
The beginning

Year 2020

The U21 World Cup Finals

Dennis Bridgman the England prodigy dribbles the ball into penalty area a fake shot to past one defender, a roulette past another and all that is left between him and the goal to tie the game back up in the final moments is ...

Oh my god he is found from behind and that looks like a nasty injury only there was no need for a nasty foul like that the game was only beginning and Argentina would have plenty of time to make a comeback

One day later

"You are paralysed from the waste down it is impossible for you to play football again." This can't be happening I did everything right I am the number one prodigy in the world and I was going to revolutionise soccer my future it's over...

Breaking new coz news former football prodigy dies of a heart attack sources say it was from the news that he would never be able to play football again fierce debates are have sparked about the rules in football and many people are calling for it to be banned.

One week later

Riots occur as English football fans are travelling to Argentina for a so called revenge campaign

One day later

Burnish aires the capital of Argentina left in ruins as the English men amok the Argentinian government called this a declaration of war and will launch a counter assault

5 years later

A treaty has been formed all nations have decided that the economic loss of war and more importantly the lives lost is not worth and have signed the birdgeman accords which has internationally banned all weapons and disagreements will be resolved by football

Chapter 2


"Huh... where am I" Demi gets up argh my head hurts memories flow into his mind."yes I knew I was as he rises from his bed I'm goddamn protagonist in those isekai mangas"."system display


Name demi

Age 15

Nationality:British Nigerian

Psionic energy:



Ball handling:54(76)




Special move: blank

"That's thoroughly average what am i meant to do with that shit"

"Sorry host that was the previous owners fault"

"Why do some of my stats have two numbers"

"Because host hasn't fully synchronised co-ordination yet"

"Demi wake up it's time for school

This is my first novel so opinions are appreciated but insults aren’t.

TheD1creators' thoughts