
Rebirth as a Devil: The Terror of a Bloodweaver.

"Rebirth as a Devil" is a tale of transformation and empowerment, exploring the blurred lines between good and evil as John embraces his dark side to achieve the respect he always desired. ------------------------------- John, a meek and unremarkable man in his late twenties, endured a harsh existence in a dull, gray suburban neighborhood where he was constantly mocked and ridiculed by his neighbors and colleagues. In a fleeting conversation, a sympathetic coworker tells him, "Sometimes you have to become the monster they think you are to find peace." John's life is depicted through his small, cluttered apartment, the bullying he faces at work, and his lonely nights filled with unfulfilled wishes for change. That change, perhaps in the most unexpected way, came when he was struck by a speeding car, ending his life in a tragic accident. John awakens in a dead house, confused and disoriented. He soon realizes that he has been transmigrated into a new world where he is a Devil, one of the most fearsome life forms in that world but with human appearance. Embracing this new identity, he decides to take control of his fate, even if it means becoming the villain everyone fears. In this medieval world where Devils are hunted and killed, he must keep his true nature a secret while he exacts revenge and carves out a place of power. ---------- AN: Please read up to chapter ten or thirty and then decide if this is trash or not.

David_Aneito · Fantasi
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21 Chs


On the final day, the grand hall buzzed with quiet anticipation. Elders, distant family members, and notable uncles like Baron Aldric and Sir Gareth filtered in, their footsteps echoing off the marble floors. The assembly took time, each seat filling with an undercurrent of unspoken expectation, a silent orchestra tuning before a grand symphony.

At the heart of this gathered audience sat Lucian, a solitary figure amidst the sea of noble blood. His eyes were closed, his breathing even, a picture of calm patience as the weight of their gazes settled upon him. Silence fell, thick and heavy. Slowly, Lucian rose, opening his eyes to meet the room. He acknowledged each familiar face in turn—his siblings, his mother, his ever-stalwart mentor Cedric Ironwood, and a constellation of relatives both near and far.

Lucian began with Fiery Outbursts, the simplest yet powerful spell in his arsenal. He extended his hands, and flames leapt forth, dancing to his command. The heat radiated intensely, but the audience remained safe behind invisible threads of protective formations, a shimmering barrier that separated them from the searing blaze.

The onlookers, their faces a mixture of skepticism and intrigue, leaned forward. The flickering flames painted Lucian in an ethereal light, his control over the fire akin to a maestro conducting a symphony of heat and light.

As he transitioned to Inferno Blitz, the protective formation flickered, adjusting to Lucian's escalating power. His fiery blaze manipulation evolved from raw, aggressive outbursts to a sophisticated combat display, each move a calculated strike of fire, showcasing both power and precision.

The formations responded dynamically, deflecting and bouncing back the flames in a mesmerizing dance of light and heat. Lucian deftly redirected or wove the fire around himself, simulating a battle with an invisible foe. Every strike, parry, and counterattack was a testament to his mastery, each movement a blend of martial grace and magical prowess. The audience, protected but enthralled, watched as Lucian's control over the inferno transformed the hall into a grand stage of elemental mastery.

For the final test—Ember Weave, Lucian took a deep breath, the flickering candlelight casting a determined glow on his face. As the target dolls were meticulously arranged, he drew a wisp of fire from a nearby candle, feeling the warmth and energy coalesce under his control. He molded it with precision, ensuring its compliance, before stepping into the center of his stage, ready to demonstrate his mastery.

At first, his movements were hesitant, the threads of fire wavering. Yet, as he found his rhythm, Lucian began to weave the flame with increasing confidence. The fiery thread danced around him, striking each target doll with the precision and fluidity of a seasoned martial artist. His technique grew more complex, and soon he was maneuvering three neon threads of flame simultaneously, each one an extension of his will and focus.

Minutes passed in a mesmerizing display of skill. Finally, Lucian concluded his performance, stepping back to reveal seven out of the twelve target dolls struck at their precise marks. The room, bathed in the afterglow of his flames, buzzed with the unspoken admiration of the onlookers.

Cedric Ironwood's smile was subtle, a mere twitch at the corner of his mouth, but it spoke volumes. As he scanned the room, the stoic faces of the elders betrayed an emotion they rarely showed—genuine surprise. It was a triumph not just for Lucian, but for Cedric's mentorship as well.

Elder Valerius rose slowly, his movements deliberate and commanding. The hall fell silent as he acknowledged Lucian with a measured nod. "You've done well, young Valebrook," he intoned, his voice resonating with a rare note of approval that echoed through the chamber.

Lucian's mother and brother exchanged glances, their eyes shimmering with joy. The shift in the family's perception was palpable, like the breaking of dawn after a long night. For the first time in years, Lucian was not merely tolerated but admired, his efforts and growth finally recognized.

Elder Valerius's voice rang clear and authoritative, instructing Lucian to step away and prepare for the final verdict as the elders huddled together for deliberation.

