
rebirth as a Justin Bieber

"Just a normal dude who tried to save a kid from an accident, and he got three wishes. He was then drawn into the body of Justin Bieber in 1990. As a kid, he created his own legends." "On a 5-month vacation, bored in the house, creating novels for the first time, having wars, and yawning. Vinny, if you have any suggestions, just comment. I will read them and try to correct as much as possible. And if there is a problem or mistake, please point it out. Don't give me one star, please. "The story is full of romance, humor, and songs. Recommend as many songs as possible."

Ilesh_Saru_2157 · Selebritas
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give gift to Selena

**1992, July 22**

Today is a special day. It's Selena's birthday, and Justin was invited to her birthday party. They were the youngest among their peers, but their bond was strong.

When Justin arrived at Selena's party, he carried a gift carefully chosen with the help of his mother: a cute teddy bear. Justin believed that Selena would love the teddy bear, reasoning that girls typically adored such gifts. He was right; Selena's face lit up with joy when she saw the bear. She hugged it tightly, making Justin smile. The teddy bear became a cherished possession, symbolizing the beginning of their close friendship.

As they played together, their mothers also struck up a friendship. Selena's mother, Mandy, was a warm and welcoming woman. She greeted Justin's mother, Pattie, with a smile as she opened the door.

"Pattie, it's so nice to see you," Mandy said warmly, ushering them inside. "Justin, thank you for coming to Selena's party. I'm sure you two will have a great time together."

"Thank you, Mandy," Pattie replied, smiling back. "Justin's been so excited about this party. It's all he could talk about."

"Selena's the same way," Mandy chuckled. "She's been looking forward to this all week. I'm glad our kids are becoming such good friends."

"Yes, they really seem to get along well," Pattie agreed. "It's wonderful to see them so happy."

As the children played, Mandy and Pattie sat down with cups of coffee, getting to know each other better. They discovered they had much in common, from their parenting styles to their love of music, and soon, a strong friendship blossomed between them as well.

**October 8, 1992**

Today is Bruno's birthday, but he didn't want to celebrate, thinking it was something only a toddler would do. Bruno had just turned eight and felt that birthday parties were too childish for someone his age. However, his strict mother insisted on a party and invited both Justin's and Selena's families. Despite his initial reluctance, Bruno was visibly pleased when Justin handed him a wrapped gift with a grin.

"Happy birthday, Bruno!" Justin said, handing over the present.

Bruno opened the gift to reveal a Nerf gun. His eyes widened with excitement, though he tried to maintain an indifferent facade. "Thanks, Justin. This is cool," he said, trying to sound nonchalant.

Everyone knew Bruno was thrilled with the gift. The Nerf gun became his favorite toy, and he spent hours playing with it, much to his mother's delight.

**1993 - 1994**

As time passed, the children grew, and their bond strengthened. By 1993, Justin and Selena had become inseparable. They shared everything from their thoughts to their dreams. Justin's high intelligence, with an IQ of 190, made schoolwork easy for him. Selena, also bright, excelled among her peers. They were seen as little prodigies, each excelling in their own right.

Justin even formed a small group with two other kindergarten toddlers who shared his interest in music. These friends, Jamal and Max, became important parts of his life. Jamal was a black boy with a protective nature and a heart of gold. Max was an average American boy with a knack for fixing things.

**1994 - The Start of Kindergarten**

By now, Justin and Selena were ready for kindergarten. It was a big day for them. Justin's intelligence and charisma made him a natural leader. He quickly became the center of attention, especially with his budding interest in music. Selena, equally smart and talented, often found herself by his side, sharing in his adventures.

Bruno, who was already in second grade, became a mentor to Justin. Recognizing Justin's potential, Bruno's parents also took an interest in nurturing his musical talents. They provided vocational training, and Justin soaked up every bit of knowledge like a sponge. In the evenings, after school and kindergarten, Justin, Selena, and Bruno would gather to learn and play music. These sessions were the highlight of their days and laid the foundation for their future endeavors.

One day in kindergarten, Justin, Selena, Jamal, and Max were playing together during recess.

"Justin, wanna play with blocks?" Jamal asked, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Yeah, let's build a tower!" Justin replied enthusiastically.

"I have my car. It can drive around the tower," Max added, holding up a small toy car.

Selena smiled, watching her friends. "I can help decorate it. It'll be the best tower ever!"

The four friends worked together, their laughter filling the playground. They were a team, even at such a young age.

*** End ***