wyvern into a pile of minced meat.

Ulquiorra put his hand on Bisca's face and then did the same thing he did to Laki. "Two fell, but one remained." Ulquiorra spoke as he walked towards Cana.

To everyone, Ulquiorra seemed like an unstoppable evil spirit. Cana tried to throw more cards exploding, but she didn't have any more cards left.

'Oh really?! This must be a joke!' Cana thought as she looked again at Ulquiorra. Undoubtedly, Ulquiorra realized Cana's inability to defend herself.

At the same time, Ulquiorra felt a strange feeling. For a moment, the corner of his lips was about to rise. Is this what people call "sarcasm"?

Cana was completely stunned. Bisca and Laki were defeated in less than a minute, she had no cards. She has no hope of winning.

"Stop messing around, woman. You and me know you can't win. All odds are against you. By looking at you I can measure your strength. No matter how hard you try, you will never succeed in overcoming me physically. It will be your best path.. It is surrender." Ulquiorra spoke in an emotionless voice.

Cana took a fighting position and then ran towards Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra could hear the gasps of the astonished spectators except for Laxus who was smiling sarcastically, even an idiot knew that what Cana was doing wouldn't lead to a good outcome.

Cana punched Ulquiorra's cheek but felt terrible pain in her hand, it was as if she had punched a steel wall, Ulquiorra could hear the sound of one of the girl's hand breaking. Despite how Cana was feeling, she did not stop hitting Ulquiorra to the point that her hands began to bleed.

'This woman is interesting.' This was what Ulquiorra thought as he tried to understand why the girl in front of him would not give up. He knew she was hurting, he knew she was aware of the fact that she couldn't win, but what he couldn't figure out was why she kept fighting.

Ulquiorra quickly defeated Laki and Bisca because he felt their desperation, but Cana still didn't lose her determination to fight. The only reason Ulquiorra couldn't finish this fight was because he wanted to understand what Cana was doing.

'I have to defeat him! If I didn't, I wouldn't deserve to see him....' Cana tried to stop herself from crying because of the pain in her hands. 'If I can defeat him, I will have a better chance of being an S-class mage.'

Cana was about to punch Ulquiorra's face again but Ulquiorra grabbed her wrists, Cana tried to break out of his grasp but failed. Cana raised her head to see emerald eyes staring at her. His perfect face had no emotion, his eyes were charming, mysterious and murderous at the same time. The way he was looking at her made her feel like she was standing naked in front of him.

"Why?" Ulquiorra spoke after a moment's silence. "Why do you resist the inevitable? Why do you keep fighting like you can win? Why haven't you given up hope after seeing the difference in our strength? Why?" The only response he got was another attempt from Cana to liberate itself.

The onlookers also seemed to want to know the answer. If the guild was in grave danger they wouldn't have asked this question, because the members of the Fairy Tail Guild would not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their friends. But this is different, this fight happened because of an unintentional mistake, there must be a good reason why Cana fights like that.

"Does what you're doing have anything to do with the hearts?" Cana stopped resisting and looked shocked at Ulquiorra. "In the past, I thought that my eyes see everything, things that are reflected in my eyes do not make sense and things that do not reflect in my eyes do not exist, this is the principle by which I have been living and fighting. But in recent times I am no longer sure of the correctness of this principle ..." Ulquiorra stopped talking.

This woman reminded him of the human girl from his world. Orihime had thrown herself into battles that she obviously wouldn't win. The need to rely on the strength of others but refuse to remain on the sidelines, this is the core of Orihime Inoue's strength. She was not physically strong in any way, however, she was strong in her unwavering faith and in her sincere desire to protect others whether they were allies or enemies. Perhaps Orihime and Cana are not exactly the same in terms of looks and behaviour, but in other respects, there is a tangible similarity.

'What's wrong with this guy? He is looks like someone is looking for something they lost.' Cana thought.

Everyone, with the exception of Laxus, had listened intently to what Ulquiorra had to say.

"Your pink-haired friend was fighting for fun, the two women who were with you were fighting to vent their anger, but you're fighting for something. What's that why you keep fighting, woman?"

"I have a name!" Cana cried angrily.

"I do not know your name." Ulquiorra replied.

'He has a point.' Cana thought feeling stupid. "Cana Alberona. By the way, since you ask so many questions, I have one for you." Cana smiled mischievously as she tried to one step back.

"What is this question?" Ulquiorra felt that something bad was going to happen to him. Ulquiorra did not understand the reason for this feeling, especially since Cana was still under his control.

"What is the difference between you and a woman?"

Before Ulquiorra could understand what that question meant, Cana kicked his testicles so hard that all the spectators could hear the blow.


"Oooooooh!!!!!!" All the men shouted as they put their hands between their legs. Even Makarov and Laxus, their faces turned pale.

"No man deserves such punishment." Elfman said. He couldn't imagine what his life would be like if he lost his balls.

"Aye." Gray and Happy spoke simultaneously, both of them were trembling.

