
Chapter 75: Phoenix Trial (I)

With everything in place, Yun Che tapped the center of the arena, signaling the beginning of the trial. Jasmine and Kon observed intently from the designated seating area, aware that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Yun Che to prove himself.

As soon as he activated the trial, a fiery barrier encased the entire arena, isolating Yun Che from the outside world. Then, a commanding voice resonated from the heavens within the enclosed space.

"Welcome, challenger, to the Phoenix Ground's First Trial," the voice declared. "To obtain the inheritance of the phoenix, you must successfully overcome all the trials set before you. The first trial requires you to defeat the Purgatory Flame Demon. May fortune favor your endeavors."

Yun Che maintained a calm and composed demeanor, masking any signs of anxiety. Internally, he mused, "Well, that doesn't sound too daunting. This should be manageable."

Suddenly, the ground beneath him trembled, sending shockwaves throughout the entire arena. Flames erupted from the floor, coalescing into a fiery figure at the center. This entity took shape based on Yun Che's own memories, a feature of the trial he had learned from the system's trivia.

The colossal demon that emerged before Yun Che was a nightmarish abomination, a creature forged from the very essence of hellfire itself. Its massive, red-skinned form towered over him, casting a grotesque shadow that seemed to stretch for miles. Jagged, obsidian spikes protruded from its limbs, resembling the twisted spires of a demon's citadel.

The demon's eyes burned like molten lava, radiating an eerie, malevolent glow that sent shivers down Yun Che's spine. Its maw, lined with razor-sharp fangs, split open to reveal a gaping, fiery chasm, from which hellish flames continuously spewed forth, bathing its surroundings in an ominous, crimson hue.

As it roared, the very ground beneath Yun Che's feet trembled in fear, and the air grew thick with an oppressive heat that threatened to suffocate him. This colossal demon was a living embodiment of terror, a nightmarish vision from the depths of the underworld, and it hungered for his destruction.

Yun Che's eyes widened as he assessed the formidable opponent taking shape before him. The Purgatory Flame Demon was a sight to behold, and its intimidating presence left no room for complacency. The trial had begun in earnest, and Yun Che would need to summon all his strength and wits to emerge victorious.

The Purgatory Flame Demon let out a deafening roar, its fiery visage meant to intimidate anyone who dared to challenge it. The ground beneath Yun Che seemed to tremble in response to its bellowing.

Hiding behind Jasmine's leg, Kon wore a terrified expression and stammered, "I-is Yuuki going to be all right?"

Jasmine cast a serious glance at Yun Che and reassured Kon, "The demon might appear menacing, but its strength shouldn't pose a significant threat to him. Besides, if he can't pass this trial, I'll personally see to it that he's held accountable."

Kon, still trembling, couldn't help but think, "Where did he find this terrifying Nee-san?"

Yun Che, undaunted by the demon's imposing presence, let out a sigh as he gazed at the fiery creature. "Couldn't they have picked a less formidable demon for this trial?" he muttered to himself. It seemed that the spirit overseeing the trial had drawn inspiration from his own memories, potentially plucking an image from his previous world—perhaps from an anime or a video game.


[Ding…. Pass the first phoenix trial. Defeat the Level 50 Purgatory Flame Demon]

[Difficulty: Hard]


With the swiftness of a seasoned warrior, Yun Che unsheathed Zangetsu and lunged at the Purgatory Flame Demon. His blade moved like an extension of himself, cutting through the fiery monster with precision and skill. The demon, despite its intimidating appearance, possessed strength only at the peak of the Spirit Profound Realm. Its attacks were fiery and fierce, but they failed to land a significant blow on Yun Che, who simply brushed them off.

Executing his signature move, Yun Che murmured, "Getsuga Tenshou" A brilliant blue crescent wave erupted from his blade, slicing through the demon before it could react. The creature split into two halves, both disintegrating into nothingness.

As the remnants of the demon faded away, Yun Che realized that, being a trial, he wouldn't gain any experience points from the system. Nevertheless, he had successfully overcome the first challenge with ease.


[Ding…. Pass the first phoenix trial complete.]


As Yun Che stood before the fiery phoenix mark in the center of the arena, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The ease with which he had dispatched the colossal demon in the first trial left him with a lingering sense of unease. It was as though the trial had been tailored to his current, lower cultivation level, making it deceptively simple.