Lucian acknowledged with a composed nod and exited the hall, his steps measured and calm. The faint approval he had sensed lingered, but he refused to succumb to premature relief. He knew that the true test of his worthiness was still to be decided, and he steeled himself for whatever was to come.

* * *

In the heart of the Valebrook estate, where the scent of freshly cooked meals mingled with the warmth of family gatherings, Lucian found himself navigating a delicate dance of connection and distance.

His presence at the dining table was a source of quiet joy for Lady Evelina, his mother. Her eyes, a reflection of years spent longing for familial unity, lit up whenever Lucian joined them for meals. She saw in his efforts a glimmer of hope, a tentative step towards healing the fractures that had marred their family bonds. Each time he entered the room, a subtle smile graced her lips, a silent acknowledgment of his commitment to rebuilding what had been lost.

However, despite Lucian's earnest attempts, the chasm between him and his sister, Isolde, seemed to widen with each passing day. Their interactions remained laced with a palpable tension, words unspoken hanging heavy in the air like an unbreakable barrier. Lucian's attempts to bridge the gap often met with silence or curt responses, leaving him feeling as though he was trying to grasp at shadows.

Amidst this familial turmoil, Elias, the younger brother, underwent a subtle transformation. While still a man of few words during meals, his stoic facade began to soften ever so slightly. Lucian noticed the small gestures—a shared nod of understanding, a fleeting smile—that hinted at a deeper connection beneath the surface. Elias's guarded demeanor seemed to thaw in the warmth of family moments, offering glimpses of the brotherly bond they once shared.

In the hushed aftermath of a particularly subdued meal. Elias broke the silence with a surprising request that caught Lucian off guard but for a fleeting moment.

"Lucian, care for a spar?" The words hung in the air, a subtle challenge laced with an invitation for camaraderie.

As they prepared for their impromptu bout, Lucian couldn't help but notice the peculiarity of Elias wielding two wooden swords instead of the customary single blade. The curiosity flickered in Lucian's eyes as he studied his brother's unorthodox choice.

"Why two swords?" Lucian inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity. Elias, with a hint of a smile, explained the strategy behind his dual-wielding approach. One sword was dedicated to offense, delivering swift strikes, while the other assumed a defensive role, deflecting and blocking incoming attacks. It was a nuanced tactic, adding a layer of complexity to their sparring dynamics.

As their spar commenced, Lucian soon found himself on the defensive, struggling to counter Elias's dual-wielding prowess. The clash of wooden blades echoed in the practice area, each strike a testament to Elias's skillful maneuvering.

After a flurry of exchanges, Lucian stepped back momentarily, his breaths coming in measured puffs. "You're this good?" he remarked, a touch of surprise in his tone. Elias's mastery over the dual-wielding technique was unexpected yet impressive. His movements were fluid, a dance of steel and wood that showcased his ability to seamlessly transition between offense and defense. The roles of his swords shifted effortlessly, each strike calculated and precise, creating a dynamic sparring experience that left Lucian both challenged and intrigued.

After a few more exchanges, Elias's movements grew more intricate as he began to weave flames into the sparring match. The fire danced around him, a living extension of his intent, wrapping around his wooden swords. His strikes became blurs of light and heat, transforming their sparring into a mesmerizing spectacle of fire and skill.

The brothers became fully immersed in their duel, their flames intermingling in a wild, beautiful dance. Balls of fire flew between them, colliding mid-air, while their wooden swords clashed with resonant thuds, each impact sending sparks cascading around them.

This fiery ballet became their routine. Whenever time allowed, the brothers met in the training grounds, the air always charged with the promise of their next duel. The intense sparring, filled with heat and light, pushed them both to new heights, refining their skills and fortifying their connection. In these moments, they were not just siblings but warriors, honing their craft and finding unity in the flames.

On the thirteenth day following Lucian's display, the summons came. He faced the assembly of elders, their keen and scrutinizing eyes tracking his every step.

"Lucian," Elder Valerius intoned, his voice a resonant echo in the silent hall, "you are to undertake an assignment that will determine your qualification." The weight of the words hung heavy in the air. "This mission will commence tomorrow."

The announcement was succinct, offering no hints at what the task would entail. The brevity was deliberate, a test in itself, perhaps.

As Lucian left the hall, his mind swirled with conflicting emotions. Pride battled with anxiety; hope intertwined with doubt. Had he passed the test, or was this merely another trial? The mission was a step forward, but it felt precarious, like walking a tightrope over an abyss.

The crisp evening air outside did little to calm his racing thoughts. He took a deep breath, feeling the coolness fill his lungs, trying to ground himself. Tomorrow would bring clarity, one way or another. For now, he had to prepare, to steel himself for whatever lay ahead.

Lucian allowed himself a small, hopeful smile as he walked away, the weight of the future pressing lightly on his shoulders.