
Rebel of Joy

And a world facing galactic war, when the king of faction leaders were executed, the order of the galaxy called Lonzstarry banned all races from being faction leaders, but new faction leaders were emerging for the reason that the galaxy governments oblige them. is to humiliate them. So the new faction leaders will be looking for the title of King of all factions in the world, to get that title they will have to go on a long journey that can last for years but it is inevitable that one of these new faction leaders will one day become the King of factions in the world.

Xeroko · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


Bae-shra: you think you can beat me you are such an idiot

Bae-shra: I'm a lizard, from the lizard race and like you are, I'm a small cat.

Mattos: I'll show you the little cat you shit.

Mattos fly up from Bae-shra

Bae-shra goes to use his tail to pierce Mattos' chest, but the spaceship collides with a scraping meteor, Mattos instead of going straight for Bae-shra to attack him, Mattos falls to the left side and hits his head

Bae-shra fall back.

Elizabeth: damn

Elizabeth takes the wheel of the ship

Bae-shra gets up but suddenly Mattos punches his nose and the two fall to the bottom of the ship fighting.

Elizabeth dodges almost every asteroid.

Bae-shra: you shit

Bae-shra kicks Mattos in the chest and he lands on his back on the right side, Bae-shra looks at his weapon lying on the ground and picks it up, aims at Mattos' face.

Bae-shra: his last words

Mattos: I want you to fuck off.

Bae-shra smile.

Bae-shra: great words.

When Bae-shra goes to press the button to shoot Mattos, Elizabeth shoots an arrow in Bae-shra's neck.

Bae-shra falls to the ground spitting blood

Mattos gets up and looks at Elizabeth smiling and nods.

Suddenly Bae-shra starts laughing

Mattos look at Bae-shra

Mattos grabbing Bae-shra by the shirt is the lift.

Mattos: what's the fun you bastard

Bae-shra: you two forgot that I'm from the lizard race, right?

matto: yeah

Bae-shra: my race is an animal reptile, it's reptile skin regenerates very fast not even the worst of injuries will kill me because I'm a fast regenerating reptile.

Mattos then looked at Bae-shra's wound with the arrow, but the wound was catrified and the arrow was falling to the ground.

Matthews: it can't be

Bae-shra then grabs Mattos by the neck and lifts him up with incredible strength.

Elizabeth, noticing that Mattos was at risk, took her sword from her backpack and went towards Bae-shra.

Bae-shra realized that Elizabeth was going towards her to hurt him again.

Bae-shra then throws Mattos against Elizabeth Mattos hits Elizabeth, Elizabeth is thrown backwards and hits her head on the ground and passes out.

Mattos lands backwards.

Bae-shra: look I wanted to keep playing with you but I have a commitment to kidnap the mayor's daughter so goodbye until never again, see you in hell.

A ship lands next to the ship where Mattos is Elizabeth, it is on this ship that piloting The Minimizer landed.

Bae-shra grab a grenade.

Bae-shra look at Elizabeth is Mattos

Bae-shra smile at Mattos

Bae-shra throw the grenade at Elizabeth.

Matthews: No!

Bae-shra jumping from the ship is flying to the entrance of The Minimizer's ship.

The ship where Elizabeth and Mattos are located explodes

So The Minimizer and Bae-shra go to The Dark Prison to fulfill their diabolical plans.