Jasmine, growing impatient, couldn't help but voice her concern. "What are you waiting for? Touch the mark and move on to the next trial."

Yun Che, however, remained rooted in place, his expression grave. "This isn't right," he murmured. "The test was too easy."

Jasmine raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

He took a deep breath before explaining, "According to the system's analysis, the trial allows any challenger to pass as long as they complete it. But, most challengers are given basic rewards like bloodlines and cultivation arts if they pass."

"So, what's bothering you then?" Jasmine inquired, growing increasingly curious.

Yun Che continued, "I'm saying that this trial may be looking for more than just a pass. It's looking for a true successor of the phoenix's inheritance. Anyone can pass, but not everyone can obtain the complete inheritance."

With his mind racing, Yun Che decided to deviate from the usual path of impatient challengers who would rush to touch the mark. Instead, he sat down on the arena floor, patiently waiting for any hidden objectives or clues to reveal themselves.

Time passed, and after fifteen minutes of anticipation, a notification suddenly appeared before him, bringing clarity to the situation.


[Ding… Hidden Objective triggered: Stay on the first trial without triggering the phoenix mark.]


Yun Che rose to his feet, his determination unwavering. "I knew it. Every trial was a setup," he declared, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. He had successfully deciphered the hidden objective and was ready to confront the phoenix trial on his terms.

Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, the resonating voice of the phoenix spirit filled the air once more, acknowledging his worthiness. It praised him as the first challenger in a thousand years to recognize the hidden task within the trial, a stark contrast to those who simply rushed through without contemplation.


"I'm not like those cultivators who hurried to complete the trial," Yun Che proclaimed boldly. "I'm here to seek the true inheritance of the phoenix."

"Even if I forbid those who had the bloodline to challenge this trial, I didn't know someone was willing to challenge this for them," the voice of the phoenix spirit acknowledged with a sense of awe. "You have a good heart indeed."

Encouraged by the acknowledgment of his intentions, Yun Che couldn't contain his curiosity. He shouted towards the fading voice, "Hold on, I have some questions before we get started."

Jasmine, sitting in the spectator's area, added her voice to the inquiry. "I have some questions too."

The arena was filled with a palpable sense of anticipation as both Yun Che and Jasmine sought answers from the enigmatic phoenix spirit, hoping to uncover the secrets and challenges that lay ahead. Maybe perhaps, recover some insight about the phoenix.

The phoenix spirit, however, responded cryptically, refusing to provide immediate answers. "I have no need to answer your questions. However, if you manage to obtain all three crystal fragments from the trials, I will answer any questions you have at the end."

With those words, the voice gradually faded away, returning the arena to its original state. The phoenix mark at the center crumbled to dust, leaving Yun Che with more questions than answers.

As he pondered his next move, another notification from the system appeared, perhaps shedding light on the path forward.


[Ding….. Defeat the Level 60 Purgatory Flame Demons.]


"Wait… Demons?" In the blink of an eye, the arena was engulfed in swirling flames, and the same menacing demon began to materialize once more. This time, however, it wasn't alone. Ten identical demons, each the size of a house, stood before Yun Che, their fiery eyes fixed upon him.

Jasmine and Kon watched in wide-eyed astonishment as the formidable demons lined up in front of Yun Che, ready to challenge him.

Remaining remarkably composed, Yun Che took a deep breath and addressed the system, his voice filled with determination. "System, what is the difficulty of this mode?"


[Ding… Difficulty: Suicidal]


"Wait… What is this? Dark Souls?" Yun Che muttered to himself as he withdrew Zangetsu once more, turning to face the formidable demons. These demonic foes were not to be underestimated, possessing strength similar to his own, even though he was several leagues above them in skill and power. However, he remained cautious, well aware that their numerous HP reserves could pose a challenge despite their relative weakness.

With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, Yun Che directed his inquiry to the system. "System, are there any more hidden objectives?"


[Ding… Survive]


"Oh, that's useful." Yun Che muttered to himself, a smirk forming on his face. He swung Zangetsu behind his head and positioned himself to face all ten demons simultaneously. The prospect of a challenging battle stirred excitement within him, even though he needed to complete this trial as quickly as possible. With his sword pointed towards the horde of demons, he prepared himself for the clash.

Jasmine recognized Yun Che's poised stance and inquired, "Are you going to use it?"

