
Rebirth as a Devil: The Terror of a Bloodweaver.

"Rebirth as a Devil" is a tale of transformation and empowerment, exploring the blurred lines between good and evil as John embraces his dark side to achieve the respect he always desired. ------------------------------- John, a meek and unremarkable man in his late twenties, endured a harsh existence in a dull, gray suburban neighborhood where he was constantly mocked and ridiculed by his neighbors and colleagues. In a fleeting conversation, a sympathetic coworker tells him, "Sometimes you have to become the monster they think you are to find peace." John's life is depicted through his small, cluttered apartment, the bullying he faces at work, and his lonely nights filled with unfulfilled wishes for change. That change, perhaps in the most unexpected way, came when he was struck by a speeding car, ending his life in a tragic accident. John awakens in a dead house, confused and disoriented. He soon realizes that he has been transmigrated into a new world where he is a Devil, one of the most fearsome life forms in that world but with human appearance. Embracing this new identity, he decides to take control of his fate, even if it means becoming the villain everyone fears. In this medieval world where Devils are hunted and killed, he must keep his true nature a secret while he exacts revenge and carves out a place of power. ---------- AN: Please read up to chapter ten or thirty and then decide if this is trash or not.

David_Aneito · Fantasi
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21 Chs

The Quiet Observer

Lucian, still shaken by the surreal encounter, glanced at Elias with a blend of annoyance and bewilderment. "What's her deal?" he demanded, his voice edged with irritation.

Elias, wrestling with a mischievous grin, retorted, "You two had a thing going on for what seemed like eons. Surely, you're the expert on this one."

Elias's amusement faded as he remembered the true reason for his visit. "Actually, I came here to bring you outside," he explained. "People are starting to wonder where you've been. Your absence is causing quite a stir."

Lucian sighed, the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. He was reluctant to leave his sanctuary, but he knew he couldn't hide forever. "Fine," he conceded, "I'll come out. But on one condition—you teach me how to weave magic."

Elias's eyes widened in surprise, then softened with understanding. "Agreed," he said with a nod. "I'll teach you what I can."

As the sons of the deceased Lord Thaddeus Valebrook, Lucian and Elias were tasked with the solemn duty of welcoming every noble visitor who came to pay their respects. Each guest, draped in the fineries of their respective houses, sought acknowledgment and reassurance from the Valebrooks. The brothers' role extended beyond mere hospitality; it was essential to make each visitor feel important, fortifying bonds with these influential households.

Elias moved through the crowd with practiced grace, his every gesture a testament to his natural ease in social interactions. He navigated the conversations effortlessly, offering a warm smile here, a nod of understanding there, weaving a tapestry of connection with each noble who approached. His demeanor was a balm, soothing the uncertainties and insecurities of their guests, cementing their loyalty with each interaction.

In stark contrast, Lucian found himself adrift in this sea of faces and voices. Unlike Elias, who seemed to thrive in the bustle, Lucian quickly grew exhausted. The unrelenting tide of small talk washed over him, each conversation a wave of unfamiliarity that left him floundering. He didn't know if the previous owner of this body had reveled in these exchanges, but he certainly did not. Every noble sought his attention, each eager to rekindle a connection he could not recall. Their polite smiles faltered as they noticed his lack of recognition, a subtle strain seeping into their interactions. The weight of expectations bore down on him, leaving him drained and yearning for solitude amidst the throng.

Elias paused amidst the sea of guests, his eyes drifting to Lucian, who stood apart, a solitary figure adrift in a maelstrom of unfamiliar faces. Lucian's expression was a mask of polite fatigue, his eyes shadowed with exhaustion. Elias couldn't help but note the transformation in his brother. The Lucian he remembered was a tempest of selfish desires and indulgent whims, but this new Lucian was cold, yet there was a gentleness to his demeanor that Elias had never seen before. It was as if an elderly sage had taken residence within the body of a seventeen-year-old, radiating a maturity that was both disconcerting and intriguing.

Elias's thoughts churned as he observed Lucian's interactions—or rather, his struggles to interact. This wasn't the brother who had once dismissed him with a careless wave, more interested in his own pleasures than in forming any real bond. No, this Lucian was different, like a statue carved from ice, beautiful and distant. Elias wondered if this change was a fleeting phase, brought on by the trauma of their father's death, or if it was a permanent shift in Lucian's very soul. Time, he mused, would be the ultimate revealer, peeling back the layers of this new persona to show whether the old Lucian still lurked beneath the surface or if he had truly been reborn.

Lucian had just managed to extricate himself from another tedious conversation, the polite but empty words draining him more than he could bear. As he turned to seek a moment's respite, a young man, Cedric Windrider, approached with an air of casual confidence. Cedric, no older than twenty, exuded the effortless grace of his noble lineage. His attire, finely tailored, spoke of the Windrider's wealth, and his eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"If it isn't Lord Lucian himself," Cedric greeted, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Where have you been hiding?"