'Cana, you really are an idiot! He can kill you because of this!' Erza thought as she remembered what Makarov had told her. Ulquiorra might be a non-hostile person, but he wouldn't hesitate to kill someone.


Everyone was stunned when they heard Cana screaming as she grabbed her leg.

"What exactly happened?" Laxus did not understand what was happening in front of him. They were supposed to hear Ulquiorra's screams, not Cana.

Ulquiorra remained standing without reacting, although he hadn't expected this to happen, but he could only feel a bit of pain. A blow like this could cause Grimmjow to scream in pain.

As for Cana, she felt like she had kicked a steel penis and copper balls.

"What the hell was that?!?!" Cana cried angrily.

"Hierro, an ability that enables me to increase the hardness of my skin so that my skin becomes more solid than steel, this ability can be used to protect and enhance the power of physical attacks. This is one of the many abilities I have." Ulquiorra answered in a monotonous voice.

"Impossible..." Cana's face turned pale.

"What were you thinking when you decided to continue fighting? The Dark Guilds, Lullaby, Lich, Garl; although some of them are S-class but they never posed any challenge to me. What makes you think you can stand in front of me?" Ulquiorra could see the despair in Cana's heart. 'This is disappointing.' He thought it was different from the others, but it seems he got it wrong.

"I think if there was a Class S wizard on your team, the situation would have been much different from the current situation." Ulquiorra completed his speech.

"So you only pay attention to S-class magicians? Are you saying that every non-S-class magician is a sub-class?" Cana said suspiciously quietly.

Although everyone felt something strange in her tone of voice, something they couldn't quite tell. Is it anger? Hate? envy? Sorrow?

"Yes." Ulquiorra replied. Although he could outperform S-class magicians, that didn't mean that he would ignore them like he did with Cana. After all, some S-class magicians can defeat some powerful Espadas like Grimmjow and Nnoitra. This in itself is an impressive achievement.

"I admit that S-class magicians are great and very popular, everyone treats them as special people. But…." Cana stopped talking and looked at Ulquiorra with eyes filled with hatred. "..there are powerful magicians who are not an s-class!!"

All the spectators were astonished by what Cana had to say. No one was aware of this side of her personality, everyone except Makarov.

He knew that Cana had been working hard to become an S-class mage, but had failed four times in a row. He didn't understand why she so desperately wanted to become an S-class mage, everyone wanted to become an S-class mage, but Cana was very obsessed when it came to achieving this end.

"You're right. There are some powerful magicians who aren't an S-class, like these…." Ulquiorra pulled his hand out of his pocket and then pointed his finger at three people; Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia. "But you... you don't even fit into the list of the fifty most powerful people I've encountered so far. To me, you're nothing more than a cheap junk-market good."

"Shut up..." Cana said very softly as she looked at the ground. Ulquiorra felt a slight increase in the amount of magical energy Cana had.

"Or what? You don't have the strength to hurt me let alone hurt me."

"Shut up.. shut up." Cana's voice became weak, she seemed to be about to cry. She tried very hard to keep the tears in her eyes. Ulquiorra wasn't lying, everything Ulquiorra said was true, 'What was I thinking when I decided to confront him?' She knew Ulquiorra was telling the truth, but she wanted him to shut his damn mouth.

A golden aura appeared around Cana's body. Ulquiorra felt a sudden rise in the amount of magical energy Cana had, he looked at the spectators to see if they were aware of what was happening, but they seemed to be surprised as well.

'she have become stronger than the Ninth Espada.' Think Ulquiorra. 'Humans are really interesting creatures.'

"silent!!!!!!" Cana shouted angrily as she quickly ran towards Ulquiorra and punched a powerful punch on Ulquiorra's chest.

A few cracks appeared above the ground on which Ulquiorra was standing, Ulquiorra hadn't expected the power he felt from such a simple punch. As much as he hates to admit it, that punch was rather painful.

On the other hand, Cana fell to her knees trying to stop herself from screaming because her arm was broken and she had a dislocated shoulder. You didn't know how you became so strong; But just as her strength had suddenly increased, her strength had vanished at the same speed.

"Was that the best you could do a woman?" Ulquiorra commented as he noticed her worried expression. "I can tell that you are not aware of the strength that you showed just a little while ago. Of course, you are unable to use that strength again. Even if you manage to summon that strength, I am sure that your body will not withstand that much strength and will eventually collapse."

'Am I that weak?' Is this the most I can do?' Tears began to flow freely down her cheeks, Ulquiorra's words echoing inside her head. It doesn't matter how many times you've tried to deny this fact.

Ulquiorra drew his sword and slowly walked towards Cana. Most of the guild members felt a little frightened, thinking that Ulquiorra was going to kill Cana.

"Oi! What is he doing?! Gray shouted.

"She's already lost, he doesn't have to kill her!" Lucy said worriedly.

"That's enough…." Erza was ready to attack Ulquiorra, but Makarov's hand prevented her from advancing. "What are you doing?"