A confident grin graced Yun Che's lips as he replied, "Yeah, as the system said, there's no requirement against using a weapon. Let me enjoy this for a while." He channeled his spirit force into his sword, causing his eyes to glow with a captivating intensity.

Kon observed Yun Che's behavior and couldn't contain his curiosity. "What's he going to do?"

"You'll see," Jasmine responded, her anticipation growing.

With Zangetsu aimed at the demons, Yun Che raised his voice and initiated the ultimate phrase once more. "Bankai!"

A radiant surge of light enveloped his entire form, illuminating the entire arena. Having grown accustomed to this transformation, Yun Che emerged from the brilliant radiance in a matter of seconds. His sleek black outfit fluttered gracefully, and he held a small black blade in his hand, which he declared as "Tensa Zangetsu."

Jasmine couldn't help but smile in admiration. "No matter how many times I see it, I'm always impressed."

Kon, wide-eyed and in awe, simply uttered, "So cool."

Empowered by his newfound abilities, Yun Che stood confidently before the ten demons, harboring no fear. He recognized that this trial would pose a formidable challenge for an ordinary individual, but with his current strength and Bankai at his disposal, he was more than prepared.

"You know," he began, his tone filled with excitement, "ever since I unlocked it, I've never really had the chance to use it." He then placed his right hand over his face, and suddenly, black flames began to take shape in the air, coalescing into a white mask that covered his entire visage.

Yun Che's hollow mask resembled a menacing white skull, marked with red stripes on the left side. Over time, the stripes had increased in number, covering nearly the entire left half of the mask. His eyes, now a yellow hue with black pupils, added to the intimidating appearance. In this mode, Yun Che couldn't use his Sharingan due to the potential clash with the mask's power.

As he assumed his hollow form, his voice took on a different, eerier quality reminiscent of Hoyuu, though Yun Che retained full control. "Now, this is more like it."

Jasmine sought clarification, "So, this is the full form of the mask?"

"Yeah," Yun Che confirmed, recalling the arduous process of mastering the mask. "I had to defeat Hoyuu fifty times before I could unlock this mask's full potential. Retsu, on the other hand, only needed a single battle with her former self, Yachiru. Lucky girl."

With a burst of speed, Yun Che executed a flash step, appearing among the surrounding demons, and unleashed a flurry of devastating strikes. While it might have been overkill to use the mask in this trial, he relished the opportunity to showcase his newfound power, especially since there were no rules against it.

Yun Che expertly executed flash step after flash step, darting around the demons as he hacked and slashed. With each strike, he gradually whittled away their strength, leaving each demon with only ten percent of its HP remaining. Eventually, he withdrew from the fray, giving himself some space to prepare for his next move.

"It's been a while since I used that move. Why don't you all take this one for size?" Yun Che muttered as he began charging his sword, channeling energy into its blade. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation.

"Getsuga!" He swung his sword upwards, releasing a massive black energy arc outlined with striking red hues.

"Tenshou!!!" In one fluid motion, Yun Che swung his sword horizontally, conjuring another energy arc that intersected with the first, forming a colossal 'X'-shaped arc of destruction. The two arcs merged into one and surged forward, obliterating all ten demons he had previously weakened and creating an immense explosion. The arena's protective barrier prevented the devastation from extending further, but the sheer power of the attack was undeniable.

Surveying the aftermath of his attack, Yun Che couldn't help but shake his head. "Damn, this move is just too powerful. At this rate, I won't be able to use it in tournaments in the future unless I find a way to minimize its collateral damage."

With the ten demons vanquished, Yun Che dispelled his hollow mask, allowing himself to breathe a sigh of relief. A notification appeared before him, signifying his progress in the trial.


[Ding…. Congratulation host for surviving the horde of Purgatory Flame Demons.]

[Ding…. Host has gained 'Fragment of the Phoenix Soul Crystal.]


As the notification appeared, a dark red crystal fragment materialized, hovering tantalizingly before Yun Che. His eyes locked onto the fragment, and he extended a hand to gently tap it. In response, another message from the system manifested before him.


[Name: Fragment of the Phoenix Soul Crystal.]

Description: Awarded to the exceptional challenger who excels in the trial. This crystal must be fully assembled to pave the way for the challenger's journey to becoming a true successor.]


