
Rebirth as a god in the apocalypse

What happens when Adam from three worlds fuse in one and are reborn in the past before the release of Gods online

DaoistRLTop5 · perkotaan
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Slaying the last god and choosing a path 1/3

Adam Twist stared at himself in the pool seeing blood all over his face,he rose his head to look at his party just to discover his injuries were the least compared to theirs.

He remembers this morning was just like any other until the system notified of a world quest to slay the gods or the annihilation of the earth. Being cautious he was of the impression to take the quest the next day and plan on this day but their guild leader and his friend, Jack chose against it , so on the order of his friend his party and the guild of almost 10000 marched to fight to slay the gods and that was the beginning of the days tragedy. Their guild the Sky Dragon guild was the number one guild in the world. They were able to rally members in that such time to attack the final dungeon taking into note among this twenty each were top players.

On entering the dungeon the discovered the couldn't leave until the quest was cleared or their deaths. He lifted his held to behold the gods to see 10 gods sitting on huge thrones made of mithril mainly and other rare gems were used to design their thrones and a pool in it's center. After taking a look at the gods with the skill of inspect he was more certain that he should have planned more because the stat of the weakest of the gods who sat their was such

Name: Goddess of light

Race: God

Titles: Embodiment of light

Light incarnate

Goddess healing

HP: 5000000000000/5000000000000

MP: ???

Soul point: ???

Strength: ???

Speed: ???

Agility: ???

Intelligence: ???


Restore (Divine rank): Resets all of your allies stats both MP and HP (except Soul point as a part of a divines essence can't be restored). Can be used once per person

Cost: 10000 Soul points

Cool Down: 2 hours

??? (Celestial rank):@#(@@&@&-@##)++#$&

???(??? rank):@#&_-&_&__$-_@#@#@#


Just from beholding the stats of the goddess of light Adam was already petrified and confused. Confused because he was unfamiliar with the divine and Celestial rank skill while scared since her stats compared to the other gods could be said to be weak infact some gods stats were so high his skill inspect couldn't detect (take to note inspect is a upgraded form of observe skill) could only show ??? or #@#@#&. From the information of the system it was said that this weren't the true form of the gods but rather an incarnation formed from their will, it was also said that this form could only display a hundredth the power of the gods. This already describing the terror after seeing the stats of the known weakest. He would have been lying if he said he wasn't scared but after looking at his party and their guild he felt a little courageous against the gods (of Light, Darkness, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Sun, Moon, Animals) but never had he been so wrong.

-Back at to the present-

Adams were fighting the last God the god of lightning, it may have seemed like the were winning but the lost greatly aside from his party (consisting of two tanks, two warriors,a mage and a healer) only ten players were left of their guilyas Adam decides to use his trump card against the god of lightning a piece of a broken orb

-Item name: Shard of Ragnarok


Description: A Shard of broken orb meant originally to be combined with a Divine weapon or higher meant to use to slay beings at the god level but downgraded after being split to be only able to destroy a god's incarnates and instead of infusing with a weapon rather detonation.

Skill: Void destroy: Destroys a target by moving towards them and exploding the more soul power used the more powerful the explosion.

Cost: At least 10 soul point

CD: One time use product

Adam begins casting a spell and appears above the god then he shouts to Jack the guild members to step back then he uses all his Soul ponts which was 1289 on the Shard detenating himself and the god of lightning,the explosion was so strong it took out the body of the other god's and blew out his guild members.

As Adam opens his eyes he stares into the void and ask: Where is this,am I dead? Didn't expect the afterlife to be so.

Suddenly he sees ten thrones were ten thrones are placed sitting on such thrones are the same god's he just fought, instinctively he decides to use his inspect skill on them but he discovered that it doesn't work at all rather he feels like his being turn apart.

Then goddess of light speaks up: Human or should I say god as you may soon be called your skills won't work on us your soul power is still weak probably when you a stronger you can touch our true forms for now as a new god you should choose a concept to dominate, a path to walk on

Very first work would like to as for constructive criticism also English isn't my mother's tongue so bear with me hopefully with your suggestions I'll get better

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