
Chapter 458

Myerson left Bill Gates' office in high spirits, ready to go back and do a big job.

He believes that Microsoft's WP system has a great chance to overthrow Symbian. Although in the past two years, it can't make a big publicity like entering the browser industry, killing each other with a dollar all the way, but Microsoft is more expensive than Alcatel mobile phones. Even if they are rich and powerful, they can win over the Symbian system even if they use a dollar to win over those mobile phone manufacturers to join the WP system camp!

After Terry Meyerson returned to the department, he immediately began to make drastic changes, took over Microsoft's CE system department, and then directly announced the disbandment of the CE system. In the future, the CE system will not be updated and services will not be provided. There is only one operating system for mobile devices, and that is WP!

  After adjusting Microsoft's special internals, Lee Melson began to attract a number of partners, from the chip manufacturer Texas Instruments, to the mobile phone hardware manufacturer Samsung, to the telecommunications company Vodafone in England, Talstra Telecom in Australia, etc., and the WP system began to cooperate.

Even Melson plans to cooperate with Sendo, a British mobile phone manufacturer, to produce Microsoft's own mobile phones. Melson is obviously aiming at Alcatel mobile phones, chips, hardware, telecommunications, mobile phones, plus WP system, Melson Sen is preparing to directly form a new mobile phone industry chain!

  Alcatel mobile phone is playing in the industry chain, and Melson is not to be outdone, and is also planning to build a mobile phone industry chain, and then promote the WP system to other manufacturers.

  California, In a small office in Los Angeles, the City of Angels, Kalanick, who had just dropped out of UCLA, was crowded with six people in the office of this Internet company with Scour hanging on it.

The frenzy of the Internet finally makes young people in America agitated, just like the rumors that Bill Gates, Jobs and others dropped out of school in the middle of the rise of computer technology many years ago, established companies, and eventually became billionaires after success. The wind started to blow again.

   A group of Internet leaders headed by Mark Anderson, Song Yang, and Yang Zhiyuan are all young and already famous, and they have repeatedly appeared in Time Magazine and Forbes rankings.

Under the touting of the media, Kalanick also began to fall into the trap, but in fact, among these few people, Mark Anderson got his diploma. Although Song Yang had never been to San Jose University a few times, at least he still had No, Yang Zhiyuan dropped out of school halfway, as the rumors said, but the media didn't say that Yang Zhiyuan dropped out when he was studying for a Ph.

Kalanick and the current 6 founders of Scour really ran away. They ran out together before finishing college, and pooled money to start this Internet company. Now, like Kalanick, he was limped by the media There are not a few of them, and they will not know who is swimming until the wind of the Internet subsides.

Kalanick, who was born in San Francisco, is just 21 years old this year. He can run out to build an Internet company. Kalanick must be confident. In the sixth grade, Kalanick learned programming. Families have children".

  In the first 21 years, Kalanick had a smooth life, and being admitted to UCLA, the top three American public universities, proved everything.

   "We need to find investors, otherwise Scour may not survive Christmas!"

Among the members of Scour, the person in charge of finance looked at the balance on the account and said to Kalanick that before Scour was established, Kalanick and the others naturally made a vow that as long as the Scour website was established, they would be able to get investment People's favor, just like Netscape, Double-Click, Yahoo, Lycos and other Internet companies that have been heard in recent years, they are sought after by venture capital companies.

But in reality, they slapped them hard. There was no promotion funds, Scour website was established, and there were very few visitors. Investors had no interest in their resource search engine, and invested in major venture capitals. The company's letter of intent for investment has all been lost, and no news has come out.

After all, no matter how you look at it, you can't see the potential of the Scour website. They can't let the major record companies and Hollywood film and television companies give up their copyrights. Those things that Scour can search for can either be listened to or watched. Users come to the Scour website to do Well?

  People eat horse chews, plus rent, server fees, etc., the founding funds that made Kalanick and his team together began to be consumed in sevens and eights.

   "Perhaps, we should let go of the restrictions on freely sharing and downloading music and video files between users!"

   Kalanick raised his head from a computer, and said to the crowd that Kalanick has an adventurous spirit in his bones. In order to survive, he is willing to go the wrong way, even take risks.

   "But in this case, we will be sued by Hollywood Records and film and television companies in federal court, and they will sue us for bankruptcy!"

