
Parent’s Wedding (6)

Rose saw her father and mother walking down the aisle. For some reason, her chest felt tight, too emotional to see the two people she loved finally holding hands on the aisle to exchange their wedding vows. Rose was very touched. She didn't notice her eyes starting to blur from holding back the tears while her hand gripped Evan's hand tightly.

When Rose heard her parents exchange wedding vows and say her name, she couldn't hold back her tears. Silently she cried because she was too happy for her mother and father.

Before long, Rose heard applause from all the guests and families who had filled the long dining table as the bride and groom kissed. 

And some people shouted cheers for them,

"Congratulations, Second Brother..." Jayson shouted, clapping his hands.

"Congratulations, Uncle Nick, I'm feeling jealous..." Sean Spencer couldn't help but follow his father's cheers for his uncle.