
Chapter 233

Chapter 233 Planning

  In the history of America, it's not that there have been resistance to the Federal Trade Commission, and there have been people who have cursed at the Federal Department of Justice, but this is the first time that someone dared to be so stubborn, and even pointed at the other party's nose!

  Usually for the sake of meeting in the future, they are all American companies. They first bow their heads and admit defeat, and don't want to be targeted by the other party in the future, but this time they double-clicked the company and broke this rule.

  Gleick, on behalf of Double-click, issued three statements, directly placing Double-click in the position of the victim, and biting back, saying that Ella Cherry and the gang were using their power for personal gain and deliberately targeting Double-click.

He even pulled out the current commander-in-chief, a staunch supporter of the commander-in-chief. For the sake of the great commander-in-chief's Internet business, Double-Click Company would go all the way, but Ella Cherry would not do it in her place. Personnel affairs, even thinking of killing Double-click Company, this is obviously holding back the commander-in-chief!

   With this big hat, if you don't know that the founder of Double-click Company, Song Yang, and the current president of Double-click, Whitman, are so close to the Elephant Party, maybe someone really sent a letter.

I don't know if the double-click company will be unlucky, but the phrase "Pull a Texas wild boar can't do worse than her" makes Ella Cherry's name, after the title of "Iron Lady of the Internet" , Spread throughout America.

Sometimes, a nickname can save a person, but sometimes it can disgust a person for a lifetime. If the nickname of Iron Lady of the Internet will make Ella Cherry a powerful figure on the Internet in America, then it is not as good as a comment from a wild boar , I am afraid that I will follow her for the rest of my life, and I will always be remembered from time to time. No matter whether Ella Cherry is actually that good or not, this impression has already left behind.

  Microsoft headquarters is full of laughter at the moment. Watching the news, Gleick's last sentence, the words of Ella Cherry, Bill Gates and all the executives can't help it.

   "Is this the style from Texas?!" Bill Gates couldn't help laughing, and said to a group of Microsoft executives.

Microsoft has been sued for antitrust by the Trade Commission, the Department of Justice, the Department of Commerce, and other departments in America. It has not been once or twice that Microsoft has been fined, collectively sued, and unfair competition. I also hate people like Ella Cherry. Tooth itching.

   Ella Cherry is a strong figure in the antitrust faction. Although she has not yet made a move against Microsoft, Microsoft has long heard of her toughness.

This time, Double-Click Company slammed Ella Cherry as incompetent, lacking Internet common sense, lack of structure, and unusable. Anyway, it directly threatened that Ella Cherry was sitting in the position of director of the Internet Office of the Trade Commission. Food is wasting!

With this blow, Ella Cherry killed the Double-click company, which is okay, but if it is not killed, then Ella Cherry will become a joke, and the antitrust faction will lose a general up.

   "Double-click the company, can you win these lawsuits?"

Bill Gates now likes Song Yang more and more as an ally, who can always bring him "surprises". Microsoft's current size and influence do not allow Bill Gates to speak freely at will. This kind of Texas The cowboy-style handling method, directly facing the sniper, to see who will die, is really enjoyable to watch.

   But after watching the fun, Bill Gates is most concerned about whether Double-Click can escape this time. This is not only for Double-Click, but also for the entire technology industry.

  Microsoft's legal counsel, when he heard this, he understood what his boss was thinking, and he wanted Microsoft to be tougher on these lawsuits.

  The legal consultant directly poured cold water on Bill Gates, "Microsoft's situation is completely different from that of Double-click Company. The way Double-click Company is handled is not applicable to Microsoft at all!"

  Double-clicking hard against the Trade Commission, the whole of America is still mostly spectators. After all, double-clicking only has a large volume and great influence.

But Microsoft, with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, if it goes against the Trade Commission and directly starts a war, then the entire Seattle, Wall Street, Capitol Hill, and even the Grand Commander will be involved. At that time, it will be an unprecedented war Well, even Microsoft may not be able to settle it!

   "Not necessarily, it depends on how Double-Click responds, and whether the Trade Commission really wants to stand with Ella Cherry."

The legal consultant analyzed this war, "Now the Internet industry itself does not have a complete Internet bill. The trade commission's fines and anti-monopoly against Double-click Company are all based on the market share of Double-click Company in the Internet advertising market, which has exceeded 80%. %, the penalty for doing it!"

   "But still the same sentence, there is no real advertising bill on the Internet. If Double-Click Company sticks to this point, it is hard to say whether it will lose, but this lawsuit is likely to be dragged on."

The legal advisor didn't know whether it was the luck of DoubleClick or Ella Cherry's impatience. Now a bug appeared. According to the traditional antitrust law, DoubleClick was indeed involved in anti-monopoly. In the Internet advertising market, it is almost a monopoly. Big, other Internet advertising companies can only follow behind and eat farts.

