
Rebirth as a Devil: The Terror of a Bloodweaver.

"Rebirth as a Devil" is a tale of transformation and empowerment, exploring the blurred lines between good and evil as John embraces his dark side to achieve the respect he always desired. ------------------------------- John, a meek and unremarkable man in his late twenties, endured a harsh existence in a dull, gray suburban neighborhood where he was constantly mocked and ridiculed by his neighbors and colleagues. In a fleeting conversation, a sympathetic coworker tells him, "Sometimes you have to become the monster they think you are to find peace." John's life is depicted through his small, cluttered apartment, the bullying he faces at work, and his lonely nights filled with unfulfilled wishes for change. That change, perhaps in the most unexpected way, came when he was struck by a speeding car, ending his life in a tragic accident. John awakens in a dead house, confused and disoriented. He soon realizes that he has been transmigrated into a new world where he is a Devil, one of the most fearsome life forms in that world but with human appearance. Embracing this new identity, he decides to take control of his fate, even if it means becoming the villain everyone fears. In this medieval world where Devils are hunted and killed, he must keep his true nature a secret while he exacts revenge and carves out a place of power. ---------- AN: Please read up to chapter ten or thirty and then decide if this is trash or not.

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21 Chs

Refuge for the most influential

Over the days following Lord Thaddeus Valebrook's death, the Valebrook estate became a grand theater of mourning and political maneuvering. Visitors from various noble houses arrived in droves, their carriages forming an unbroken line that wound through the manicured gardens like a somber procession. The ancestral halls, once echoing with the quiet dignity of the Valebrook legacy, now buzzed with the low murmur of voices and the rustle of silken gowns.

The Valebrook family, acutely aware of their precarious position in the shifting landscape of noble alliances, opened their doors to these guests with a calculated hospitality. They extended the warmest of welcomes to those viewed as valuable or potential allies. The great house, with its soaring ceilings and venerable tapestries, became a refuge for the most influential families, each member weighing the implications of their presence in this house of mourning.

Families deemed significant enough to warrant extended stays brought with them entire retinues of wives, servants, and children—some of whom were heirs poised to inherit titles and lands of their own. The estate's guest rooms, once reserved for the rarest of visits, now brimmed with life and activity. Servants hurried through the corridors, attending to the needs of the noble guests, while the scions of other houses explored the sprawling estate.

Among these visitors were several noble children who were of Lucian's age, their presence hinting at potential new dynamics. These young nobles, each carrying the weight of their family's expectations, found themselves in a place steeped in history and newly woven with the threads of intrigue. In the evenings, they gathered in the shadowed corners of the great hall, their whispered conversations filled with the cautious curiosity of potential friendship or rivalry.

It had been more than a week since Lucian's miraculous return from the dead, a resurrection that sent whispers and rumors spiraling through the noble houses like wildfire. The news of his revival spread quickly, turning the Valebrook estate into a focal point of both wonder and skepticism. Nobles, guests, and servants alike were eager to catch a glimpse of the young man who had defied death. Yet, despite the mounting curiosity, Lucian remained an elusive figure, a ghost within his own home. He was rarely seen, his presence a mere phantom that haunted the corridors and whispered in the wind. Many had come to see him, to witness the miracle with their own eyes, but most left disappointed, having not glimpsed him even once.

Elias, Lucian's younger brother, approached his elder sibling's room with a sense of anticipation and concern. After a gentle knock on the heavy oak door, he entered, expecting to find Lucian in a state of brooding contemplation or perhaps lost in the grief that enveloped the household. What he discovered instead was entirely unexpected.

Lucian sat cross-legged on the floor, his back to the door, bare-chested and serene, as if caught in a meditative trance. The posture was unusual, the atmosphere charged with a quiet intensity that Elias had not anticipated. The room, dimly lit and shadowed, felt almost sacred, as if Lucian was communing with something beyond the mortal realm.

"Lucian, what are you doing?" Elias's voice broke the silence, filled with a mix of curiosity and bewilderment.

Lucian, without turning, his expression remaining as neutral and unreadable as always, posed a question that seemed to hang in the air like a delicate thread: "Tell me, Elias. Is magic a thing here?"

Elias blinked, momentarily taken aback. Magic? In their world of rigid noble protocols and harsh realities, such a question felt almost out of place. Lucian's tone, however, was earnest, his curiosity genuine.

"I don't understand," Elias replied, stepping further into the room, the door closing softly behind him. Lucian, sensing his brother's confusion, elaborated, his voice steady yet imbued with an unspoken urgency.

"I mean, does magic exist here? Is it real, or just tales and legends?"