Lucian, weary and disoriented from the barrage of unfamiliar faces and names, looked at Cedric with a blank expression. "And you are?" he asked, his tone unintentionally blunt. The question hung in the air, a stark contrast to the expected courtesies. Cedric's smile faltered, surprise flickering in his eyes. He seemed momentarily at a loss, caught off guard by Lucian's apparent lack of recognition.

Sensing the potential for a social faux pas, Elias quickly stepped forward. "Apologies, Cedric," he said smoothly. "Lucian has been experiencing some memory problems lately. The events have been... overwhelming."

Cedric's expression softened, understanding dawning. "I see," he said, nodding slowly. "That makes sense, given everything that's happened." His tone was gentle, accommodating, as if speaking to a recovering patient. "The others are waiting for you, Lucian. Come, join us. It will be good for you to reconnect."

Though Lucian had little interest in more small talk, the sincerity in Cedric's invitation left him little choice. With a reluctant nod, he allowed Cedric to lead him towards a gathering of young nobles, Elias following closely. The trio moved through the corridors of the estate, Lucian bracing himself for another test of endurance in this unfamiliar world.

They soon arrived at a secluded garden terrace where a group of young nobles had gathered. The evening sun casts a warm glow, dappling the stone benches and flowering shrubs with soft light. He could hear the animated chatter and laughter even before he saw them, a stark contrast to the internal turmoil he felt.

As they approach, Cedric introduced the group with the ease of someone who has known them all his life:

Cedric Windrider: The charismatic heir, whose easy smile and charm seem to effortlessly draw people in.

Alistair Greymane: A tall, serious-looking young man with a thoughtful demeanor, known for his sharp intellect.

Fiona Ravenswood: A spirited girl with dark, flowing hair and a mischievous glint in her eyes, always quick with a witty remark.

Gregory Stormchaser: Broad-shouldered and boisterous, his booming laugh often fills the air, a natural leader among them.

Isabella Thornfield: Elegant and poised, her calm presence and soft-spoken words carry a weight of wisdom beyond her years.

Marcus Ironwood: Stoic and reserved, his piercing gaze often makes him seem older and more experienced than his peers.

Elric Nightshade: Pale and enigmatic, with an intensity that is both intriguing and unsettling, a shadow of mystery always lingering around him.

As Cedric and Lucian joined the group, the conversation flowed easily around them. The youngsters shared stories of past escapades, their words painting vivid pictures of mischief and adventure. Alistair recounted a daring midnight raid on the kitchens, Fiona laughed about a prank involving enchanted frogs, and Gregory boasted about a jousting match won with a broken lance. The others chimed in with their own embellishments and memories, the camaraderie palpable.

Lucian, however, felt like a stranger. He listened, nodded, and occasionally forced a smile, but the memories they spoke of were like scenes from a play he never participated in. The laughter rang hollow in his ears, a stark reminder of the disconnect between him and his past. He felt the weight of their expectations and the pressure to fit into a mold that no longer fit him.

Amid the lively chatter and laughter, one figure stood out in stark contrast—Elric Nightshade. While the other youngsters immersed themselves in nostalgic tales and boisterous camaraderie, Elric remained notably silent. He sat slightly apart from the group, his posture relaxed but his eyes sharp and watchful.

Lucian felt the weight of Elric's gaze before he even saw him. It's a piercing, unblinking stare that cuts through the ambient noise like a blade. Unlike the others, who looked at Lucian with fondness or curiosity, Elric's eyes held something darker. There's a simmering hostility, barely restrained, lurking just beneath the surface of his calm exterior.

As the stories swirled around them, Lucian found his attention drawn repeatedly to Elric. The young man's demeanor is composed, but Lucian can sense the tension coiled within him like a spring ready to snap. Elric's silence is not one of shyness or indifference, but of deliberate control, as if he is holding himself back from saying or doing something he might regret.

Their eyes met across the terrace, and for a moment, time seemed to stretch. Elric doesn't look away; instead, his gaze hardened, a silent challenge conveyed through the intensity of his stare. It's as if he's daring Lucian to acknowledge the unspoken animosity between them. The air between them crackled with an almost tangible energy, a stark contrast to the lighthearted atmosphere surrounding them.

This wasn't merely a case of casual disdain; it was something far more profound and intimate. Lucian felt the seething animosity like a tangible force, an undercurrent that pricked at his instincts. He was certain that if not for the surrounding crowd, Elric's simmering rage would erupt into a direct and possibly violent confrontation.

The tension adds an edge to the gathering, a silent reminder that beneath the veneer of noble decorum and youthful merriment, old grudges and new suspicions still simmer. Lucian knows he must tread carefully, for Elric Nightshade is not an adversary to be underestimated. The quiet one, with his suppressed hostility and piercing gaze, poses a threat that Lucian cannot afford to ignore.