"Trust him." That was all Makarov said. Erza could hardly believe that Makarov forbade her from helping Cana, but she complied with his orders. Normally, Makarov would have been the first person to help his guild members. Although he does not know what Ulquiorra will do, he knows very well that Ulquiorra will not kill Cana; First, Ulquiorra would not attack anyone unless he was outright provoked. Secondly, Ulquiorra is not stupid enough to cause a war between him and the Fairy Tail Guild which will eventually lead to an all-out war between him and all the controlling forces in the kingdom.

"What? More insults?" Cana smiled sarcastically as she looked at Ulquiorra who was standing right in front of her.

Ulquiorra put his sword on his palm and then cut his hand, blood started dripping from Ulquiorra's hand. No one understood what he was doing, but Team Natsu tried to guess what Ulquiorra was doing.

'Gran Ray Cero?!' Everyone on Team Natsu thought the same thing. (except for Natsu who is unconscious)

Ulquiorra got down on one knee and then extended his wounded hand and grabbed Cana's hand, it was like a handshake. Cana didn't understand what Ulquiorra was doing, but she felt some tingling in her hands and her broken arm. Suddenly, Cana no longer felt any pain, she looked at her arm to see that it had been completely cured as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, Ulquiorra stood on his feet.

"Stupid woman. If you keep crying, you won't get anywhere." Ulquiorra spoke before turning around. "You're not ready yet, you don't have the right to cry until you're sure you've reached your limits." Ulquiorra disappeared from his place and then reappeared with a piece of paper in his hand, reaching out to Mirajane, "I choose this mission."

After the mission was approved, Ulquiorra disappeared using Sonido.

'For someone who claims to have no heart, you are a good man. Even if you don't have a heart, it doesn't mean you don't have any feelings.' Makarov could not stop himself from smiling.

The spectators sighed in relief, especially Lucy and Gray, but Erza was watching where Ulquiorra was standing. Ever since she had seen him in Clover town, she had never felt comfortable with him.

"Are you fine?" Lucy said worriedly.

"Hmm…" Cana remembered what Ulquiorra had said. 'Maybe I'll be able to kick your ass next time.' Cana smiled as she imagined herself standing on Ulquiorra's body.

"why are you smiling?" Levy asked confused.

"Nothing. We have to help Bisca and Laki." Cana said.


«On the train»

[There seems to be a lot of people thinking about you today.]

Ulquiorra sneezed, not knowing the reason for the constant sneezing. But Murcielago seems to find it funny.

[Oi, Ulquiorra!]


[Why did you heal and help her? You had the perfect opportunity to make that woman sink into the depths of despair forever. You are Ulquiorra Schiffer, the Espada who makes men feel true despair.]

Ulquiorra remained silent. Usually Murciélago liked to ask ridiculous questions in order to pass the time and also to annoy his master. But on some rare moments, Murciélago is eerily serious.

[I am still waiting for your answer.]

Ulquiorra decided to answer the question or else Murciélago would behave irritably throughout the flight. And that's what Ulquiorra won't accept.

"Nothing important, it was just a whim." Ulquiorra replied.

[Just a whim?]

flash back:

"Stupid hollow! Do you think you will be able to defeat me with your meager strength?!"

"You are no match for me!"

[You let her die...]

[If You were stronger, the situation would not be what it is now...]

[You are the reason for her died...]

flashback end

"Just a whim." Ulquiorra closed his fist so tightly that his hand bled a little.

«Ulquiorra's Inner World»

"Just a whim?"

Murciélago wanted a convincing answer to his question. He was about to start to annoy Ulquiorra, but he felt something wet fall down his nose. Murciélago looked up, a drop of green water fell on his face.

Several seconds later, green rain started falling from the black sky. He knew that this green rain was the embodiment of what Ulquiorra felt.

Murciélago no longer wanted to harass his master. He sat on the ground and closed his eyes.

"Just a whim."


A/N: I am so sorry for the delay.


1) Demon World: Ulquiorra has become famous in the Demon World, but his fame will increase with time. How do? You will know later..

2) The Magic Council: They do not trust Ulquiorra, but they treat him with caution.

3) The Council of Golden Circle: For some reason, they trust Ulquiorra.

4) Ulquiorra's power: In the coming chapters, Ulquiorra's power will witness a significant development.

5) The Romantic Side: I'm thinking of making Ulquiorra romantically associated with one of the characters (or even Oc's). That's why I want you to help me. Who do you think is suitable for Ulquiorra? And why? (And no... Yaoi 😠!!!!!)

6) My style: I feel like my style is so bad. So please tell me your opinion about my style or you can give me some advice.

7) Phantom Lord arc: Sorry, not now. Ulqui-kun needs some rest. 😉

8) Ulquiorra and Cana: Ulquiorra is not a person without feelings, but rather a person who has lost his feelings. He helped her because she reminded him of his past when he was weak.

9) Cana's Power: Cana has hidden powers that she doesn't know exist, but she will be able to control.