
Awesome Daughter

"These are all your favorite snacks... I'm sure you'll finish them tomorrow."

Rose is touched because her mother still remembers her favorite snacks. "Thank you, mom. Of course, I'll eat them all..." 

"My son-in-law already left?" Ask Nicholas Spencer. 

"Yes, dad... Maybe you guys passed each other in the elevator." Rose paused for a moment before continuing, "Dad, thank you for coming here to save Oliver."

Nicholas Spencer smiled faintly. Even though he knew Oliver's injuries weren't life-threatening and could be treated by ordinary surgeons, Nicholas flew here anyway. Because he was delighted when his daughter asked for help. He felt he could carry out his duties as a father and simultaneously fulfill his daughter's request.

"There's no need to say those words. I'll do whatever you ask…." Nicholas Spencer smiled, looking at his only daughter.