The crystal appeared before Yun Che, its chipped surface reflecting the incomplete nature of his achievement. It was evident that to unlock the full potential of this crystal, he would need to collect all three fragments scattered throughout the trials.

With the crystal in his possession, the formidable barrier from the first trial began to unravel, its fiery confines fading away. A new voice resonated in the air, announcing the commencement of the second challenge.

"Congratulations, challenger, for successfully completing the first trial. The crystal fragment awarded to you is a crucial component of the Phoenix Soul Crystal. To fully unlock its potential, you must gather all three fragments. The second trial will commence when you tap the center of the arena."

Yun Che took a seat to rest, and Jasmine and Kon appeared beside him. Kon couldn't help but express his admiration for Yun Che's prowess.


"Wow, you defeated all ten of those demons. Kon-sama is impressed," he exclaimed with a smug pose.

Yun Che responded with a playful roll of his eyes. "Yeah, Kon-sama, my foot. Try facing this test with the abilities of an ordinary mortal, and you'd be reduced to ashes in seconds."

Jasmine chimed in, her gaze fixed on the remnants of the arena. "Indeed, even if it seemed overkill for you, it would be an insurmountable challenge for most cultivators."

She couldn't help but comment on Yun Che's formidable display, looking at the destruction he had wrought in the arena. "Still, if you were a Nascent Profound Realm cultivator, there's no way you could have passed this hidden trial."

Scratching his cheek with a wry grin and casting a sidelong glance at Jasmine, Yun Che replied, "Yeah, sort of." He couldn't help but compare his experience with the original Yun Che's trial. To him, the previous version of Yun Che had faced challenges that appeared far more manageable. Although his own abilities made the trial seem like overkill, he recognized that for ordinary cultivators, it would have been an extremely difficult ordeal to overcome.

After a brief rest, Yun Che replenished his energy with a mana potion from a blue vial. Pills held no use for him; he had only created them for the sake of Cang Yue, Little Fairy, and his spirit companions.

Yun Che decided to maintain his Bankai form in preparation for the second challenge, suspecting it might involve speed. He tapped the center of the arena to initiate the trial, and a new proclamation echoed through the space.

"The second challenge will assess the challenger's speed and reflexes. Defeating opponents is not required, but the challenger must endure the 'Arrow of the Phoenix.'"

Suddenly, the entire arena began to tremble, and the ground beneath his feet started to crumble away. Jasmine and Kon swiftly leaped to the safety of the seating area before the barrier closed around them. Yun Che gazed at the rapidly changing trial zone, realizing that this part of the trial was unlike anything the previous Yun Che had faced.

"Damn," he muttered to himself, "the Yun Che from before never encountered anything like this."


[Ding…. The second trial has begun. Avoid all arrows came from the floating fire spirits.]


Once again, he asked the system. "System, any hidden objectives?"

[Ding… Survive.]


Yun Che sighs again. "Really?"


[Ding… Without getting hit.]


Yun Che's eyes widened as he smacked his hand against his forehead, realizing the system's intention. "Yeah, really helpful," he muttered sarcastically. Fire began to shoot from the sea of flames below, coalescing into fiery bird-shaped entities. Instead of just one, there were numerous fiery birds soaring through the air. Yun Che quickly pieced together the puzzle, combining the keywords he had heard—speed, reflex, and arrow. His danger senses began to tingle as he comprehended the challenge at hand. "This isn't good," he murmured.

The fiery birds whizzed around the arena with incredible speed, faster than the eye could follow. Then came the ominous sound of whooshing arrows.

"Shooo!" Yun Che narrowly dodged an arrow that streaked past him. It became apparent that these fiery birds were firing arrows directly at him. "Dang it, this is way worse!" he exclaimed as the barrage of fiery arrows intensified. The trial's objective was clear—he had to endure without defending himself. His only option was to jump and evade the onslaught.

Kon, watching nearby, couldn't contain his impatience. "Can't you go any faster?" he called out.

Yun Che, in the midst of his evasive maneuvers, suddenly had a revelation. "I am trying," he replied, his eyes wide with realization. "The challenge stipulates that I need to endure, which means I must not do anything to defend myself. But now I see what the trial wants. It wants me to endure."

Jasmine sighed and added, "You just said that."

Yun Che explained further, "The game master always sets a game where we need to follow its directions, expecting us to adhere to the rules. So, I'll follow what the trial wants, but the only way to beat the trial is to think outside the box."

