
Rebirth:I'm A Favourite With Them

"How could the biological daughter of the Lin family turn out like this?" "She spent the first eighteen years of her life in the slums, mingling with hoodlums and turning into a little thug herself. Even after returning to the Lin family, she couldn't shake off her base nature. Fighting, skipping school, and now she even wants to steal Saira's fiancé." --- Zuri, who grew up in the slums, was finally recognized by her biological parents at the age of eighteen. She thought her hardships had come to an end, only to find that life in a wealthy family was the beginning of another nightmare. Yearning for familial love, she became the easy target of bullying within the social circle. Under the repeated schemes of the adopted daughter Saira, she became the disgrace in her parents' eyes, enduring endless torment, and ultimately met her demise at the hands of the cousin she trusted the most. Reborn with hatred back to the age of eighteen, Zuri was determined to make those who once harmed her pay the price and reclaim what was rightfully hers. However, by chance, she discovered she wasn't her parents' biological daughter. Shockingly, the formidable financial magnate, the world-renowned genius doctor, and the heartthrob actor adored by countless women were all her real brothers. In this lifetime, Zuri, who had never been loved, was spoiled endlessly by her brothers. Yet, the eldest young master of the top family in the capital, Leo, declared, "My wife, I'll pamper her myself."

Jax2025 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
51 Chs

he World Turned Upside Down

Zuri had just finished sweeping through three stores and was now onto the fourth.


"These are the latest arrivals. This pink dress would look wonderful on you," the sales assistant suggested, holding up a delicate pink dress.


"Ugly." Zuri glanced at it and dismissed it without a second look.


The assistant quickly replaced it with another, "How about this one?"


Zuri glanced at it and waved her hand, pointing to the rack, "These ones, these styles, don't pack them. Pack the rest."


The sales assistant was overjoyed, having guessed her identity.


Their group chat had been buzzing about a wealthy young lady sweeping through the stores, and now she had encountered her.


This could break her monthly sales record and earn her a hefty bonus.


The assistant's smile grew brighter. "Sure, no problem. Please wait in the lounge with a cup of coffee while we handle this."




A haughty voice came from behind.


Zuri looked at the approaching four, her gaze sweeping over Natalie, Naya, and Samara—Saira's best friends.


In every conflict with Saira, these girls would stand in front, defending her and seeking justice on her behalf, while Saira played the innocent, kind-hearted role behind them.


It seemed this scene was about to play out again.


The sales assistant recognized Natalie, "Miss Natalie."


Natalie addressed the assistant, "We don't sell our clothes to poor people. They'll only lower the brand's standards."


Turning to Zuri, she said, "People like you should wear street market clothes. This place isn't for you. Get lost and don't dirty our store."


Other customers glanced at Zuri with disdainful or disapproving looks.


Zuri was surprised to learn that this store was owned by Natalie's family. Upon further reflection, she realized that this mall was actually owned by Samara's family until it was later acquired by the Ye family from Beijing.


So, in her memory, the mall was Ye family property.


She nearly forgot that this was eight years ago, and the mall hadn't changed ownership yet.


The assistant hesitated, "Miss Natalie, this customer has already decided to purchase these clothes."


It was a significant sale; she didn't want to lose it.


"Has she paid yet?" Natalie asked irritably.


"I was just about to process her payment," the assistant hurriedly replied.


"So, she hasn't paid yet." Natalie snorted, annoyed by the assistant's lack of tact. "I now order you not to sell these clothes to her. No clothes under our brand are to be sold to her."


"This…" The assistant looked troubled.


"What, is my word not enough? Should I call the manager?" Natalie threatened.


The assistant fell silent but was inwardly furious.


"What did you just say?" Zuri's voice turned cold.


Saira nervously stepped forward, her tone urgent yet still gentle, trying to persuade, "Zuri, don't be angry. Natalie speaks bluntly but means no harm. She just thinks these clothes don't suit your style."


Her fearful demeanor only incensed Natalie and her friends more. They thought she was too kind-hearted.


A girl from the slums, Zuri, really thought she was a young lady, daring to speak to them like that.


"Saira, why are you afraid of her?" Samara shielded Saira, looking at Zuri as if she were a mere insect.


"Our store doesn't welcome you. People like you, even if you wear our clothes, will only degrade their quality. As a poor person, you should stick to your street market clothes. No matter what you wear, you'll still reek of poverty."


"I have the right to purchase as a consumer, as long as the clothes are displayed for sale, unless you take them all off the shelves."


Natalie laughed, seemingly mocking her ignorance. "I'll say it outright today: these clothes won't be sold to poor people like you. If you can buy a single piece from here, I'll admit defeat."


"Quite bold. Do you think this mall is yours?"


Samara stepped forward, looking down at Zuri like a pest. "Actually, this mall is owned by my family. Look at your shabby self. Don't come here. I'm afraid you'll dirty the place, and your poverty will contaminate the mall."


Saira, standing by, felt elated seeing Zuri being attacked, though she maintained a worried façade, seemingly at a loss for words.


"Don't be like this. Let's talk it out," she pleaded.


A nearby man, seeing Saira's anxious expression and the domineering stance of Samara and the others, couldn't help but think she was a kind girl.


Suddenly, Zuri clapped her hands.


She stepped forward, smiling as she looked at the two of them. "You two speak so well."


Natalie and Samara were stunned, and Saira was equally bewildered, not understanding what she meant.


How could someone be so happy after being insulted? Is she crazy?


Zuri took the bank card from the sales associate's hand. The sales associate felt as though her heart was bleeding, but she dared not offend the Second Miss and could only watch helplessly as this large transaction slipped away.


Zuri's pitiful gaze swept over the three of them before finally settling on Natalie and Samara. "You have made a very good friend."


With that, she walked past Saira.


Naya called out to Zuri's retreating figure, "Some people think that just because they've entered the Lin family, they're suddenly noble ladies. A crow is still a crow, even if it perches on a branch; it will never become a phoenix."


"What does an adopted daughter count for?"


Zuri paused mid-step and turned to look at Samara. "Adopted daughter?"


Saira's heart skipped a beat. She grabbed Samara, teary-eyed, and pleaded, "Samara, stop talking."


Zuri had just returned and had not been formally introduced to high society, so few people knew about her. Samara and her friends' knowledge of Zuri came entirely from Saira's mouth.


Adopted daughter? That term was new. In her previous life, she had never heard it used.


Her gaze fell on Saira, whose eyes darted nervously, unable to meet hers, while she clung anxiously to Samara's clothes.


Zuri's lips curled into a slight smile as she looked at her, "Adopted daughter?"


How interesting.


Zuri left with a smile.


Saira was surprised that she left so quickly and didn't expose her lie.


Would she really be so kind?




She must be planning something bad.