

"From now on, you can stay in this room and live the rest of your life here for all I care," were the words that condemned Li Na to a lifetime of isolation and despair at the hands of her own family. Betrayed by her sister, Li Jing, who injected her with a lethal dose of poison, Li Na's world faded into darkness, filled with a deep sense of sadness and betrayal. But fate had a different plan for Li Na. Instead of the expected descent into the afterlife, she found herself transported to a new existence, her younger self staring back at her from the mirror. Overwhelmed by this inexplicable rebirth, tears welled in her eyes as she made a solemn vow to herself: to seek justice and make her family pay for the pain they had inflicted upon her. As Li Na battles with the struggles of her past, a new surprise awaits. … With their faces just an inch apart, he softly asked her, "Do you trust me?" tracing her lips with one finger, lightly.  With a quivering smile, she nodded and whispered, "Yes, I trust you." To her Tang Zheng was the light sent by the heavens to shed her tears away. As Li Na embraces this new chapter of her life, a veil of mystery envelopes her path. The shadows whisper, and destiny's secrets slowly unveil, shaping Li Na's fate in ways she never imagined. Note: Daily Updates

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Futile attempts

With a twinkle in her eyes, Li Na began her address, her voice carrying a captivating charm that enveloped the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, thank you all for gracing this magnificent hall tonight. It is truly an honor to stand before you and share this memorable evening."

A wave of applause and murmurs of approval rippled through the room. She continued, Now, I know what you're all thinking. Who is this girl, and why is she gracing us with her presence?"

The audience chuckled, intrigued by Li Na's light-hearted approach. Li Jing, standing beside her, felt a surge of annoyance but tried to maintain a composed façade.

"Now, I have a little story to share with you."

The audience listened attentively. She paused for a moment, allowing the suspense to build, before continuing with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"it's been a while since I played the piano. And when I say 'a while,' I mean it. It's been so long that I've forgotten which hand goes where! But tonight, I thought, why not give it a shot? So, I hope you'll bear with me as I dust off my rusty fingers and attempt to serenade you."

The crowd chuckled at Li Na's words, their anticipation growing.

She could sense the room warming up to her, and with a flick of her wrist, she gestured toward the grand piano that sat on the stage.

"Now, without further ado, please sit back, relax, and enjoy the sweet melodies that are about to grace your ears. And remember, if I hit a wrong note, just pretend it's an avant-garde musical masterpiece. Deal?"

The audience erupted in laughter, Li Na's charm had effortlessly won them over.

With a nod, Li Na positioned herself at the piano. Li Na gazed out at the audience, her fingers delicately resting on the piano keys.

Li Na thought about what to play at that moment, then it occurred to her that in her past life, she enjoyed listening to a song called "Golden Hour." It was a song that always put her at ease. She put on a gentle smile on her lips and began.

As Li Na's fingers gracefully danced across the keys, a hushed silence fell upon the room. The gentle notes of the piano drifted through the air, casting a spell of tranquility upon all who listened. The audience members, captivated by the ethereal beauty of the melody, closed their eyes and allowed themselves to be carried away by the music.

The sweet strains of "Golden Hour" enveloped the room, washing over the hearts and minds of those present. The delicate chords resonated with a sense of nostalgia, evoking memories of sunsets and peaceful moments. It was as if time itself stood still, allowing everyone to bask in the warm embrace of the music.

Li Na's expression was one of pure serenity as she poured her soul into each note, infusing the melody with her own emotions. Her fingers moved with precision and grace, caressing the keys as if they were an extension of her very being. Her playing was a mesmerizing spectacle, captivating the audience with its sheer beauty.

As the final notes of "Golden Hour" lingered in the air, the spell was broken, and the audience erupted into applause. The room was filled with admiration and awe for Li Na's exceptional talent. Her performance had touched their hearts, transporting them to a place of tranquility and inner peace.

Li Na, with a humble smile on her face, acknowledged the applause. The sweet melody of "Golden Hour" had allowed her to share a piece of her soul with others.

The memory of Li Na's captivating piano performance would forever be etched in the minds of those fortunate enough to witness it. It was a testament to her artistry, her ability to evoke emotions and transport listeners to another world through the power of music.

As Li Na gracefully rose to her feet, the room erupted in another wave of applause. The thunderous sound filled the hall. It was as if the entire room had fallen under her spell, captivated by her charm.

Amidst the resounding applause, Li Jing stood beside her, a mere afterthought in the shadow of Li Na's brilliance. She fidgeted nervously, her attempts to capture the spotlight was nothing more than a feeble attempt at upstaging an angel.

The contrast between the sisters was stark, one radiating with grace and poise, while the other faded into the background, a mere footnote in the grand performance.

Li Na couldn't help but notice Li Jing's futile attempts to steal the spotlight. It was a pitiful sight.