Jasmine caught on to his train of thought. "So, you're saying..."

"It says that I have to endure, but it doesn't say I can't shoot those things back," Yun Che declared confidently. With a determined grin, he threw Tensa Zangetsu onto the central platform, then manifested something familiar in his hand—a Quincy bow.

"It's his Quincy bow," Jasmine explained to Kon, smiling. She had knowledge of the bow, but Yun Che had never really shared details about Quincies with her. She decided she'd ask him more about it later.

"These things have been shooting at me for some time now," Yun Che said, his voice filled with determination. "It's time I fight back." As he pulled the bowstring, he formed a potent arrow, far more powerful than his usual ones. These relentless attacks had begun to annoy him, and he felt it was more than justified to shoot back.

Charging his arrow and skillfully dodging the incoming fiery projectiles while in mid-air proved to be challenging, given the trial's conditions. However, Yun Che was determined to succeed. The arrow in his hand glowed and pulsed with the power of the Evil God.

Taking careful aim at one of the fiery birds, he murmured, "Now, Lock On. Moon Star Destruction Arrow." With those words, he released the charged arrow toward one of the birds.


The explosion from his powerful arrow was massive, sending shockwaves through the arena that threw the remaining fiery birds into disarray. They veered off course as they tried to avoid the fiery blast. Yun Che took advantage of the chaos, rapidly firing more arrows at the disoriented creatures. In his Bankai form, his energy consumption was halved, allowing him to use his arrows countless times without exhausting himself.

As he continued to shoot down the fiery birds, he noticed that their speed gradually decreased with each arrow he dispatched. His deduction had been correct—the birds relied on one another to target him effectively. The earlier explosion he had caused had disrupted their coordinated attacks, providing him with a temporary respite to charge yet another arrow.

One by one, the fiery birds fell prey to Yun Che's Moon Star Destruction Arrows. Only one of them remained, flying at high speed and shooting an arrow directly at him.

With swift reflexes, Yun Che intercepted the incoming arrow with one of his own, creating a resonating "clink" sound as the two arrows collided. Without hesitation, he unleashed his final charged arrow, and it streaked through the air with incredible speed.


The fiery bird exploded in a dazzling display of flames, its remnants scattering across the arena. Yun Che couldn't help but feel exhilarated. He flash-stepped back to the center of the arena, retrieving Tensa Zangetsu in the process. He had initially thrown it to the middle to ensure he had complete control of his Quincy bow. Now, with Tensa Zangetsu in his right hand and his bow in the other, he stood there, looking every bit like a true war god.

The challenge had pushed him to his limits, but he had overcome it with skill and creativity. The arena was once again calm, and a sense of accomplishment washed over Yun Che as he awaited the trial's next phase.


[Ding… Congratulation in triggering the Hidden Objective: Shot down all ten fiery birds.]


Yun Che couldn't help but chuckle at his own proficiency. "Haha, it looks like all those hours honing my accuracy in various games have really paid off, huh?" His journey across different worlds had inadvertently become training for this very moment. Shooting and intercepting arrows in mid-air felt like second nature to him now.


[Ding…. Host has gained 'Fragment of the Phoenix Soul Crystal.]


"Two down, one to go," Yun Che exclaimed triumphantly as he retrieved the second crystal fragment, securing it safely in his inventory.

Suddenly, the spirit's voice resonated in the air once more, and Yun Che turned his attention upward. "Very impressive. You've completed the two trials with flying colors. To think that you actually thought outside the box. Let's see how you fare in the third and final trial—a challenge that has been the downfall of all challengers in the past thousands of years. The trial will begin right now."

Before Yun Che could even utter a protest, the voice faded away, and the arena was instantly restored.

But there was no time for complaints or questions. Flames began to manifest at the far edge of the arena, intensifying as they gradually took on the shape of a humanoid figure.

As the figure became more defined, Yun Che's widened eyes filled with recognition and disbelief. "This is..."

Haha, I've seen your responses. I have reasons to summon Kon. I needed him for various pranking purposes. As for Nemu, she will be available during the Tournament arc. So, don't curse me just yet. Peace out yo.

The MC have lots of chances to summon more girls in the future.

PS: I need to complete the Trial arc before moving on to a different arc. So i'll be quiet and sometimes checking reviews. Thank you for your reviews.

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts
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