Elias, still puzzled, looked at his brother, searching for any sign of jest or madness. But Lucian's eyes were clear, his demeanor as composed as ever, leaving Elias with the unmistakable impression that this was no idle inquiry. It was a question rooted in something deeper, a mystery that Lucian was determined to unravel, even if it meant confronting the very fabric of their reality.

Momentarily stunned by Lucian's peculiar question, Elias decided that the best way to address his brother's curiosity was through demonstration. Stepping closer, he extended his hand, and with a subtle flick of his wrist, a small ball of flame materialized above his finger. The flame danced and flickered, casting wavering shadows on the walls and illuminating Lucian's curious gaze.

"You are strange. Different," Elias remarked, his tone a blend of amusement and bewilderment as he let the flame dissipate into nothingness.

Ignoring Elias's observation, Lucian's mind was already racing down a different path. "Do I have any magical abilities?" he asked, his voice calm but with a hint of underlying urgency.

Elias shook his head slowly, still absorbing the oddity of the situation. "You've never shown any talent in magic, Lucian. Not even a spark."

Lucian's eyes narrowed in contemplation, the gears of his mind turning with newfound vigor. "Is it possible to unlock one's magical powers later in life?" he inquired, his voice steady, but his question hanging in the air like a challenge.

Elias paused, considering the question carefully. "It's rare, but not unheard of," he admitted. "Sometimes, in moments of great stress or revelation, a person's latent magical abilities can awaken."

At this, a realization dawned on Elias, his eyes widening slightly. Could it be that Lucian's return from the dead had triggered something within him? The thought lingered, unspoken but potent, a seed of suspicion planted in Elias's mind. He studied Lucian, searching for signs, for any indication that his brother might indeed be on the cusp of an extraordinary transformation.

The sudden intrusion shattered the contemplative atmosphere like a stone through glass. The door swung open with a resounding thud, and Lady Elara Windrider, a young noblewoman from an allied family, burst into the room. Her presence was like a whirlwind, her vibrant energy starkly contrasting with the room's previous serenity.

Without hesitation, Elara threw herself at Lucian, her arms wrapping around him in a tight embrace. She pressed herself against him, her face buried in his shoulder, her hands clutching him as if he might disappear again. Lucian felt a surge of discomfort, his instinct screaming to push her away, but he restrained himself, mindful of the delicate political and social implications. Still, his displeasure was palpable, etched across his face in lines of irritation and frustration.

"Elara, please—" Elias began, but she cut him off with a torrent of words, her voice high-pitched and breathless with emotion.

"Oh, Lucian, I was so scared when I heard what happened!" she exclaimed, her words tumbling out in a rush. "I thought I'd lost you forever! Thank the gods you're alive!"

She continued to hold him tightly, her body shaking with the intensity of her feelings. Oblivious to the awkwardness she was causing, she went on, her words becoming a blur of relief and lingering fear. Her eyes, when she finally pulled back enough to look at him, were wide and brimming with tears.

Lucian, despite his effort to remain composed, could not completely hide his irritation. The interruption, the overwhelming display of affection, and the disregard for the gravity of his recent questions grated on him. He gently but firmly extricated himself from her grasp, his movements careful and deliberate, his expression a mask of barely concealed exasperation.

Elara, still caught up in her own emotions, seemed not to notice the tension she had brought into the room, her focus entirely on Lucian's presence, her relief palpable but uninvited.

Elias, though maintaining a practiced poker face, felt a surge of displeasure at Elara's abrupt and inconsiderate intrusion. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and his jaw tightened as he watched her disregard his presence entirely. The intimate moment he was sharing with his brother, rare and valuable, was shattered by her thoughtless behavior.

"This is inappropriate," Elias finally remarked, his voice cool and clipped, striving to keep his emotions in check.

Elara turned to Elias, her expression shifting to one of disappointment and disdain. Her lip curled slightly as she looked him over with a dismissive air. "Oh, it's just you," she said, her tone dripping with contempt, as if Elias were little more than an annoyance.

Lucian, his patience finally frayed beyond repair, stepped in. His voice was steady but carried an undeniable edge. "Elara, I need you to leave," he commanded. He made an effort to be polite, but the strain in his voice was evident, his frustration bubbling just beneath the surface.

Elara's eyes widened in shock, her grip on Lucian loosening as she absorbed his words. For a moment, she hesitated, clearly reluctant to depart. She glanced between the brothers, her gaze lingering on Lucian's stern expression. Sensing his growing anger, she finally relented, backing away slowly.

"I... I'm glad you're safe," she stammered, her voice losing its earlier confidence. She turned and left the room, her footsteps echoing down the corridor as the door closed behind her.

Elias allowed himself a brief smile of satisfaction, pleased with how Lucian had handled the situation. He looked at his brother with newfound respect, noting the authority and resolve that had surfaced in his demeanor.