Among the few people, someone immediately said that the current federal law does not require the sharing of videos and records on the Internet, but everyone understands that as long as copyright issues are involved, it will touch the backs of Hollywood companies, and there is no way to tolerated.

   "This is Los Angeles. Scour is a website that searches for music and video resources for the convenience of users. Federal laws do not prohibit users from sharing!"

Kalanick said loudly that since the establishment of Scour, there has been no improvement, and Kalanick has become irritable. The reason why he chose to establish Scour in Los Angeles instead of returning to San Francisco, where he was born, is that Kalanick wanted The Scour company established is related to Hollywood.

Kalanick also visited major Hollywood companies, but before he finished speaking, he was bombarded out, asking several Hollywood giants to take out the copyright and hand it over to Scour to put it on the Internet. There is no specific profit plan, just saying From the Scour website, the advertising fee can be distributed to Hollywood companies and the like. The Hollywood giants don't want to hear such nonsense plans at all.

  Hollywood companies are not benevolent, and Kalanick is ready to be unrighteous. He directly releases the restrictions and allows users to share files. As for the music and movies shared, whether they are pirated or not, Kalanick doesn't care.

  As long as it can quickly attract users and increase the click-through rate of visits, the Scour website can attract the attention of investors, get venture capital and even... go public!

   As for the future, the big deal is to get on the bus first and pay for the fare, and then buy the copyright from the Hollywood company in the future. Now, Kalanick just wants to keep Scour company alive.

Kalanick's words caused a lot of debate among several people in Scour. Some agreed with Kalanick's idea. If you catch a sore foot, I'm afraid they will be sued for bankruptcy!

While arguing endlessly, the door of the small office was suddenly pushed open. A young man walked in and looked at Kalanick and the others sitting in the small office. The young man looked around the office and thought again. Watching Kalanick and the others turn around a few times, "Is this Scour company?"

   Kalanick nodded, looked at the young man in front of him, and asked with doubts, "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Evan Spiegel, and I'm here entrusted by an investment company!" Hearing that the person in front of him was the person he was looking for today, Evan Spiegel smiled on his face. It was hard to find, and he struggled for a long time to find it.

  Hearing that it was an investment company, Kalanick was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but get excited, "You want to invest?"

  Evan Spiegel grinned, "Can we talk about it?"

Kalanick, who was sitting across from Evan Spiegel in a coffee shop across the street from Scour's office, finally couldn't help asking after hearing what Evan Spiegel said, "Your Meaning, as long as the Scour website releases restrictions on user sharing, allowing users to freely share and download music and movies, are you willing to invest in Scour?"

Just now, he was still discussing this matter with several other people, and now suddenly someone came to him and told Kalanick that as long as those restrictions were relaxed, he would be able to invest a large amount of money in Scour, which made Kalanick always feel that , it's so weird.

  "Scour website is a very special P2P sharing model, which may be a new model in the future of the Internet!"

Evan Spiegel is talking nonsense about the reasons for investing. In fact, he doesn't understand these things at all, and he is not interested. Based on what Evan Spiegel learned at Stanford, he knows this even with his eyes closed. The thing is playing side-by-side, but he came here today to give Scour a dollar, so it's natural to say it nicely.

   Kalanick was silent for a while, and finally asked, "May I know who invested in Scour?"

Evan Spiegel threatened that he was a member of an overseas investment foundation, but Kalanick knew it was nonsense as soon as he heard it, but the conditions proposed by Evan were indeed attractive. The A round was for the Scour website, investing 8.5 million US dollars, and will provide Scour with the best promotional resources, and will find B-round investors for Scour in the future.

  However, the conditions are so good that Kalanick always feels that there seems to be some special meaning behind this investment.

  Evan Spiegel was silent for a while, and just said to Kalanick, "My investor, let me tell you, he will support you. Even if Scour fails to go public, he will still invest in you in the future!"

When Evan Spiegel rushed back to Song Yang's San Jose villa, he saw that there seemed to be a party in the villa. The two co-presidents of ICQ, Irene and Wesley, as well as Gallo, Greck, and Marcus Si, Xie Qing, several city councilors from San Jose, and celebrities from San Jose all came here. The atmosphere in the villa was lively and noisy, as if they were all waiting for something.

   still owes two chapters