  But the BUG is that there is no American Internet Act, which clearly stipulates that double-clicking is now illegal, which will lead to, and possibly fall into, a dispute.

   "If this lawsuit drags on, if you double-click the company and are willing to invest money in public relations, let Ella Cherry leave her current position, then you have a chance to win the lawsuit!"

Once the lawsuit is in the quagmire, it is a good thing for Double Click. As long as it drags on, spends money, and constantly puts pressure on Ella Cherry through public relations and contacts, it may end up letting Ella Cherry go. !

But the premise of all this is that Double-click can survive, that is, spending money. If Ella Cherry and the Trade Commission try their best to kill Double-click this time, they may not be able to survive the first round .

  Basically, the legal consultant said, look at Double-Click's reluctance to spend money this time, and see how tough Ella Cherry is, and whether anyone is holding her back!

   "I really hope that the double-click company can win!" Bill Gates sighed faintly. If the double-click company can win, there is no reference value for Microsoft, but he also told Microsoft that there is a way to resolve these lawsuits.

  Double-click's tough response not only caused an uproar in public opinion, but also caused shock among those departments that targeted Double-click.

In a small building in Washington, in the office stronghold organized by Ella Cherry, Ella Cherry looked "calmly" after reading the responses from Gleick and Double-Click Company, and there seemed to be nothing unusual, but she succeeded under the table But he held it tightly, and even the palm of his hand was scratched by nails without realizing it.

  It's like a hunter who was about to pack up a prey, but not only was the prey not killed, but the prey gave him a look back!

Ella Cherry knew that this was a provocation to her. It had been many years, and this kind of thing had never happened in the Trade Commission. If it was not handled properly, this would probably be the last thing she would do in the Trade Commission. It's hard to say whether she will come back again in the future, but it is very likely that she will have to be transferred from the Trade Commission first. The Trade Commission also has to face, and will not let a waste sit there all the time and be ridiculed by the media!

  The phone rang, and it rang suddenly. Seeing the number, Ella Cherry frowned, and picked up the phone anyway, "Mr. Dimos!"

The caller was the current boss of the Federal Trade Commission, Demos Morris, a rare "moderate" boss in the history of the Trade Commission. Since he took office, there has not been a split case of a giant company in America. .

   "Can you tell me what's going on, **** it, the media is all waiting to see the trade commission joke!"

The voice of Demos Morris was full of anger and annoyance. Anyone who suddenly encountered a big pot from the sky would not have a good face, "The Trade Commission, let you go to the Internet Office to formulate an Internet advertising bill , it's not for you to file an antitrust lawsuit."

   "You know just now, that guy Graham started attacking us in front of the media again, and Tom Delay is also asking about this matter!"

Graham is supported by Enron. Representatives of large corporations on Capitol Hill have spoken out for America Telecom before. This time, they stand up again and directly attack the Federal Trade Commission. They are a bunch of trash. If you don't do business, you just want to add trouble.

And Tom Delay was officially nominated recently to become the party whip of the Elephant Party. He asked about this matter because of Adrian and Texas. Tom Delay needs the support of Texas, and also To highlight his identity as a "cowboy" in Texas, so this time, he also called Demos Morris.

After being sprayed by Graham and pressured by Tom Delay, Demos Morris also felt the pressure. The point is, Demos Morris didn't even know about the double-click attack. Ella Cherry took the blame for dragging her onto the pirate ship.

Facing the anger of Demos Morris, Ella Cherry showed no fear, with a somewhat sarcastic expression on her face, "I am doing my duty, Congressman Demos, we have conclusive evidence to prove that Double Click has violated the Antitrust Act!"

  "The Internet is a new industry, we must restrict this industry, otherwise there will be a second Microsoft and a second Telegraph Group in this industry. At that time, antitrust will be a piece of waste paper!"

   "If Congressman Dimos thinks something is wrong with me, he can fire me at any time, and I am willing to follow the order of Congressman Dimos!"

   There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. Ella Cherry could even hear Demos Morris's angry, dull breathing like a bull. It was obvious that Demos was very angry.

Demos Morris was generalized by Ella Cherry. At this moment, how dare he drive Ella Cherry away? If he really wants to do that, he can't even protect his own men, even With the reputation of being afraid of the weak bones of giant companies, then he, the boss of the trade committee, is about to die.

   "Very well, Ella Cherry, in the name of the Trade Commission, I ask you to solve this **** thing immediately!" Demos Morris said when he dropped the phone.

Hearing the loud noise, Ella Cherry sneered a few times. From the moment she launched the attack, she had planned everything. It was impossible for the current trade committee to get rid of her. The only thing she didn't expect was that The double-click company does not play cards according to the routine, and its attitude is tougher than she imagined.

   While Ella Cherry was thinking about countermeasures, the phone rang again, and this time Ella Cherry's expression became serious.

  (end of this chapter)